Posts by DD1US

    Hallo Joachim,

    nein, leider läuft sie immer noch nicht und ich traue mich auch keine Vorhersage zu machen, wann sie laufen wird.

    Der Kollege der sich darum kümmert ist leider sehr beschäftigt.



    Hi Detlef,

    really, are you sure ?

    I think everybody should think about whether he wants to buy from someone who is ignoring clear rules of the satellite operator and
    even makes money selling such non compliant components.

    For me I have made my decision.




    in der SDR-Console ist die Funktion bereits eingebaut: man kann einstellen, wie stark während des Sendens das Audiosignal gedämpft wird. ich stelle immer 10% ein, das reicht um zu hören wenn jemand anderes spricht etc und man hört sich selbst nicht zu laut zurück.

    Ansonsten kann man natürlich auch ein kleines Dämpfungsglied in die Leitung zum Kopfhörer einschleifen, welches im Empfangsfall umgangen wird und mit der PTT gesteuert eingeschleift wird wenn man sendet.



    Hello Pedro,

    the Pluto will most likely not work properly with a 10 MHz reference. A friend tested 4 or 5 Plutos and only one of them worked properly with reference frequencies of 20 Mhz and below. Therefore it is advised to use reference frequencies higher than 20 MHz, 40 MHz or even 50 MHz is strongly recommended.

    If you generate your reference by using frequency doublers e.g. 40 MHz out of 10 MHz you will loose the same amount of phase noise performance as running the PLL with a lower reference frequency. Of course this is only true if the doubler is ideal and also the PLL.

    In a latest design Kurt DJ0ABR has developed a simple unit using a 100MHz OCXO and 2 dividers :2. With this we generate 50 MHz for the Pluto and 25 MHz for the reference frequency of the LNB. Simple and very good. The circuit of Kurt allows also to lock the OCXO additionally to a GPSDO. I have buil this up and it works very fine. The GPSDO is not really needed as the OCXO is very stable.

    Kind regards


    Hello Alfred,

    very nice.

    I have also built such a Reference Clock and Distribution Unit based on the development of Kurt DJ0ABR and it works really great.

    It simplifies the setup especially with the Pluto tremendously: the unit from Kurt, the AMSAT-DL 46dB PA, the Pluto and a modified LNB attached to a POTY-Feed in a 60cm dish and we have a perfect full duplex QO-100 setup.

    Kind regards


    Hi George,

    I am also not sure whether I understood what Johan wants to accomplish. So we need his response.

    In any case I think there are 2 "links" where multiple signals can be combined.

    1.) One is the receive path as I had described above,

    2.) The other is the path from the transverter to the transceiver where the RX-IF-signal, the TX-IF-signal and the reference signal can be combined. For the second topic I am using a triplexer from Diamond.

    You can find a description of ma portable setup (where both "links" are using multiplexing) here:…0English%202020-09-26.pdf

    Kind regards



    many people are using the cable from the LNB to the receiver to send 3 "signals" over the single cable:

    - the receive IF signal e.g. 740 MHz

    - the supply voltage for the LNB including the information to switch between V and H polarization (14v / 18V)

    - the reference frequency signal for the LNB (typ. 24, 25 or 27 MHz)

    Sending the local oscillator signal for the LNB upstream will be very difficult as it is a rather high frequency
    and the attenuation of the cable will be very high.

    Triplexers for the above mentioned 3 signals are built into the AMSAT-DL downconverters and can be bought
    stand alone for instance in the BATC shop in UK (design by Mike Willis G0MJW). Here is a descrition of my built:…from%20G0MJW%20rev1.2.pdf

    Kind regards


    Hello Martin,

    looking at the manual of the QO-100 Groudstation of DX-Patrol indeed it shows that the transverter is working only simplex.

    AMSAT-DL has made very clear for a long time than full duplex operations is requested by users who want to use QO-100.

    DX-Patrol is making money by leveraging the investment others have made by implementing the QO-100 ham radio satellite
    and they should respect the rules given by the operator of QO-100. Yet it looks like they are simply ignoring it.

    I think this is very disappointing!

    We can already today see the problems many people, who are using simplex operations, have to demonstrate proper operation.
    They talk over each other frequently without noticing. In pileups it is quite easy to distinguish those with a proper full-duplex setup
    and good operating skills from the others.

    Hopefully many radio amateurs will understand that this transverter is not compliant to the requested operation mode on QO-100
    and will thus choose one of the many other better solutions.

    Kind regards


    Hello Muhammed,

    if you have a rev D version then I recommend to inject the reference signal from an external source. You then do not need to change the board (you can leave the existing TCXO on the board). The rev D board does have a reference frequency input jack on the board. It is recommended to use 40 MHz as the reference. 10 Mhz might work but phase noise will be worse and possibly also spurious emissions.

    Kind regards


    Hallo Wolfgang,

    das klingt nach einer recht perfekten Lösung.

    Du brauchst dann also nur einen Upconverter von 10m auf 70cm ?

    Ein Upconverter von 2m auf 70cm wäre vermutlich nicht so gut, denn dann kann es sein dass Du Dein ZF-Empfangssignal im 2m Band störst.

    Könntest Du Deinen PE1CMO Transverter so betreiben, dass Du auf 2m ZF sendest und auf 70cm ZF empfängst ?

    Dann kannst Du direkt auf 2m mit Deinem Flexradio 6700 senden.

    Ein Downconverter von 70cm auf 10m könnte ich vielleicht noch haben. Ich würde dann mal nachsehen.



    Hallo Wolfgang,

    kann der Transverter von PE1CMO vollduplex ?

    In der Beschreibung auf deren Webseite habe ich nur eine RX und TX ZF von 435 MHz gefunden und das deutet auf Halbduplex hin.

    Du baust Dir um den Flex6700 ja eine recht hochwertige Anlage zusammen, da wäre es besonders wichtig wenn Du auch wirklich vollduplex arbeiten kannst.

    Aus gutem Grund fordert der Satellitebetreiber dass die Nutzer vollduplex arbeiten.

    Viele Grüße in die Schweiz
