Posts by DL5OCD

    DATV-NotSoEasy V1.7 is now available.


    Special thanks to Frank DD0CW for some initial parameters for ffmpeg!

    Special thanks to Jacinto CU2ED and Phil M0PIT for beta testing and new suggestions!

    Special thanks to Ohan ZS1SCI for some VVC/AV1/FFMPEG changes!

    To use all features an update of the Pluto F5OEO-FW to V0.5.16.2 or later is required.

    Older FW is still supported.

    One undocumented feature: In Windows version you can use OPUS as audio codec, just set
    in config.txt.ini

    Release notes:


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!


    -Code optimization

    -Enabled writing to params.ini for relay mode (was missing), so last run (4) was not possible. This is now fixed.

    -Pluto FW added under FW folder

    -Better handling of misconfiguration in config-tx.ini

    -Optimization of config-tx.ini

    -You can now choose the encoding quality. If you have a high performance PC, you can play with parameters and increase quality.

    See section >Optional settings< in config-tx.ini

    -Besides the pre-defined FPS and Image Size, users can now free self define those parameters - new choice (0)

    -Bugfixes for DATV-TX-LIGHT.bat

    -Mode dvbs added vor new MQTT FW (FW required)

    -Prepared SRT-Streaming

    -Update FFMPEG

    -Local streaming to implemented, for local tests. Set STREAMMODE=LOCAL in config-tx.ini

    -AV1 Nvidia-Encoder added

    -AV1 streaming via GSE added (liboam-av1 and libsvtav1), libsvtav1 needs SRT, liboam-av1 is fine with UDP. Start decoder BEFORE encoding. AV1 is not able to join a running stream. Highly experimental!

    -Finetuning for VVC


    LINUX only:

    -Firmware updater for Pluto under folder FW

    -Support for Raspberry PI added, use H.264 only, other codecs will overload the CPU !!! Set FFMPEG=pi in config-tx.ini

    Tested up to 1.5MS - working gooooood ;)

    -Deleted code for overhead in Nvidia encoder


    WINDOWS only:

    -Optimization of START-FFPLAY-LONGMYND.bat

    -Update MPV-Player

    -Updated MPV-Scripts



    Have fun!




    DATV-NotSoEasy V1.6 is now available.

    To use all features an update of the Pluto F5OEO-FW to V0.4-2 or later is required.

    Older FW is still supported.

    Release notes:


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!


    -New FFMPEG version 6.1

    -Keyframe interval set to 5xFPS

    -Added preset slow for HW encoder

    -Added Rolloff to config-tx.ini

    -Added new H.266 parameters (less CPU load)

    -Added Rolloff to CONTROL

    -Code optimization

    -Bugfix for Last Run (4), continuosly decreased video bitrate

    WINDOWS only:

    -New config-rx.ini (switch for new ffmpeg version)

    -New version of MPV.NET-Player


    Have fun!




    DATV-NotSoEasy V1.5 is now available.

    To use all features an update of the Pluto F5OEO-FW to V0.3-22 or later is required.

    Older FW is still supported.

    Release notes:


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!


    -Keyframe interval is now calculated automatically (3xFPS)

    -Firewall for GSE implemented

    -Stream from internal encoder now can be send to IP via GSE

    -Implemented access to Pluto routing table (FW 0.3-17 and higher)

    -Added a test video which can be plaved when set INPUTTYPE=FILE

    -LNB polarization is now working, LNBPOL h,v,n via connected Minitiouner



    -Bugfix for iptables (GSE-Mode)

    -Bugfix for DATV-Relay mode

    -Bugfix for DATV-RX via Longmynd



    -Bugfix for H.266

    -Firmware updater for Pluto under folder FW


    Have fun!





    DATV-NotSoEasy V1.4 is now available.

    Release notes:


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Linux version:

    1. Bugfixes

    2. 1st highly experimental AV1 implementation, optimizations will follow. Might work a little odd atm.

    -Windows and Linux version:

    -Improved H.266 implementation

    -Improved calculations for FEC 1/3 and 1/4

    -Improved Video Bitrate calculations, if bitrate is below 100k - this improves the low SR`s again.

    -New parameter Audio Sample Rate

    -More audio bitrates can be choosen now

    -Added choice for 5.1 and 7.1 (was set automatically before)

    -Changed iptables rules to be more flexible, now a port range for TCP and UDP is implemented

    -Added TX - MQTT.html (/scripts) for use with new F5OEO FW within OBS (thanks Ohan :) - this fetches parameters out of the Pluto and displays them in Web-Style.

    Open the TX - MQTT.html with an editor and fill in the Pluto-IP and yor Call.

    -Windows version:

    -Prepared configuration for AV1, comming soon

    -New parameter FFMPEG=stable/new - enables you to switch between different FFMPEG versions. Use "stable" to use FFMPEG version like in all other versions before.

    -Bugfix for SETUP.bat

    Download: Download

    Have fun!




    Hi Duncan,

    thanks for the feedback :)

    1st question: When you choose nvidia, encoding is done in hardware when you have a GTX1060 or better.

