Posts by PR8KW
Hi, all.
Today I try to to test, but getting this error:
Start request for CAP stream:CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)
Starting CAP stream:CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable) [5]
Samplerate 44100 not supported by device:<CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)>
CAP: cannot open device: CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)
set speedmode:255
restart modem requested
Close RTTY
Start request for CAP stream:CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)
Starting CAP stream:CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable) [5]
Samplerate 44100 not supported by device:<CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)>
CAP: cannot open device: CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)
Remark: VB-Audio Virtual cable, working normally for other programs.
HS Modem V0.72.
Setup here:
Win7 64;
Sdr Console with Adalm Pluto;
VB-Audio Virtual Cable + VAC;
Gustavo - PR8KW
Hi Roberto,
I Just test now 01:42utc, with versions 3.1.3, 4.0.0 and 4.0.1, and no reply from your modem...
But looks like the new 4.0.x version it's missing trail signal on beggining of TX, essential for some VOX delays...
Hi Roberto,
Congratulations for all job done, and happy birthday for your server.
On my last test yesterday night, with my non GPS setup, was send 107903 Bytes in 8 minutes (07:51), bytes/minute: 13719, with 3.5kbps peaks.
If Jose can increase speed for unregistered versions will be much appreciated.
Maybe some HAM RADIO developers can help to implement ARDOP or even better ARDOPOFDM versions, as a second TNC option on QO100.
Gustavo PR8KW
Two sessions here of 105744Bytes, my best with 13.2minutes, and 8400bytes/minute, and my best Avg. Thruput 22940 Bytes/min.
My maximum peak was 3.5kbps, my best constant 2kbps with some 3kbps peaks.
I am very satisfied with the results for my NON GPS setup.
Congratulations Roberto, Oscar and Jose for all improvements.
Test with Vara Sat 3.0.4.
send 16484bytes in 03:30.
4686 bytes/minute.
Below today Vara Sat LOG.
24/07/2019 22:47:29 Connecting to IS0GRB... 1/2
24/07/2019 22:47:36 Connecting to IS0GRB... 2/2
24/07/2019 22:47:45 Connected to IS0GRB
24/07/2019 23:01:09 QRT Received
24/07/2019 23:01:09 Disconnected TX: 98 Bytes (Max: 362 bps) RX: 25040 Bytes (Max: 587 bps) Session Time: 13:24
24/07/2019 23:03:32 Connecting to IS0GRB... 1/2
24/07/2019 23:03:42 Connected to IS0GRB
24/07/2019 23:07:50 Disconnected TX: 16608 Bytes (Max: 1978 bps) RX: 126 Bytes (Max: 272 bps) Session Time: 04:08
Dear Roberto,
Please find attached test using VASA SAT - Registered Version.
Tks again José EA5HVK.
I transfer a 40kb attachment in 12 minutes.
TKS and 73.
Dear Roberto,
Congratulations for your winlink server.
It's working very good.
Tks also EA5HVK to support...
Setup here:
90cm dish, Poty Feeder, ca 4W edup eb003.
Upconverter BU-500 (No external reference), and Kenwood TS2000.
RX via SDR Console 3.0.10
Vara Sat 3.0.2
Winlink Express
Find attached pictures...
Gustavo Schwartz
Dear Roberto,
Server online?
I try to connect many times from 23:40 to 23:50z 22/07, but no return from the server.
No GPSDO here, only BU500 with no modification and TS2000.
I try many times 20 to 20 hz steps from 634.5 to 635.5.
Winlink and Vara sat 3.0.2.
73 de Gustavo PR8KW
Hi Dr. Harald,
For the moment use one PLL LNB from local market called Greatek PLL USO7104AX.
But I don't have to much drift, normally more on winds, or rain, or sun rise.
But QTH on northeast Brazil near Equator line, like no temperature variation.
But anyway for SSB QSO need to correct vfo from time to time, thanks for your script, was very helpful.
Tks and 73,
Gustavo Schwartz - PR8KW
Dear Mr. Haradl,
Congratulations for your very good work.
I edit a little bit your script to work with SDR Console V2.3.
Basically using one COM Port to Edit VFO A and VFO B, with CAT Command FA and FB.
Not working on SDR CONSOLE V3.0.5, CAT Command bug.
I am not a programmed, so any help for improvement are welcome.
73 de Gustavo - PR8KW