Posts by dm4im

    Many years ago we had a relay running abt. 30km from my qth. Uplink was a 3khz wide "channel" on 2m SSB and downlink was regular 70cm analog FM. Fullduplex conversations were possible as long as you used a carrierless mode on the uplink , like ssb or cw. Two or more users could transmit simultaneously without interference other than what you would see when two or more people in one room talk at the same time. It was a lot of fun as long as none of the participants was significantly louder than the others. But here is the rub. Some stations do not run duplex gear - aka DXP groundstation - , others turn down rx volume while they transmit (for a good reason, you hear the feedback if they don't) and some sdr users expirience huge audio delays when their computers are slow or when they listen to web-sdr. We see that many times on qo-100, when stations talk over each other without noticing for some seconds. For a conversation like George has in mind, fully analog stations will work best. So go ahead , ask your qso-partner if he/she is capable of or wants to run a duplex conversation. I don't think Amsat-DL will establish a special range for duplex-qso's on the satellite. Or will they?

    73, Martin

    Please tell us your lnb's brands, models and wether modified or not. Also the modification method.

    Since the unmodified lnb works as it should and given the power supply for the modified lnbs does not break down, it's likely the modification.

    Did you modify yourself or did you buy modified? If the latter, have the vendor(s) / modifier(s) check the modified lnb(s).




    did you read the Manual provided by ON4IQ

    This is a good starting point. The manual says the drive level is set for 250mW input, so it sure is safer not to go above this level.

    Do you have a powermeter for 432MHz to verify power?

    When you transmit, do you see an increase of current consumed by the groundstation and how much? Can you check for 28V to the amp?

    Can you transmit into a dummy load, even if it is not made for 2.4GHz, to see output power from the power amp?


    please provide more info (pictures, diagrams etc of your setup).

    Are you sure your 705 transmits on the correct frequency ( e.g. no repeater offset, RIT, XIT etc.) . How much power is 15% ? Can you measure that and verify, there is power on 432MHz? Can you measure power on 2.4GHz? What swr do you measure? Swr between 705 and upconverter or swr of the antenna system?

    ....the power setting only ever goes between 0.2 and 1.0 while talking.

    What does this mean?

    Can you transmit cw and still no trace on goonhilly?

    73, Martin

    Ulrich, wenn du dich durch meinen Post #16 angegriffen fühlst, teile es mir bitte mit. Es war nicht meine Absicht. Ich lösche ihn (und diesen auch) dann weg und hoffe, dass du deinen Post (#17) auch weglöschst. Es war nur ein Versuch, etwas Licht in das Dunkel zu bringen, weil einige offenbar gar nicht wissen, was batch-files sind. Siehe Post #15.

    es wäre trotzdem schön wenn man wüßte was die Parameter in der bat-Datei für ffmpeg bedeuten.

    Das stimmt. Bitte teile uns mit, welche Parameter du mitgibst , damit wir das nachvollziehen können.

    Wenn man nicht weiß wovon wir reden sollte man sich das ks zurückhalten hier im Forum.

    Wie sollten wir wissen, wovon ihr redet, wenn ihr hier nur die Fragen stellt, aber die Lösungen dazu euch gegenseitig in persönlichen Mails schickt und hier dann nur noch erklärt, dass jetzt alles klappt. Das Forum ist doch dazu da, dass alle etwas von den Erkenntnissen haben, oder?

    73, Martin

    Guten Morgen.

    <klugscheiss ein>

    Stapelverarbeitungsdateien, sog. batch-files (engl. batch = Stapel) sind ausführbare Scripte. Sie tragen die Dateiendung .bat (z.B. starte_mich.bat) und man kann sie selbst erstellen und starten. Vor Windows, unter MS-DOS war das eine der wenigen Möglichkeiten bequem Programme zu starten und Parameter für deren Ausführung gleich mit zu geben. Wir haben aber vergessen wie das geht, weil wir es im allgemeinen nicht brauchen.

    Windows sorgt für uns, manchmal zu gut. Wenn man einen Post von weiter oben liest, entsteht der Eindruck, ein .batch file könnte was optimieren. Kann es nicht. Es führt nur aus, was wir dort dem Programmstart als Parameter mitgegeben haben.

