Posts by DL5RDI


    If it is a kit to assemble your self it is no problem with customs - Kits are also excluded from the CE - marking.

    Thus if there has to be soldered something or two parts just connceted together or the PCB has to be mounted in the housing it is a kit (Bausatz) and is not affected by a missing CE-sign.

    (I think it is a parallel to the FCC-rules in the US where you have so called kits where you have to put just one transistor in a socket to complete a rig - than this device has not to be FCC-certifed).

    The lesson, be first to market, do not dither about trying to get everything optimal and get global agreement on standards. it was with VCRs in the 80s: VHS (better marketing) vs VIDEO 2000 (the better system) :) ...


    Hello Remco,

    with my example where I used german laws to show what is relevant for logging I did not suggest that it is mandatory because it is "German", but just to demonstrate how officials (in many countries) see logging and to show what was the original meaning of logging.

    When you upload a correct ADIF to clublog (with the propagation mode "SAT" set - like I do) then clublog does NOT count these QSOs for 13cm DXCC. My count in clublog does not show >60 13cm DXCC (because I worked and uploaded them "the right way" to cloblog)

    Thus just the ADIF-upload to clubog, LOTW,....has be correct (in your case it seem that the propagation mode is not/or wrong set) :)

    73 de Johannes

    Hello Remco,

    I just can say how LOTW (and other major QSL-systems: e.g. handle satellite QSOs.

    You have to input your TX-QRG in the ADIF-QRG-field. And you have to fill the "Propagation" field with SAT.

    The downlink-QRG/Band not required, but can be added (e.g. for LOTW).

    What counts is the TX QRG !. And I think when we remeber the origin of our logbook (to document our TX-signals - e.g. for coincidence with TVI in the environment or for contorl by our local authorities...) - which was obligatory when I made my license in the mid 80s - this is the most logical consequence - to document the TX-frequency.

    Even today in DL you have to have a log book for all your TXing in 4m and 6m even with antenna direction (and when having a crossband-QSO only your TXing in 4m or 6m has to be logged - not your RX in 10m or 2m or, or or....and RX in 4m and 6m has not to be logged)

    73 de Johannes


    mindestens LOTW will unbedingt die TX-QRG angegeben haben (die RX-QRG ist fakultativ).

    Also IMMER die QRG angeben auf der gesendet wurde...alles andere ist "Beiwerk".

    Servus, 73 de Johannes

    Hello Guntram,

    thanks for the explanation of the SAT-modes. But AFAIK ADIF does not support these special "band-letters" (and so clublog and LOTW will "ignore" this additional information . ADIF just allows "SAT" - but that 's enough for correct treatment in these before mentioned log-systems.

    73 de Johannes

    Hello Remco,

    ADIF allows you an additional field of propagation mode (i.e. SAT). In my QSOs via QO-100 uploaded this way Clublog writes in the "DXCC-field" "SATELLITE, INTERNET OR REPEATER". Thus I think these QSOs do not count for a DXCC-ranking list in 13cm. (Or am I wrong ?)

    73 de Johannes


    Hello Detlef,

    more than 12V is only more stress for the internal DC-DC-transformer of the PA. The applied 12V are internaly regulated to 6V.

    Thus if you really think about higher voltage:

    First look at the datasheet of the power transistor - especially the voltage specification. And if there is enough headroom, then you have to change the internal DC-DC-converter or inject the higher voltage direct.

    But I think HB9SKA is right....nobody will recongnice a difference between 3,8W and 4,3W ;) So it's not worth the effort.

    73 de Johannes


    Hello if you read their entry they say (or at least they sayid it when I read it) that wether the DX nor the manager will respond to Emails.

    But from my own experience I can say, that you get your QSL 100% if you OQRS via clublog with payment via PayPal.

    My QSO with S01WS was on 17/2/19

    73 de johannes


    nice to hear, that there will be a activity from TA via QO-100. I assume you have special permit for TX on 2.4 GHz. Will there be also spezial permitts for other HAMs in TA to TX on 2.4GHz via QO-100 ?

    73 de Johannes


    I made several QSOs (160m up to 6m and also via QO-100) with S01WS. My Sat-QSO is showing up as 13cm SSB in clublog.

    I ordered a few times QSLs (OQRS) via clublog from S01WS (you have to contribute via PayPal) and received all cards very fast. (I have not yet applied for the Sat-QSO-card - but I think this will also be no problem).

    73 de Johannes