I'm preparing to join the QO-100 party after many years or QRT ( the FT847 still looks beautiful but needed a good dusting ) and have a Pluto Rev B to stabilise. I've been looking at this thread about the various options and problems in obtaining certain TCXO's. I came across a 40MHz Kyocera device in a similar package on Ebay today for about £10 and wondered whether anybody here has had any experience using this device. The part number is KT2520K40000DAW18TAS
The spec' looks pretty comparable to the Abracon TCXO : 2ppm (not as good but maybe good enough?) , 1.8v, 10K, 10pF load imp, clipped sinewave output etc.. Phase noise looks slightly better at -86dBc/Hz at 10Hz
Here's the full data sheet https://media.digikey.com/pdf/…20K40000DAW18TAS_Spec.pdf
I'd be interested to hear any thoughts on this device. Once it arrives, I'll feed back my experience of trying to use it.