has anyone experiance with a DREAMBOX DM520 HD Receiver for low symbol rates ?
73, Martin DL9SAD
has anyone experiance with a DREAMBOX DM520 HD Receiver for low symbol rates ?
73, Martin DL9SAD
A fellow HAM also uses this solution. The 28/432 MHz Transverter fom "Transverter-Store" in between ....
73, Martin DL9SAD
The insertion of a so called LTE-Fiter (Goobay 67511, or Axing TZU 198-62) between LNB can help ...
I will try thais also ....
I tested also yesterday. Excellent software !!!!
martin DL9SAD
Hello Kai,
can you tell me, where I can get this nice housing ?
73, Martin
I am using this Transverter. I am very fine with it. With 2W out, 6m Aircell 7 cable into a 5-turn Helix + 80cm dish. The signal is normally 6 dB above the noise. The helix from Winkler-Antennen seems to have a bad SWR (> 1:2.0), but it works. I ordered a N1201A Analyzer to test it. I should still have patch feeds from AO-40, but they are deep in my "electronic mud"....
Does anyone remember the OM from Italy, who build AO-40 down-converters with 60cm dish. Is he still active ?
73, Martin DL9SAD
Danke, reicht mir vorerst. Ich bin ab morgen ein paar Tage weg. Dann melde ich mich nochmal ...
73, Martin
Hat anyone experience with ADALM-Pluto as Receiver or as DATV-Transmitter ?
73, Martin DL9SAD
Hallo Heiner,
I habe einen Pluto, habe ihn aber noch nicht zum Laufen bekommen. Gibt es irgenwo eine Anleitung ? Ich würde gerne auch mit GNU-Radio arbeiten und ihn als DATV-Sender nutzen.
Hi Maurizio,
the feed you mean is a 5-turn Helix with a female N-Connector. I had no problems connecting the cable.
The Kuhne UP-Konverter reports good SWR, but I still have to write a software to read out the SWR. Give me a little bit of time.
73, Martin DL9SAD