Posts by F1EJP


    New version V3.08 now compatible with HackRF One > Thanks to SV9IOQ for is help

    and always the LimeSDR mini, PlutoSDR with manufacturer firmware and Pluto with F5OEO firmware.

    New compared to version 3.05

    - Added support for HackRF SDR over USB

    - Better support for opening and closing ffmpeg window if box checked.

    - Fixed bug on AV1 soft coding which crashes..

    - No need to manually install Eclipse Mosquitto anymore

    - b_ref_mode disabled for certain NVIDIA cards that crash.

    - Graphic redesign with separate PTT Tab and Monitoring Tab

    - Added reading of Device parameters for Pluto DVB2 version: Pluto version, Firmware version, temperature, buffer

    - Added automatic start possible for OBS

    - Added possibility to adjust ffmpeg preset parameters > faster for slow PC or reduce latency or slower for better quality!

    - Added opening x y coordinate setting in param.ini file

    73 Dominique F1EJP



    New version V3.05 compatible with LimeSDR mini, PlutoSDR with manufacturer firmware and Pluto with F5OEO firmware.
    New compared to version 2.17:
    - New design
    - choice between hard and soft codec easier
    - added commands latest F5OEO firmware
    - new power adjustment slider in 0.25dB steps
    - addition of fec and automatic/manual gain
    - Added GOP setting
    - Added GSE
    - Added AV1 codec for streaming on GSE experimental
    - Added delay setting for relays

    - fixed small configuration bugs

    - automatic threshold adjustment

    - FecAuto flow adjustment

    - addition of output indicators

    - Pluto startup modification

    - new ffmpeg 6.1.1 compilation with VVC codec up to 25% faster

    - optimization of sending mqtt orders (faster START)

    - addition of emission frequency offset NCO

    - Added Quick Tune option with automatic launch

    - choice of frequency and SR with Quick Tune

    Forum DATV• •Download DATV-Easy V3.05

    73 Dominique F1EJP


    Latest current updates:

    - fixed small configuration bugs

    - automatic threshold adjustment

    - FecAuto flow adjustment

    - addition of output lights indicators

    - Pluto startup modification

    - new ffmpeg 6.1.1 compilation with VVC codec up to 25% faster

    - optimization of sending mqtt orders (faster START)

    - addition of emission frequency offset

    be patient it's coming soon !

    73 Dominique F1EJP

    Hello Sandor,

    AV1 does not currently work with mpegts.

    You say that "AV1 streaming via ffmpg works well on the pluto"?

    If any OM has experience, please post there!

    I did streaming av1 in avi and udp experimentally but not very usable.

    In this version 3 i add coding AV1 soft (and Hard not tested) soon avaible.

    Thanks for your questions and reply of experimentation !

    73 Dominique F1EJP


    Soon a new version currently being tested by some OM ;)

    - New design

    - Switch to latest ffmpeg version

    - choice between hard and soft codec easier

    - added commands latest F5OEO firmware PLUTODVB2

    - new power adjustment slider in 0.25dB steps

    - addition of fec and automatic/manual gain

    - Added GOP setting

    - Added GSE

    - Added AV1 codec for streaming on GSE experimental

    - Added delay setting for relays and output Arduino

    - Added indicator lights for relays and output

    73 Dominique F1EJP


    Hello Rolf,

    The list of compatible graphics cards is provided in the package: Choix-Choice Encoder.txt

    GT200m seem to old.

    What is the error message ?

    @Jabi You can enter the power in "Tx Gain %"

    73 Dominique F1EJP

    Hi Roll

    Sorry for the late reply, if the problem still exists it looks like a corrupted file.

    - uninstall all pass CCLEANER

    - download the setup again

    - reinstall with antivirus disabled

    Or maybe driver problem of graphic card, what is your choice of encoder in configuration ?

    -maybe look if you have the lasted driver of GeForce GTX 1650

    - test on soft encoder to see if the bug persists

    73 Dominique F1EJP

    Hello everyone,

    New version V2.17 compatible with LimeSDR mini, PlutoSDR with manufacturer firmware and Pluto with F5OEO firmware.

    New compared to version 2.16:

    - Switch to ffmpeg version 6.0

    - Added old firmware versions F5OEO (ex 2908)

    - Added Rolloff 0.10

    - Added visualization encoding speed must be > 99% to avoid drops

    - Added H266 VVC Experimental codec only soft coding is available: monitor CPU load!

    >> don't forget to switch with soft encoder and in non-automatic settings

    >> BEWARE experimental only start with small bitrate and low fsp 66KS or 125KS and 8fps then gradually increase

    >> The newer your CPU, the better your results will be

    To receive the H266 >> supply "DecodeH266" file for h266 decoding in UDP with ffplay or VVCeasy

    good test

    73 Dominique F1EJP


    The new DATV-Easy 2.17 is made with ffmpeg 6 !

    It will avaible soon for your test !

