I would like to use OBS to encode H265 video to stream to my Pluto. I have read the many helpful posts on this forum but my lack of technical knowledge means that I am unable to fully comprehend all aspects.
My computer has an i5 10th generation processor and a GTX1560 Super GPU card (which is eminently capable of encoding H256). I am using the latest OBS 26.0.2 (NB this now incorporates Virtual Camera).
My Pluto, rev B, is loaded with Evariste's wonderful Beta for the Brave firmware.
I have followed Evariste's instructions and managed to get the Pluto transmitting using the OBS x264 encoder setting. I then changed the OBS encoder setting to "Nvidia NVENC H.264 (new)" and again this worked.
However, the OBS encoder settings do not give the option for H.265, which I want.
It seems that the Forum provides two work- arounds. One is from Robert, DD4YR, who suggests using the 'Recording' option to send a UDP stream instead of an RMTP stream. The advantage of this is that the OBS 'Recording' settings will facilitate H265 encoding. Unfortunately I cannot read the entries on Robert's screen shot. - Please could you send them in larger format, Robert?
Te other option is from Mike, G0MJW, who advocates the creation of an ini file for OBS. Mike, I am not clear whther this would be a new ini file or the modification of an existing ini file - there are so many of them!
As an aside, I have sent a request to OBS for the inclusion of H.265 in the settings.
73, Russ.