    When you choose soft, encoding is done via CPU. Modern CPU`s like you mentioned support already the encoding in hardware at least for H.265, brand new ones even AV1 but only decoding. So when the CPU detects H.265 the inbuild encoder and decoder is used. This causes much less load and stress to the system. So it is already implemented since new ffmpeg versions support this ;)

    2nd question: No, this can be ignored. It depends on the video material. There is a buffer in ffmpeg to prevent the video stream to be interrupted. This mostly happens during short periods and at low video bitrates.



    DATV-NotSoEasy V1.3 is now available.

    This fixes some Bugs causing some glitches.


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Windows version: Bugfixes

    -Windows version: No need to install Mosquitto, it is now part of DATV-NotSoEasy



    Have fun!



    DATV-NotSoEasy V1.2 is now available.

    Again many improvements.


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Linux version: New parameter LIMSOFT1000, LIMHARD250 and LIMHARD500 under optional settings, here you can decrease the amount of video bitrate for the HW/SW encoders (more headroom if needed under special circumstances)

    -Repaced %mosquitto% with %mosquittopub%

    -%mosquittosub% implemented

    -Symbolic links under \Mosquitto added

    -New parameter FETCHTS: If you use the new F5OEO FW, you can set this to "yes". It fetches the TS-Bit rate from the Pluto instead of calculating it

    -Better stability for H.266 encoding, parameters added

    -Parameters: Changed Keyframe Intervall - only 1 parameter for all encoding types

    -Optimization of the code

    -New: ffmpeg-out.txt - here you can watch how ffmpeg works :)

    -Fixed a problem with the mpegts service id, now program and provider shown right in MiniTioune


    Have fun!




    DATV-NotSoEasy V1.1 is now available.

    It contains many quality improvements.

    Release notes:


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Hint for the Linux version: The Nvidia HW-Encoder have shaping issues with some FFMPEG versions. As a workaround additional headroom was added (VBITRATE).

    -New bit rate calculations - much more precise, this solve some sync problems and TS Errors

    -Adapted TSBITRATE when switch on Pilots and Short Frame - Buffer overflow for theese modes is now fixed

    -Added TSSOURCEMODE (5) to Advanced options of CONTROL.bat/sh and CONTROL-LIGHT.bat/sh

    -Improved quality on low SR`s

    -Gain can now be adjusted in 0.25dB steps

    -Minor cosmetic changes

    -Added 32APSK


    Have more fun :)




    DATV-NotSoEasy V1.0 is now available.

    After round about half a year of development the betaphase is now over, puuuuh.

    Many thanks to all contributors and betatesters!


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Hint for the Linux version: The Nvidia HW-Encoder have shaping issues with some FFMPEG versions. As a workaround additional headroom was added (VBITRATE).

    -Changed PCRPERIOD=40 to PCRPERIOD=20 to prevent timing errors

    -Added GAINVARIABLE to enable variable gain

    -Added a startup delay of 2s to CONTROL.bat and CONTROL-LIGHT.bat to load right parameters from params.ini

    -Added more features to CONTROL.bat/sh and CONTROL-LIGHT.bat/sh, Advanced options - FECMODE, FECRANGE, AGCGAIN and GAINVARIABLE can be changed on the fly

    -Added a installation script for Linux

    Have fun.





    DATV-NotSoEasy V0.99 is now available.


    -This is the last Beta, the development is done. All parameters now should be ok.

    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Hint for the Linux version: The Nvidia HW-Encoder have shaping issues with some FFMPEG versions. As a workaround additional headroom was added (VBITRATE).

    When possible, use software encoding (libx).

    -Added calculation for DVB-S

    -Default value changed: BUFFACTOR=1

    -Improved stability for Nvidia HW-Encoding H.264/H.265

    -Improved stability for H.266-Encoding

    -Improved stabitity at low SR`s/Video Bitrate

    -Adjusted the calculation for Video Bitrate!!!

    -Quality review


    Happy testing!




    DATV-NotSoEasy V0.98 is now available.


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -DATV RX added, now works standalone without MT or OT, a MPV or FFPLAY window opens and the stream will be decoded.

    -LNB polarization and supply added (not working yet, but I think in later F5OEO FW it will)

    -DATV-Relay-Mode added (set RELAIS=on in Mosquitto settings section), RX on one frequency and TX on another. Parameters set automatically.

    -Deleted PLUTOMQTTIP in config-tx.ini, it was the same as PLUTOIP

    -Bugfix for SETUP.bat

    -New versions of FFMPG and FFPLAY

    -Renamed DSHOWBUF to RTBUF

    -New Gain Limiter, set PWRLIM=-xx to max. gain value

    -Restructuring of the code

    -Some minor fixes

    -Variable FEC is now handled correct

    -Improved H.266 handling with variable FEC, not hangs anymore, better video quality

    -Improved SET-FAVOTITE.bat

    -Improved SET-FAVORITE-LIGHT.bat

    -VBR implementation, this works only in variable FEC !!! Try a medium FEC, high FECRANGE and watch the buffers in the Pluto. VBR causes high bitrate peaks!!!!

