Posts by DG8KD

    AST based on a CubeSat:

    Light-1, which is a 3U cubesat from United Arab Emirates (this was first discovered by Tetsurou Satou JA0CAW). The framing contains the typical elements of the built-in packet handler of low cost FSK chips such as the Texas Instruments CC11xx family. Scott Tilley noticed some details that seem to explain this connection: Light-1 was built by NanoAvionics, which apparently has collaborated with AST SpaceMobile in the BlueWalker 3 mission. Therefore, it seems that the satellite bus used by BlueWalker 3 is that of a typical cubesat.

    Would it make sense to complain directly at AST Spacemobile? As far as I am aware the next generation of the birds at AST is not finally designed.

    Die üblichen Verdächtigen:

    Bucht und kleinanzeigen....

    In der Bucht für 150 zu haben....

    Kathrein Prime Fokus Sat-Antenne CAS 012 mit Polarmount

    Danke für den Screenshot.


    Eigentlich sollten die Mobilfunksender beim Überflug über Deutschland aktuell ausgeschaltet sein, der Überflug erfolgt aktuell einmal in der Nacht über DL.

    Die offizielle Testphase für den Mobilfunkbetrieb in den Staaten startet vorauss. Ende des Monats.

    Nach ein wenig Suche im offenen I-net (twitter) gefunden.

    Die Lizenz im 70cm Amateurfunkband verfällt am 24.05.2023.

    Ob die nächsten 5 Satelliten, die bis Ende 2023 gestartet werden sollen, wieder die 437.500 MHz nutzen werden, konnte ich noch nicht in Erfahrung bringen.

    Hier der Versuch einer Erklärung, wieso auf BW-3 diese Frequenz/Modulation nutzt:

    "A month ago, I looked at the UHF packets and checked that BlueWalker 3 used exactly the same modulation and coding as Light-1, which is a 3U cubesat from United Arab Emirates (this was first discovered by Tetsurou Satou JA0CAW). The framing contains the typical elements of the built-in packet handler of low cost FSK chips such as the Texas Instruments CC11xx family. Scott Tilley noticed some details that seem to explain this connection: Light-1 was built by NanoAvionics, which apparently has collaborated with AST SpaceMobile in the BlueWalker 3 mission. Therefore, it seems that the satellite bus used by BlueWalker 3 is that of a typical cubesat."

    Decoding the BlueWalker 3 S-band downlink – Daniel Estévez (

    Anscheinend ist die Spannung 20V zu hoch angegeben, 5,19 V halte ich für plausibel, 1,6A (auch unwahrscheinlich, weil USB versorgt ) gäbe ca. 8,8 W Leistungsaufnahme

    Man kann die Spannungs- und Stromwerte kontinuierlich auslesen:

    You can monitor current and voltage usage using the onboard ADM1177. It will provide the instantaneous current and voltage.

    The ADM1177 can used as an IIO device just like the AD936x.

    1 tcollins@winston:~$ iio_attr -u usb:2.38.5 -c adm1177 voltage0

    2 dev 'adm1177', channel 'voltage0' (input), attr 'scale', value '6.433105468'

    3 dev 'adm1177', channel 'voltage0' (input), attr 'raw', value '654'

    it says you will receive an email but it doesn't arrive, as said wait wait but after 20 minutes nothing there is not in it spamm.... 73 Tony ik1hgi

    Ok, so it seems that for any reason the email adress has been changed and somone else is receiving those mails.....Try to contact Jean-Pierre directly or register with different email adress.

    As Jean-Pierre is not answering or you are not receiving his answers it seems to me that the email adress has been changed.

    So I would suggest to contact F6DZP directly to solve this problem when a new registration with a different email is not possible.

    Ok, Weird.

    Would it be possible that someone changed the email adress within the VivaDATV forum to a different one without your knowledge? (maybe used a too simple pwd?)

    Maybe a re-registration is a possibility?


    If your password isn´t working, try klicking on" I forgot my password" and you will receive a new password via the registered mail to your username within minutes.

    With this new password access to the VivaDATV-board should be possible again.

    Hope that helps.


    die Grenzen werden zum einen durch die Physik definiert: der Hohlleiter ist ja auch der Frequenz angepasst.

    Die beiden Koppelsifte haben auf Grund ihrer Länge auch eine Resonanzfrequenz.

    Und die verbauten Verstärker und Filter gehen in die Bandbreitenbetrachtung wohl auch mit ein, genauso wie der LO.

    Da wir hier von LNB aus der Konsumertechnik sprechen , wird die Bandbreite ja nach Hersteller und Serie einer gewissen Schankungsbandbreite unterliegen und eine messtechnische Erfassung wenig Aussagekraft haben.

