Posts by DL5OCD


    DATV-NotSoEasy V0.92 is now available.

    Release notes:


    -DATV-NotSoEasy now accepts streams via network (UDP,RTMP), stream input can be defined in config.ini

    -DATV-NotSoEasy now can directly play from files (mp3, mp4, and many more)

    -Implemented 3 profiles for fast start (start SET-FAVORITE.bat to edit the profiles).

    -Improved stability for H.266

    -PTT function, press Pause/Break to stop streaming, press enter to resume. This toggles TX ON/OFF. Be shure to focus the window of DATV-NotSoEasy.

    -Changed the default video device to "OBS Virtual Camera", this works with OBS 28 and higher, for OBS 27 with VC plugin try "OBS-Camera"

    -Increased quality, stability and performance at higher FPS, tested up to 60FPS

    -Adjusted selectable FPS to match OBS FPS, this minimizes the effect of duplicate frames and drops. Best is to set FPS in OBS to match selected FPS in DATV-NotSoEasy.

    This is not mandatory but it works best.

    -Modified settings for 35KS

    -Updated documentation with screenshots, now in a seperate "Documentation" folder


    Happy testing!





    uploaded DATV-NotSoEasy V0.9

    Release notes:

    -Restructured the program, outsourced all configuration parameters into config.ini

    -Implementation for saving parameters and restart easy/fast (params.ini)

    -Additional parameters added in a seperate configuration section, very flexible now

    -Added AC3 audio

    -Implementation of 8PSK and 16APSK, more flexible

    -Implementation of lower SR`s

    -Decreased the delay of H.264/H.265 and espacialy H.266@250KS and above, abt 6sec now (half the time as before)

    -Added audio synchronization

    -New versions of ffplay and ffmpeg…fBLFtWfJ/view?usp=sharing

    Happy testing!

    Edit 29.04.2023 17:15 Found a bug, just uploaded a new version.





    uploaded new version, DATV-NotSoEasy V0.8


    -Codec AV1 prepared

    -Now support for software encoding H.264/H.265 (libx264, libx265)!!! Tested up to 1500KS.

    -Better audio-codec, sounds much better now at low SR`s and is now adjustable in global configuration

    -Parameters adjusted, H.264/H.265/H.266 more stable @ higher SR`s and cutting szenes, tested up to 1000KS FEC 1/2, no drops anymore.

    -No need to switch on REMUX (DVB-Comp.) for H.264/H.265 @ high SR`s on Pluto anymore, stream is now ok.

    -2nd script to start MPV-Player.

    -Service-ID/Program/Provider adjusted, now correct displayed.

    -New versions of ffplay and ffmpeg.…fBLFtWfJ/view?usp=sharing

    Happy testing!




    Hi Chris,

    this is the way how it works atm. Maybe it is possible that you find another way to grab the audio, the VC-Plugin and ffmpeg is able to do so. I have never had a problem with the VAC, it is stable on my side...

    With newer versions of OBS >28 you do not need an external VC-Plugin, it should work out of the box. But i have not tested it so far, just heared abt it.




    i extended the functionality to enable TX - also with H.266. Please note that this is an early development, highly experimental and it is not working perfect.

    For TX/RX it is a frontend for FFMPEG.

    I have tested H.266 up to 1000KS, it is more or less working. But that depends on your Hardware! I recomment to start with low SR`s (66, 125 or 250KS). A good choice to start is 125KS FEC 9/10 QPSK FPS 15. You are able to adjust every singele parameter for ffmpeg within the scripts, so you can optimize and extend functions by yourself since it is completely open.

    Details you can find in the README.txt that is included.

    Happy experimenting!

    PS: I call this software DATV-NotSoEasy :-)))))






    i tested H266 to very high SR`s, 1000KS and maybe more is no problem.

    The problem i have is the (at the moment unstable) decoder ffplay V6. It looses sync at higher SR`s and throws error messages. It might be also an issue with linear buffers (timesync) on TX side, i look deeper into it soon.

    But it works. The last decoder i had compiled seems more stable, but there is still an issue.

    Working on that...keep you informed.

    But the good news is that H266 is working well on performant systems.




    I followed Chris and Dominique during their tests with H266 the last days.

    I compiled a 64bit version (with H266 support) for Windows, maybe you might also check it out.

    It is based on ffmpeg 6.

    The documentation is included, also the ffmpeg.exe when you wanna try to TX in H266.

    The CPU-load on my i9 12th gen stays below 5% while decoding with ffplay, it seems you need much more CPU performance when you try to encode during TX.…fBLFtWfJ/view?usp=sharing





    this is a great innovation, i will follow this discussion carefully. I am already connected to the HAMNET via a 5Ghz link, a new way via QO-100 would be great. I installed the SW and everything seems to work fine. Waiting for the HUB to come up ;)



    Moin Martin,

    Antenne: Offset 90cm, Golden Media Quad-LNB mit 25Mhz Referenz.


    Low und High Baken: 39dB

    Mid: 32dB

    Adalm Pluto:

    Low und High Baken: 34dB

    Mid: 28db

    Alle Angaben sind absolute Peaks (SNR) !

    Ich persönlich gebe nix auf die Werte, der Kram ist halt nicht kalibriert. Das da irgendwas nicht so stimmen kann, sieht man ja schon am Unterschied RSP1A und Pluto. Aber als Vergleich schon mal ein Anhaltspunkt.




    Ja, ich denke wir sollten noch weiter nach unten, 10.489.590Mhz, die 630 ist tatsächlich öfters für Digital-SSTV verwendet....

    Nachtrag: Die .590 scheint gut zu sein, lass uns die nehmen.

    Also: DL5OCD-1 QRV 10.489.590, APRS mit VARA-SAT Modem.


    Grüße in den Süden! Ja, VARAC ist ne super Sache.

    Noch eine Anmerkung: Der Digipath sollte auf WIDE1-1 stehen, das verhindert die Weiterleitung und spart Airtime. Via Sat hören das ja eh alle...