    -Actual parameters now shown in the control window

    -When a favorite is called, now parameters are also stored in the "Last run"

    -Corrected a mistake in the frequenzy table

    -RTMP implementation

    -Linux version 0.98 added

    -Removed 4K for audio, new 48K instead

    -Changed config-txt.ini and, now UDP, RTMP and FILE have own variables, change only INPUTTYPE= required

    Download: Download

    Happy testing!




    DATV-NotSoEasy V0.97 is now available.


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Set rxonfoff.ini to 0 if programm was not cleanly closed at the start of DATV-NotSoEasy

    -Bugfix for GSE - 8PSK and 16APSK

    -Bugfix setting Digital Gain

    -When runnimg GSE-Mode, you can restart with same parameters now

    -Added GSE-Mode to the profile editor

    -Now only 1 additional window:

    -New control.bat for DATV-NotSoEasy, Controls PTT, Gain, Digital Gain and Frequency out of one window, change every parameter on the fly during TX

    -New control-light.bat for DATV-NotSoEasy-Light, Controls PTT, Gain, Digital Gain, Frequency, Mode, SR and FEC out of one window, change every parameter on the fly during TX

    -Updated documentation (streaming from OBS) DATV-NotSoEasy-Light

    -Removed Digital Gain and window from config-tx.ini

    -GUI improved


    Happy testing




    DATV-NotSoEasy V0.96 is now available.

    GSE now successfuly tested.

    Release notes:

    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.
    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! This FW is available on request, just ask Evariste F5OEO !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!
    -Added Longmynd switch in config-tx.ini (STARTLONGMYND=on) to switch on GSE RX in the Pluto. You need to connect a Minitiouner via USB-HUB to the Pluto.
    -Manual input for TX-frequency added (70Mhz-6Ghz), input in Hz
    -Manual input for RX-frequency added (Longmynd), input in kHz
    -3 Profiles for DATV-TX-LIGHT.bat added.
    -Profile editor for DATV-TX-LIGHT added.
    -Profile editors now also supporting free frequency input.
    -Longmynd RX is now controlled by DATV-NotSoEasy properly, you can also change the RX frequency and RX sample rate and on the fly.
    -RX and TX frequency in GSE-Mode can be steered independently even during operation (TX-Frequency window). Watch the result in the MQTT-Browser.
    -Sample Rate in GSE-Mode can be steered independently even during operation (TX-Frequency window). Watch the result in the MQTT-Browser.
    -Added RXOFFSET parameter in config-tx.ini to set the right LNB-Offset, Longmynd frequency calculated automatically.
    -Optimized and new parameters for GSE
    -Terminal rows extended to 64
    -Optimization of the code and restructuring
    -Updated documentation

    Happy testing





    DATV-NotSoEasy 0.95 is available.

    Release notes:


    -Just a hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Another hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! This FW is available on request, just ask Evariste F5OEO !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Added a light version (DATV-TX-LIGHT.bat), just steering the Pluto without streaming. Can be done by OBS direct or something similar.

    -Parameters adjusted, videobitrate now possible down to 20kbit

    -Parameters adjusted, better performance now at SR`s > 1500KS

    -SR now up to 4000KS (makes only sense with new F5OEO FW and terrestical).

    -Bugfixes and improvement for scripts under \scripts (thanks for the hint Jacinto)



    Happy testing.





    DATV-NotSoEasy V0.94 is now available.

    Release notes:


    -Support for new F5OEO-FW with MQTT

    -MQTT Browser added, starting automaticaly with DATV-NotSoEasy

    -MQTT Client added, install this first before using the new features (Mosquitto - mosquitto-2.0.15-install-windows-x64.exe)

    -With the new Pluto-FW, all parameters steered now by DATV-NotSoEasy. No need for a seperate Pluto-GUI which is non existent anymore.

    -DATV-TX.bat and SET-FAVORITE.bat updated

    -New windows for changing frequency, TX-power and PTT during transmit (on the fly, only with new Pluto-FW)

    -IP (GSE) support

    -Automatic set of right parameters for GSE when starting GSE-Mode

    -Firewall and port forwarding

    -Updated documentation with details regarding the new F5OEO FW



    Happy testing!




    Hi, DATV-NotSoEasy V0.93 is now available.

    Release notes:


    -Initial release for Linux for test is included, working installation of FFMPEG on Linux is required

    -Added autoplay for file input

    -Renamed config.ini to config-tx.ini

    -Renamed all scripts for RX

    -Added config-rx.ini for receive

    -Added rx.ini for ffplay

    -New versions of ffplay and ffmpeg

    -Updated documentation

    -Updated parameters

    -Moved .ini files (except config-tx.ini and config-rx.ini) to ini folder

    -Moved some menues from the DATV-TX.bat and SET-FAVORITE.bat to .ini files

    -You now have the choice for free defined SR`s (25-3000Ks), choice "0" when asked for SR

    -Code optimization DATV-TX.bat and SET-FAVORITE.bat

    -Bugfix for START-FFPLAY.bat

    -Bugfix for SET-FAVORITE.bat


    Happy testing!


