XW-3 (CAS-9) now is designated Hope-OSCAR-113, HO-113
Posts by DL5GAC
That was UFB! Thank you all!
hallo Robert, Hast du den MK2 in Betrieb und evtl. auch die 12 W Endstufe dazu? Da der Amsat DL Upconverter ja derzeit nicht lieferbar ist habe ich jetzt den MK2 Upconverter und die dazu passende 12 Endstufe bestellt. Soll angeblich umgehend ausgeliefert werden. Wird dann alles in passende Gehäuse eingebaut und danach erprobt. Hat jemand schon diese beiden Baugruppen im Einsatz?
vy 73 Joachim
Hallo Joachim,ne, habe ich nicht, sorry.
73 de Robert - DL5GAC
Hi Nader,
#83 @ QO-100
Think I´ve missed so far: CN, EL, 4U1ITU and 3A (if it was really QRV via QO-100 ).
73 Robert DL5GAC
Bernd and Robert:
I think people could benefit from a description of your hardware setup, power, dish, LO type, etc. used to reach this high speeds.And if you followed some procedure for setting the right audio levels and ensure clean signals.
73 de Oscar DJ0MY
a bit late , but here my setup:
FT-857 (TCXO) - ALC max. 50% / Sound-IF Yaesu SCU-17 / TRVTR SG-Lab / GPSDO (Leo Bodnar) / PA SG-Lab (~8W for VARA) / 2.5m Airborne 10 / WIFI Grid Dish H-pol. ("barbeque antenna"...hi)Downlink:
85cm offset dish (my ASTRA-TV-dish expanded with second LNB for QO-100) / LNB from remoteqth.com with TXCO (25.78718 mc) and really ultra low jitter (!) (LO 10.057 GHz / output 432 mc) / FT-736R
And of course: VARA SAT high speed licence.
So, as you can see, nothing special.
73 de Robert - DL5GAC
it really works great at the moment...
DL5GAC has 173 minutes remaining with IS0GRB
;PQ: 94210595
CMS via IS0GRB >
[RMS Express-$]
;PR: 19569603
FC EM 2VA5G0O8I752 84666 84612 0
F> 12
*** Sending 2VA5G0O8I752.
*** Completed send of message 2VA5G0O8I752
*** Sent 1 message. Bytes: 85309, Time: 05:14, bytes/minute: 16270
*** --- End of session at 2019.10.19 11:19:48 ---
*** Messages sent: 1. Total bytes sent: 85309, Time: 05:46, bytes/minute: 14783
*** Messages Received: 0. Total bytes received: 0, Total session time: 05:46, bytes/minute: 0
*** Disconnecting
*** Disconnected from Winlink RMS: IS0GRB @ 2019/10/19 11:19:53
*** Session: 5.9 min; Avg Thruput: 29165 Bytes/min; 1 Min Peak Thruput: 29165 Bytes/min
73 de Robert - DL5GAC
DD0KP Hello Heiner, I ordered it at 11.07.2019, it was the last one in stock at this time.
Received it at 19.07.2019.
I checked mine, GND-connection is ok, no need to change anything.
Hello SAT-friends,
a few OMs a very irritated to hear the contest stations from 2m on QO-100...
They call them and nobody returns...
73 de Robert - DL5GAC
Hoppla, ich auch nicht....hi
DD1EG Detlef, kannst uns ja mal deine Lösung zeigen, wenn fertig.
73 de Robert - DL5GAC
Hi Detlef,
the TEKO 392 from Reichelt was ok for the first Version of DXPatrol Upconverter:
"TEKO 392: Stahlblechgehäuse, 83 x 68 x 28 mm, silber"
73 de Robert - DL5GAC -
Hello friends of digital still image transfer,
KG-STV is great and I have already done some nice QSO with it via
QO-100. However, I have a few more questions:
1.) I can not get my FT-857 in connection with the SCU-17 interface by
KG-STV through PTT control to send. The correct COM-port is set.
Can I intervene with KG-STV somehow deeper into the PTT control than
just selecting the COM port? At the moment I am always pressing the
PTT button of the microphone parallel to KG-STV to go on air ...
Sure, I could turn on VOX, but I do not want that.
In WSJT-X I have no problems with PTT control with the same device.
2.) Is there in KG-STV itself a way to insert text into the images to be sent
or must I always do this with an extra graphics program and then slide
the saved image by drag and drop from the explorer into the
KG-STV TX window ? A bit hectic during a QSO ...
3.) What are your experiences regarding optimal image size for KG-STV?
Really 320x240 as in SSTV?
4.) Has anyone ever tried 4LFSK instead of MSK via QO-100?
2400 baud vs. 1200 baud...
I think that should be easy due to the strong signals...73 de Robert - DL5GAC
Point 1.): solved !
My COM-port for PTT is COM 35. KG-STV seems not to handle such high COM-port numbers! Mapped COM 35 to COM 7, now it works.
73 de Robert - DL5GAC
Hello friends of digital still image transfer,
KG-STV is great and I have already done some nice QSO with it via
QO-100. However, I have a few more questions:
1.) I can not get my FT-857 in connection with the SCU-17 interface by
KG-STV through PTT control to send. The correct COM-port is set.
Can I intervene with KG-STV somehow deeper into the PTT control than
just selecting the COM port? At the moment I am always pressing the
PTT button of the microphone parallel to KG-STV to go on air ...
Sure, I could turn on VOX, but I do not want that.
In WSJT-X I have no problems with PTT control with the same device.
2.) Is there in KG-STV itself a way to insert text into the images to be sent
or must I always do this with an extra graphics program and then slide
the saved image by drag and drop from the explorer into the
KG-STV TX window ? A bit hectic during a QSO ...
3.) What are your experiences regarding optimal image size for KG-STV?
Really 320x240 as in SSTV?
4.) Has anyone ever tried 4LFSK instead of MSK via QO-100?
2400 baud vs. 1200 baud...
I think that should be easy due to the strong signals...73 de Robert - DL5GAC
Hi SAT-friends,
today I did my first test - BINGO!
Sent and received first e-mails with the unregistered version of VARA.
The SAT-link-calibration-function is super!
Many thanks Roberto and Jose!
Uplink: FT-857 / SCU-17 / SG-Lab-Transverter & PA (reduced to ~8W) / WIFI-planar-antenna RHCP (37x32cm) attached to a tripod on the windowsill.
Downlink: 65cm offset-dish / mod. LNB with TCXO and 70cm output / FT-736RSo far no GPSDO...
73 de Robert - DL5GAC
Hello SAT-friends,
a friend in my local club tried to string the parabolic grid antenna with "Windhager" aluminum screens.
Result: No change in signal strength.
Is there any further experience in this regard?73 de Robert - DL5GAC
Hi Frank,
did you use 'normal' fly screen for windows (non metal??) or a special one metal grid for basement shafts for the defense of mice?
73 de Robert DL5GAC
1. Yes, I will be on the HamRadio and will participate on the meeting.
2. No, sorry.
DD0KP Heiner, whoops ... It's just too early in the morning ... hihi
Hello SAT-friends,
Serge (UT5JCW) now also offers a 739/144 MHZ QO-100 RX CONVERTER BOARD based on Davids (G0MRF) design:http://transverters-store.com/qo100_converter.htm
73 de Robert - DL5GAC