Posts by SV1BDS
The MURATA BPF is build. i2NDT if you need more info tell me.
This is a lab step attenuator based on a eBay PCB PE4302 with 31.5 dB max attenuation with 0.5 dB step up to 4 GHz. Thanks to SV1EED for writing the source code to a ATMEGA8.
My feeder based in a surplus 3 turn LHCP antenna. A brass triangle is used to drop SWR to -20 dB at 2.4 GHz. It produce 30 dB over noise signal and only 3 dB down from CW beacon using the 80 cm dish and about 3W.
I use some interdigital filters originaly for 2.5-2.7 GHz tuned to 2.3-2.5 Ghz. I also test some 28 mm pipe cups (13 mm probe length) that are more narrow but more sensitive to drift due to mechanical reasons. I plan to use some SMD filters from Farnell Link
This is some info regarding my QO100 setup for RX & TX.
George SV1BDS
This is the LO based on an eBay PCB and a ATTINY13A that has a modifided source code from to include
309 MHz for RX Lo. For TX it produce 2831 MHz and 1969,5 MHz. If any wants the source code I can post it.
One more chip for producing 25 or 27 MHz from 1 MHz NEO7.
As soon as I have test it I will post results.
73 de George SV1BDS
Thanks for advice.
One XTAL pin has 3dB less output so propably is the input pin.
Yes it wobble. I have not tested for a long time yet.
73 de George SV1BDS
I bought a GLOBO LSP04H from local market.
It has a 25 MHz XTAL with a 3566 PLL
I plan to use an external GPS lock from a NEO7 GPS.
Is it importand to this PLL chip which x-XTAL pin I will use for external clocking?
I have seen OZ2OE mods but in my case the XTAL traces are below the PCB and I am not sure which 3566 pin goes to each XTAL pin.
73 de George SV1BDS