    The script which I give the link for decoding is made with ffplay (ffmpeg 6)

    A plugin exist also for VLC

    For VVC H266 the minimum CPU seem a old I5

    ON1RC test the limit of the CPU I5 98 %

    For me between 60 and 100% with a old I7

    Please note that the software coding remains experimental and is not yet as good as the H265, it is limited in speed and fps by the power of the cpu.

    Its quality can still be improved.

    73 Dominique F1EJP


    This new compression will reduce the video stream by 50% for the same quality and therefore the bandwidth occupied.

    It is a future compression standard for 4K 8K television.

    The first televisions equipped with a decoding chip should be released this year !

    For the moment the H266 only works in soft coding because there is not yet a graphic card which supports it.

    CPU load goes from 60 to 100%

    for the moment it is necessary to limit to a small flow and fps

    The latency is about 15 seconds.

    If you want to test in reception and give a report download the files below. You must unzip the folder on the desktop and if necessary modify the ip and the port in the .bat file to correspond to the udp output of the Minitiouner

    and launch the .bat corresponding to the desired definition.

    73 Dominique F1EJP


    Here is the new version 2.16 which includes all the improvements indicated in the post above.

    You can use it with:

    - the ADALM PLUTO in USB2 with the original firmware from Analog Device

    - The ADALM PLUTO in Ethernet with the Firmware of Evariste F5OEO from 2021 : 0201, 0303, (2103), 2402

    - The LimeSDR mini in USB3

    You can leave many of the default settings on Automatic or experiment with your settings.

    The software also allows you to monitor and control your amplifiers by relay control.

    The ZIP Pack includes:

    - the installation executable

    - the drivers to install (for the Pluto install the 2 exe's)

    - links to compatible graphics cards or processor for hardware encoding

    - the program for an Arduino Uno with an Ethernet shield card for monitoring the current, voltage, temperature and power.

    - a summary of possible remote commands in UDP

    - A shortcut to start OBS automatically with the virtual camera

    Do not forget to read the PDF notice before any questions.

    Thank you for your feedback and encouragement.

    Happy testing!

    73 Dominique F1EJP

    >> remember to uninstall any older version first !

    >> Attention for NVIDIA coding You need to update your NVIDIA graphics card drivers…p?f=84&t=982&p=4037#p4037

    Hello Sandor

    Don't think that OM is not interested in this AV1 codec as well as H266!

    It is not yet well implemented by the manufacturers but we are testing it.

    Currently the mpeg-ts container is not compatible with this codec for DVB broadcasting.

    The future will undoubtedly be the DVB-GSE container, the first tests of which have begun.

    73 Dominique F1EJP

    Hi there,

    New version V2.16 compatible with LimeSDR mini, PlutoSDR with manufacturer firmware and Pluto with F5OEO firmware.

    >> Will be shortly available on the next post.

    New compared to version 2.12:

    - Added maximum gain coefficient to protect amplifiers from saturation

    - Added old settings for outdated NVIDIA card "NVIDIA_old"

    - Latest version ffmpeg 01/22/2023 (12.2.0 Rev9)

    - Automatic choice of the aac codec type according to the bit rate

    - Added Audio SR 22050 and 16000 and auto switch to these values for low bit rate

    - Actual minimum bitrate in AAC is now 6kb/s

    - Added audio low pass filters depending on SR

    - New automatic settings optimization

    - On Pluto choice, automatic reboot added when exiting the software

    - On Start switch to DATV mode and on Exit switch to passthrough mode (for those who work in voice mode on the Pluto)

    - Choice of 5 IP possible on Pluto

    >> Now possibility minimum : SR20 on DVB-S2 QPSK 5/6

    73 Dominique F1EJP

    Hi there,

    New version V2.12 compatible with LimeSDR mini, PlutoSDR with manufacturer firmware and Pluto with F5OEO firmware.

    Will be available on the next post.

    New compared to version 2.08:

    - modification reset watchguard and new ARDUINO program (following some bugs when switching on the relays)

    - Added rx frequency display for the QO100 satellite

    - Added rolloff 0.15

    - Choice of squared or not of Watts measurements in file C:\F1EJP\param.ini (depending on whether the measurement is linear or logarithmic)

    - Modification "Automatic image" in "All automatic" for audio also (memorization)

    - Modification of the PTT button > remains engaged independently of Stop

    - adjustment of automatic PCR thresholds

    - reset AD9361 Pluto on exit

    - application of new parameters by pressing START + again

    - even easier! Added audio and video input on Logitec C920 and C922 camera (no need to know OBS or Vmix)

    - tick to get a separate monitoring window

    - reduction of thresholds to improve low throughput SR25 or 20

    - Addition of new remote commands in UDP (see Remote UDP server file)

    - Added 4K for fun..

    - ffmpeg parameter optimizations for low speed and cuts: buffer setting, data stub thresholds, automatic values

    - added latest version ffmpeg 2022 12 06 (newer than 5.1.2)

    - added time delay setting on LimeSDR mini calibration (11 seconds by default)

    - improved image definition presets

    73 Dominique F1EJP…p?f=84&t=946&p=3999#p3999