    Trotzdem ist es sehr nützlich, weil wir mit einem Texteditor einzelne Parameter verändern können, statt vor jedem Start an der Kommandozeile den ganzen Ausdruck eintippen zu müssen.

    <klugscheiss aus>

    73, Martin

    Ok, the network settings where f****d up, now corrected.

    root@gbquad:~/logs# ping

    PING ( 56 data bytes

    64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=56 time=49.304 ms

    This network issue seems to be solved

    The crash is different now:

    Well, the gigablue does not appear as a network device in my internet-router, which is strange, because i have internet ( i can watch ip-tv) . But it is located behind a extra router, a old FritzBox that serves as a DECT-Repeater, and never got a DHCP address. It has a static address instead. The Internet router does not list this address or device. Maybe that is the cause of the problem. I will inverstigate this.


    Oh well, ~/logs was not the place i was looking for the log, i searched them in /var... where they usually are. Thanks for the advice.

    That is the log. The websocket seems ok:

    Any idea what could've gone wrong? Thanks

    Did you connect like this? Please check for shorts (Kurzschluss) you might have introduced when soldering the F-sockets.

    I no longer have the amsat-downconverter, but the SNR was as good as with any other setup i used later. So if your SNR is not what it should be, (/and you connected everything right) there is definetely something kaput.

    If you have a lnb with 2 ports, WB should carry 18V and 24/25MHz , NB should carry 14V.

    73, Martin

    Edit: I can't download the circuit diagram from the amsat wiki, i only get the first and last page, all others in between are blank.

    But i have a copy of this on my HD, so if you experience the same, just ask . I will send you a copy. OTOH, there are no levels shown .

    There is no need to install it on a raspberry at all. Here it is running on my linux desktop machine as well as on a raspberry pi400.

    It even runs on Pi3B+ , but i never tested the performance . I'm quite sure it will also run on Odroid. Just do NOT download a ready made raspberry image with all that stuff preinstalled, if there is any (can't remember right now). Follow these instructions:

    If you get lost, just ask.

    73, Martin…-pi-400-unit-only-75-1134

    oh2uds I have a gigablue Quad with 3 Tuners, i might use one of them for QO-100. It's running on OpenATV 6.3 , i could update it to what is needed. But I'm not sure if my old Quad will run smoothly on newer images. I suspect the newer images are made for newer receivers with more RAM and faster CPU's. Do you have any insight into this? Maybe even the Tuner from the Minitiouner will work in it, when the pinout is the same. Will try to find out. Thanks.

    OE6MUE No need to click the </>Code button when you reply. Just click into the blank screen under the "Taskbar" to activate the cursor, then type ahead.

    73, Martin

    EDIT: Just updated to 7.0 . So am good to go.

    <DISCLAIMER> My knowledge about FT-8 is very limited. I once was a member of a small team operating as TO5M from FP, Saint Pierre & Miquelon. My teammates showed me which button to push now and then to keep the program going. So i sat there for a few hours and watched the contacts coming in , filling the logbook. I haven't worked FT-8 from home (not beyond a few test-qso's). <DISCLAIMER>

    While i agree with Ernst, PA1EJO, for the most part of his mentioned article, i disagree that FT-8 is a low power mode. If you need the extra 10dB to make a contact on shortwave, why not crank up the power to a kilowatt? Just set everything right to put out a clean signal, or - at least - try do do so. On satellite, you usually have a dish to add the missing dBs to your signal.

    No, it is a LOW SIGNAL Mode.

    Now that i said that, i really don't understand why most of the FT-8 signals i can see on the satellite are beacon level or even above. There is no real reason for that. Correct me if i'm wrong.

    I suspect many FT-8 users on QO-100 just can not monitor their signal because they can not receive while they transmit. They will never know they triggered Leila, because their transmit cycle is longer than the warning signal coming from Leila. Even if they hear or see Leila, most people on QO-100 think "some 1D10T triggered Leila, but not me". <polemic on>This also applies to many SSBers.<polemic off>

    Flamesuit on.

    73, Martin