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The topic is interesting so I tried a practical experiment: NB3N3020 vs ICS512.
1) The measurement circuit looked like this photo: 0.jpg.
2) TRV is without a case is powered by OCXO 10MHz photo: 1.jpg.
3) OCXO 10MHz x2.5 through NB3N3020 chip to LNB. Bicon QO-100 received at: 81dBm. Photo: 2.jpg
4) TRV board with NB3N3020 chip installed. Photo: 3.jpg
5) Installed adapter (prosthesis) NB3N3020 on ICS512. Photo: 4.jpg
6) Installed ICS512. Photo: 5.jpg
7) Checking that ICS512 works well (multiplies x2.5) Photo: 6.jpg
8 ) TRV does not receive the bicon after installing ICS512. Noise: 90dBm. Photo: 7.jpg
9) Avers TRV. Photo:8.jpg
The conclusion is that ICS512 is not suitable for X2.5 for LNB to QO-100
Thank you for your attention.
Hi Artur,
Happy new year. I am planning to replace the 2x hackRF One boards I used for qo-100 NB with an adalm Pluto I got (Enclosure says Rev C, PCB inside says Rev D).
Apart from the GPSDO solution (I am not planning to buy a Leo Bodnar GPSDO at this point and already have one DIY GPSDO with 10MHz OCXO) what is the best and easy solution for NB operation?
10MHz OCXO >> NB3N3020 (in x4)?
** I have searched the forums for few days, and apparently couldn't find the exact information.
Please suggest.