Posts by IW7EHC

    Thanks all for the info.

    I've been searching the web and found out that the splitter is much simpler than I thought, the only critical component being the DC block capacitor, that must be sized to give the correct impedance at the chosen frequency.

    I'll go the homemade way.

    Hi all,

    wondering if anyone came up with the same requirement, basically I need to connect one GPS active (powered) antenna to 2 devices:

    1) a small GPS chip (NEO-6M), that will be used to show lat long date time and grid

    2) a Leo Bodnar unit to generate the reference clocks

    any suggestion on a splitter that can be homemade or commercial solutions?



    thanks for the tip, will download it and give it a try.

    Never used python before, so the next question will probably sound "funny":

    Is it an operating system or an additional software I can download and run in windows?



    I was doing some testing in the past with VSPE and the other software mentioned above, I tried all possible combinations (including the connector), but only one at a time, no luck.

    I wasn't aware of the SDRC page on serial connections (I'm positively sure that I had all my settings wrong.....)

    Will re-test everything when I go back to the HQ.

    thanks for now


    it's a win 10, 64 bit.

    SDRC is connected to a Pluto.

    I was trying what you described , link Log4OM to SDRC using OmniRig, but in my case it didn't fly.

    Any chance you could share some screenshots, I don't think there's too much difference even if you're using a different Win version.

    Hi everyone,

    any advice on a logbook software that can be used for portable operation?

    I've been trying to link Log4OM to SDRConsole, no luck.

    I would be fine with a log where I can input the callsign, and everything else (UTC, date,mode) is pre-populated.

    Lacking the CAT link, the frequency won't be recorded as well, but as long as I can specify it once, and keep it as long as I use the log, I'm fine.

    I would like to avoid entering the frequency for every QSO.

    Last but not least, it should allow export in Adif, in order to save the /P QSOs in the main log when I'm back home.



    All clear now, But since the max input power at the DX patrol PA is 70 mW(from the datasheet), I was worried that I could overdrive it .

    Good news,I will get rid of the attenuators, just direct pigtails links between the 3 modules.


    Usa un traduttore per leggere il mio post iniziale e capirai meglio il senso della mia domanda,ho l’impressione che ti sei “lost in translation” ;)

    Hello guys,

    I'm assembling a portable station with a PLUTO.

    The setup is the usual one:

    Pluto--> CN0417-->DXpatrol PA (12W)

    I have installed a 5dB attenuator between the CN0417 and the PA, based on the figures available on the datasheets this should give me around 70mW at the input of the PA.

    What I did not consider in my calculations are the losses introduced by the pigtails (made of RG316) and associated SMA connectors, used to link the 3 devices.

    The question is:

    maybe I can reduce the attenuator between the CN0417 and the PA to a smaller one (drop it from 5dB to 2dB), considering the extra losses introduced by the pigtails?

    Or remove it completely, given the equivalent attenuation given by the pigtails?

    The lenghts used range from 30 to 15 cm.

    Trying to be energy efficient here :-), I would hate to loose power along the way (when not needed).

    Any advice is welcome

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the update.

    It wasn’t my intention to question or criticize the service that Dom is providing to the ham community.

    I was just puzzled by the lack of replies to my emails, that’s it.

    Thanks again to everyone involved.

    Hello folks,

    I'm wondering if any of you has been in contact recently with Dom DL5EBE.

    I've mailed him a QSL card for the QSO I had with DP0GVN, followed by some confirmation emails, but I haven't heard from him since then.

    Does anyone have any news?



    I hope this is the right section to post it...... :)


    Hello everyone,

    my brand new Minitiouner S does not work on a win 10 pc.

    Even if the VLC is installed in the proper folder (as specified by the error message window that appears when i run Minitiouner), it seems that is not found and the software does start in a crashed mode, with several error windows.....

    I'm attaching the screenshots in the same order as they appear when I launch the software (from top to bottom, left to right).

    Forgive the mess with the images in the post,that's the best I could do.

    Any suggestions?



    even if this was not my original intention (to be able to receive NB and WB at the same time), your suggestion was very valid.

    I've ordered a Diavolo twin LNB, I really like the fact that I can have 2 independent coax lines and run 2 receivers at the same time.

    Frequency locking on the NB should not be an issue, since I'm using SDR Console.

    On the WB, I'm not sure if the lack of an external reference to the LNB could be an issue, since I have zero experience on it, any suggestions?

    The way I see it, since the band used on DATV is much wider, small frequency variations should go un-noticed, am I right?

    I hope so :)
