I saw it and went to the talk at Friedrichshafen. It show great promise but still a while away yet from production IMHO
Posts by G4IUG
HAM Radio Friedrichshafen | June 28-30, 2024 HAM Radio Friedrichshafen | June 28-30, 2024
What language will the presentation be ?
Thanks Dave
No beacons here for a couple of hours at least. The satellite appears to be fully functional though.
73 Dave
I just want to renew and pay online.
I sincerely appreciate all the hard work done by AMSAT-DL and last year subscribed and paid 120EUR gladly.
I have by post received a renewal form. I am sorry but I cannot read German and of course Google Translate won't work on paper documents.
Is it possible to resubscribe on line in English please ?
Dave G4IUG
Or just buy a 0.1ppm TCXO ?
Or a frequency counter; counting its own reference ?
I would have thought that almost any TX chain would be stable enough ? YMMV
Why would you need to do that ?
OK, that looks good. More of the same but better and an L Band repeater ??
I hear there is a new Paypload of Ham Radio equipment for the ISS ?
Does anyone have any info on this ?
I like it just as it is. Can't think of anything else to say apart from well done chaps !!
73 Dave G4IUG
Wow ! What is it ?
My receiver Narrow Band IF is 145Mhz with an Icom transceiver. What I would like is a fixed Waterfall Display with a moving cursor from the Icom radio. So that I can look at the whole band on the SDR and tune to anything with the Icom.
Is this possible with a Raspberry Pi ?
There is so much miss-information and confusion here.
the ebay picture shows even 5dB, whatever this number means).
That is not its loss.
It is not because it is a square wave. You need to look at the source on an analiser and on the input and output of the on-chip oscillator gate.
well almost as they don't radiate towards the horizon but from about 20 degrees and up. The concept remains and not seeing the horizon is often good for noise rejection.
But that is exactly what the OP did not want, and worse than my QFH suggestion ??
Perhaps you should consider an Isoflux antenna?
Do these go 180 degrees and down to the horizon maintaining their circularity ?