Thanks a lot. I will study the block diagram.
Posts by VU2UUU
The attached photo also was posted on Twitter, but I thought it would be a nice one as first posting in this part of this forum!
The transverter depicted below is designed as a real 'BUC' (block up converter) to be positioned near a (multiband) feed.
It uses 432 (or another IF) MHz as IF and is built with 'standard' (Ebay-like) building blocks.
In transmit mode the LO (ADF4351) produces 1968 MHz, is amplified (SPF5189z) and fed to a HMC213 mixer. The wanted RF sideband is filtered with a small ceramic 'WiFi like' block, amplified with a TQP3M9009 and after somedamping fed to a surplus UMTS HPA.
With some fiddling I managed to get >10W O/P on 2400 MHz.
During reception the same LO produces 307.5 MHz, which is fed to a ADE-1 passive mixer. From a GPS-locked PLL LNB (e.g. Octagon 27 MHz, or Starcom 25 MHz) the first IF (739.5 MHz) is fed to the ADE-1 mixer.After the mixer IF port a J310 provides 'firm' 50 Ohm termination (and somewhat gain, but this is neglectable).
On the photo the LNB GPS-reference is not showed, but it lies here in my work bench ; -) The reference is made from a surplus Jupiter GPS receiver (with 10 kHz reference), anADF4001 (PLL) and a low noise VCO. All power supplies in the reference circuitry are heavily filtered ('capacitance multiplification' i.e. emitter followers with large capacitance from the basis to ground).
Both ADF4351 and ADF4001 are programmed by one ATTiny13a.
Yes, the setup is designed as 'simplex'.
Power supply, IF (RX and TX) as well as 'PTT' is fed through one (thick) coax cable.Dear PA3FYM
1) What is the meaning of "The wanted RF sideband is filtered with a small ceramic 'WiFi like' block,"
2) I want to homebrew the Transmitting section. But I want to use a 10m or 6m SSB Radio feeding to the Mixer. Is it possible?
3) Please share at my email the schematic of Tx section.
I am at ML88nk and I am able to receive QO-100 with Octagon Oslo to a RTLSDR with homebrew bias-tee.
Please help me to brew the Tx section.
I am VU2UUU Kaustav from India. I have set up dish towards 26E with Octagon Oslo Optima PLL LNB. With the setup, I am able to receive BADR & ARABSAT channels with my set top box.
I am using a bias-tee with my RTLSDR USB receiver connected to Windows 10 PC and operating SDR# Sharp software. Is thier any particular setup I need for SDR# Software? I am at 10.489 GHz frequency, and do not see any activity at 19:05 UTC 17-Jan-19.
How to do Vertical or Horizontal in SDR# Software?
Am I missing something?
Do I need to use some other software?
Your help will be highly appreciated.
Many thanks.
Best 73.