DX-Patrol Ground station is full duplex .
If you have right hardware you can work full duplex.
RX LNB is working when you TX so that is full duplex
Just put spitter on LNB output for 70 cm receiver like SDR dongle and then you have full duplex.
ICOM IC-9700 can´t work full duplex on 70 cm , only one antenna connector for 70 cm.
And again Icom IC-9700 do not support transverter or full duplex on one band
But you can use SDR dongle and panadapter to get full duplex operation on ICOM IC-9700
If you use Pluto SDR transceiver with DX-Patrol ground station, you have full duplex operation !
You need splitter on LNB out , one to the station and one to Pluto RX
And DX patrol is full duplex !