Hi Enzo,
a good choice may be the Bulleseye 10 kHz BE01. That LNB has a TCXO stabilized LO-PLL.
Specs see here: https://othernet.is/products/b…h-stability-universal-lnb
It works very fine. I do not know the real frequency offset of the 25 MHz TCXO. But while testing my LNB I found that it is some 16 kHz above the 25 MHz. I use that LNB for quite a while with Simon Brown's SDR Console and frequency correction using the PSK beacon.
Without frequency correction the TCXO ist quite stable.
I have made some LO frequency offset correction on the RX config in SDR Console 9750.000.000 Hz -> 9749.980.600 Hz. Do not know if this is necessary with SDR Console, but because I do not know the lock range of the AFC I did it.
There is a second LNB connector where the TCXO signal is available for measuerements (red marked connector) and (programmable) corrections.
You may have a look on that Enzo.
73 Peter