Posts by BG5CZD

    A simple approach is remove the enclosure from the lnb , cut off the feedhorn. Here is a picture of one of my first antennas. The copper pipe is way too long in this picture, but it worked. After some test, i modified the enclosure to fit again. An even simpler approach is to leave the enclosure on and drill a hole in the front cap of the lnb, just with the outer diameter of the copper pipe. Then stick the pipe through that hole and gently push it into the horn. The lnb you use is not critical, as long as it is a lnb with a xo . There are a lot of examples floating around on this reflector.

    73, Martin

    Thank you very much, is the length of the waveguide actually a non-essential item? If it is then I understand and I will push on.

    Hello All

    I'll be travelling by train all the way into NW China for the first half of next year to start a journey and also to test my QO-100 equipment in preparation for a (possible) fixed station setup at NN16/NN33 later on, and I'd like to know how much EIRP I'll need to make some successful FT8(SSB) QSOs on the QO-100 at an altitude angle of about 3 degrees.

    The equipment I currently have access to is roughly as follows.

    A 10 watt output 2.4GHz PA with PlutoSDR,

    and an LNB with LO=9GHz and input frequencies from 10GHz to 10.7GHz;

    Antennas are 1.5m/1.8m diameter dish;

    I'm not sure if this is enough, so I came to ask

    TNX 73/88!

    DE BG5CZD,Liu