Posts by sq8w

    I'm pleased to announce that during my break from working on, I've created a free online tool for automatically processing logs from QO-100 satellite contacts!

    What exactly does the parser do?

    1. Automatically adds satellite name (QO-100)
    2. Sets TX band to 13CM
    3. Sets RX band to 3CM
    4. Sets TX frequency to 2400 MHz

    Allows adding/changing station data:
    1. Station callsign (STATION_CALLSIGN)
    2. Operator callsign (OPERATOR)
    3. Grid square (MY_GRIDSQUARE)

    Who is it for?

    1. All hams operating via QO-100
    2. Especially useful for QRZ, LOTW and eQSL exports
    3. For those generating QSL cards

    How does it work?

    1. Visit:
    2. Select your ADIF (.adi) log file
    3. Optionally fill in your station details
    4. Check the preview of modified QSOs
    5. Download the ready file!

    The tool is completely free and works directly in your browser.

    Beta Version - will be systematically developed and improved.

    73! de SQ8W