Posts by dm4im

    Hello Harry,

    check if your sat-receivers can receive a range of 741-749MHz, most can not.

    If they can, all you need is a dish, a TV and a standard lnb.

    If they can't , you still need all of the above AND either a converter to convert this range into the range your sat-receivers can receive, OR a 18V injector (bias-tee), computer, software and a RTL-dongle. There is plenty of information on the amsat web pages.

    73, Martin

    I just had a closer look and it seems you only need to create a connector. Read the text in the picture, it says it can be used by 2 programs.

    If you want to connect a third program like cw-skimmer or such, you may need to split this virtual port like shown in my video to make it accessible to more than 2 programs.

    Good luck



    i don't have a Pluto, but there is a manual how to connect third party software to sdrc.

    click here .

    I use vspe from eterlogic. Since my setup is completely different, i can only guess what YOU need to do.

    I'm sure the other programs listed work similar. Watch this Video

    For VSPE, first create a connector, say COM30 (you see it pop up briefly in the video) . Next , split COM30 like shown in the video.

    You now have a virtual serial port accessible by multiple programs. Next, follow the description in the sdrc help pages.

    73, Martin


    i just installed Log4OM on my Windows 7 and i have connection to my radio and sdr console talks to log4om as well.

    All you need ist OmniRig, a virtual serial ports splitter and Log4OM / sdr console


    73, Martin


    please specify the operating system - windows, i suppose, but what version?, 32 or 64bit? - your receiver (sdr-console only?) and your uplink transceiver.

    Also specify what went wrong when you tried to link your logbook software to sdr console.

    73, Martin


    AFAIK, the bullseye lnb features a TCXO with 2ppm , while claims 1ppm. You need to make or buy a bias T from an outside source when you opt for bullseye. The comes with one included. Bullseye features a 25MHz output you only need when you want to reference a subsequent sdr like pluto and is exposed to changing temperatures and therefore might drift anyway. That might make it unusable as a reference for a sdr, but that's just my opinion . Others may prove me wrong. Personally, i'd go for You can get an adapter for your poty from them also.

    Hope that helps.


    Well, in your case sdr console talks to the pluto via usb/network, no serial ports are involved.

    My bad, sorry.

    Maybe this works: Create a "Connector" e.g. COM11, and set Log4OM to use this as the "Radio" port. Then create a TCP Client with the IP-Address and port of your pluto as Prameters and redirect the tcp stream to COM11. Does that work?


    Disclaimer: I do not have a pluto, i'm just guessing. I'm sure there are some smart people in the forum who figured out a way to do what you ask for.

    Now I have to fix the frequency, I receive the beacon at this frequency.

    If your picture shows the lower cw beacon 10489.500,0 received @10489.739,525 then your Pluto and/or your lnb is/are about +239 kHz off frequency. That is a LOT. The frequency range in GEOSTATIONARY BEACON Applet is plus/minus 100khz, so it will NOT receive the psk beacon on 10489.750,0 unless you cheat the RX OFFSET in the "Converter Definitions" applet by that amount - you have done that before with a smaller offset, so you know where to try - OR , better than that, correct your lnb and Pluto by modifying them with proper accurate crystals. Once you see the psk beacon in the GEOSTATIONARY BEACON window , you can switch on the applet, catch/click the beacon with your mouse, then start the correction.

    73, Martin


    your latest picture shows 2 leading zeros. When the the frequency range is max. 9.99 GHz, there is only 1 leading zero. Please restart sdr-console and see if it works. You sholuld be able to set a frequency around 10.489,750 to hear the psk beacon. 10.489,750-9.750=739.750 .

    73, Martin


    this is because the install script calls for incompatible libraries like libpulse-ocaml version 0.1.3.x.x.x on an operating system (bullseye, i suppose) expecting a different version. Find out what OS version DJ0ABR initially used, then flash this (older) OS onto your pi.

    Or install the libraries by hand and have bullseye choose the correct version number. Next open the install script, remove the lines calling for the libraries and run it again.

    Or wait for DJ0ABR to update the install script.

    From the install procedure on github:


    The install script was made for debian/ubuntu based Linux systems. If you are using another system then please do these steps manually:

    • clone this project
    • in the script QO100_Transceiver/sctipts/prepare_ubuntu_pluto look for the installation of several libraries and install them for your OS.
    • Install the latest version of the mono project (see prepare_mono as an example)
    • make clean and make the transceiver software


