Posts by F1EJP

    Hi there,

    New version V2.12 compatible with LimeSDR mini, PlutoSDR with manufacturer firmware and Pluto with F5OEO firmware.

    Will be available on the next post.

    New compared to version 2.08:

    - modification reset watchguard and new ARDUINO program (following some bugs when switching on the relays)

    - Added rx frequency display for the QO100 satellite

    - Added rolloff 0.15

    - Choice of squared or not of Watts measurements in file C:\F1EJP\param.ini (depending on whether the measurement is linear or logarithmic)

    - Modification "Automatic image" in "All automatic" for audio also (memorization)

    - Modification of the PTT button > remains engaged independently of Stop

    - adjustment of automatic PCR thresholds

    - reset AD9361 Pluto on exit

    - application of new parameters by pressing START + again

    - even easier! Added audio and video input on Logitec C920 and C922 camera (no need to know OBS or Vmix)

    - tick to get a separate monitoring window

    - reduction of thresholds to improve low throughput SR25 or 20

    - Addition of new remote commands in UDP (see Remote UDP server file)

    - Added 4K for fun..

    - ffmpeg parameter optimizations for low speed and cuts: buffer setting, data stub thresholds, automatic values

    - added latest version ffmpeg 2022 12 06 (newer than 5.1.2)

    - added time delay setting on LimeSDR mini calibration (11 seconds by default)

    - improved image definition presets

    73 Dominique F1EJP


    A new version of DATV-Easy 2.09 is in preparation:
    - modification reset watchguard and ARDUINO program
    - Add QO100 rx frequency display
    - Added rolloff 0.15
    - Choice of squared or not Watts measurements in param.ini file
    - Modification "Automatic image" in "All automatic" for audio also (memorization)
    - Modification PTT button > remains engaged regardless of Stop
    - auto PCR threshold setting
    - reset AD9361 Pluto on exit
    - application of new parameters by pressing "START +" again

    To output a udp stream for the Portsdown FreeStreamCoder is sufficient because DATV-Easy allows you to drive the Lime mini directly via USB.

    >> I just upgraded FreeStreamCoder 2.90 with the same settings as DATV-Easy.
    Here is the link:

    73 Dominique F1EJP


    Here is the new version 2.08 which allows the support of the latest firmware of Evariste F5OEO
    You now have at your disposal a software for both beginners and seasoned OM at DATV
    You can use it with:

    - the ADALM PLUTO in USB2 with the original firmware from Analog Device

    - The ADALM PLUTO in Ethernet with the Firmware of Evariste F5OEO

    - The LimeSDR mini in USB3

    You can leave many of the default settings on Automatic or experiment with your settings.

    The software also allows you to monitor and control your amplifiers by relay control.

    The ZIP Pack includes:

    - the installation executable

    - the drivers to install (for the Pluto install the 2 exe's)

    - links to compatible graphics cards or processor for hardware encoding

    - the program for an Arduino Uno with an Ethernet shield card for monitoring the current, voltage, temperature and power.

    Do not forget to read the PDF notice before any questions.

    Thank you for your feedback and encouragement.

    Happy testing!

    >>> Link for Donwload

    73 Dominique F1EJP

    Hi there,

    New version compatible with LimeSDR mini, PlutoSDR with manufacturer firmware and Pluto with F5OEO firmware.

    Currently being tested on F5OEO "perseverance" firmware 2021 03 03 ;)

    >> No more need to open several software at the same time and coder or external machine everything is integrated: ^^

    • H265 coding with calculations

    • Send Control replaces Pluto's web interface with a browser.

    • UDP direct output to replace FreeStreamCoder on the latest F5OEO firmwares (in Ethernet)

    • Relay control

    • Monitoring

    • Extension of frequencies from 10 to 6000 MHz

    • Added Default frequency of 15 fsp

    • Check “All Automatic” to choose all automatic or manual definition and image frequency.

    • Can receive external frequency and SR commands via UDP request for use with software such as the longmynd client.

    • Added manual PTT control of relays or digital outputs.

    Coming soon to beta testers

    73 Dominique F1EJP


    Here is the file that I had prepared for the HAM RADIO 2022 DATV Forum which was presented by Michel HB9DUG whom I thank again.

    Current developments for version 2.00 are:

    • Extension of frequencies from 10 to 6000 MHz

    • Added Default frequency of 15 fsp

    • Check “All Automatic” to choose the type of settings.

    • Frequency and SR command by UDP request for use with software such as the longmynd client.

    • Choice of directly ordering the latest F5OEO firmware without opening the browser (in Ethernet and UDP)

    • Added manual PTT control of relays or digital outputs

    • Direct UDP output to replace FreeStreamCoder

    73 Dominique F1EJP


    Hello Lucien,

    If the left green LED stops there is a communication problem with Pluto.

    Maybe firmware 0303 (untested) DATV-Easy works with manufacturer's firmware and some F5OEO firmware.

    Have you installed the latest PlutoSDR-M2k-USB-Drivers.exe driver and libiio-0.23.gc14a0f8-Windows-setup.exe?

    Have you tested in experimental Ethernet?

    If so, can you test with usb?

    73 Dominique F1EJP

    Hello everyone

    I am waiting to receive an Adalm Pluto from Analog Devices to optimize the tests on Ethernet.

    As soon as possible I will make available for all on a first version of DATV-Easy v1.25

    In 1.25 optimisation buffer ffmpeg and possibility to edit frequency (Easy)

    ATTENTION if your pc is not powerful enough it produces drops:

    minimum prerequisite:
    - processor I5 and preferably I7
    - graphic card with GPU or processor Intel with GPU
    - USB 3

    73 Dominique F1EJP


    After FreeSteamCoder, i started a new development > Datv-Easy for >> Windows

    >> for the LimeSDR mini and Pluto

    First tests with some OM in progress.

    There is problem in DVBT.

    I am waiting for new equipment to perform the tests in DVBT.

    In DVBS2 the Lime mini and Pluto seem ok in USB

    I need test of Pluto with adaptater Ethernet

    The last Beta version has some improvements including the adjustment of the gain in transmission.

    73 Dominique F1EJP