I have seen that some OM continue to use version 1.0.1p...
last Minitioune beta version is v1.0.1.0r. All others versions are obsolete.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
I have seen that some OM continue to use version 1.0.1p...
last Minitioune beta version is v1.0.1.0r. All others versions are obsolete.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Hello Mike,
I have installed both VLCversions:
VLC_32bits is installed in /Program Files (X86)/VideoLan/ and VLC_64 bits is installed in /Program Files/VideoLan/
Both can work at same time.
Minitioune can use VLC_32bits and OBS64bits can run VLC at same time.
I have just done the test again this morning to verify.
So I don't find any problem of using VLC with Minitioune and VLC with OBS64bits at same time.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Sorry Lucio if If it was a mistake, but the link was already given in my first post at the beginning of this subject.
We need a link to the place where we can download the last version of the software ( given in my first post), not a link to the file that can be obsolete after 2 days as I change the version (and file) very often in phase of development
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
This software is given with the last "non-beta" version of Minitioune package : v0.9.9.1
So you have just to download the package on Vivadatv Forum
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Die Übertragung von Spektruminformationen von Pluto nach Minitioune v1.0.1p funktioniert weiterhin. Ich benutze es und andere OMs auch. Überprüfen Sie die verwendete IP-Adresse (click Show dialog Setup) oder Ihre Firewall.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Since this morning, a beta version of Minitioune v1.0.1p is available for download.
Can receive down to SR25 (34kHz bandwidth!)
TS analyzer included and others new features.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Download Minitioune V1.0.1p (you must register before download)
Hi George,
The QO100 panel is just above the traditional panel with LNB offset setup.
I send you the link for betatest.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Yes you can use TSA for that, switch the PPM button, send a known frequency using a generator, scan it, get ppm and write it to the MiniTiouner EEprom.
This is a good solution when you use several MiniTiouner with different PPM correction values, you have no more to change the PPM correction value in the Config.ini, the PPM value is read in the EEprom.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Hello Peter,
Thank you for the information.
I apologize if I disturb you, but I receive very often mails from people that just start to receive QO100 and after installing Minitioune, send me a mail asking why the beacon video is jerky and spend many time to install different codec, uninstall , re install again and spend many time to try to solve a problem that is not from their installation. So I must explain each time that the beacon TS has a problem.
Yes I understand that, with Corona, it is not easy.
The beacon video is a reference and all of us hope that the problem with the TS timing will be fixed ASAP.
Thanks for the effort made by the whole team.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Most of time the beacon TS is very bad. As I have said in April,( new version Minitioune V0.9.9.1 )
Analyzing the TS from Beacon SR1500:
not only PCR accuracy is very bad but .... PCR/PTS timing is NEGATIVE!!
that means that the software ask do display video at a time relatively negative (= playback).
So the demultiplexer/decoder do what it can to try to make up for the backlog.
This PCR/PTS values change over time and we get more and more jerky video
When you reset it, it is good only a few days, but every day the PCR/PTS timing loose some ms and so, after n days, is negative.
It is really annoying that the QO-100 beacon, a reference for all people that begin to work with QO-100, is so bad.
Minitioune, that uses the Microsoft demultiplexer is very sensitive to very bad TS like that, so gives only jerky video.
Professional receiver cannot receive also TS with bad timing.
After 4 months, no solution for that?
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
When you run Minitioune, click on "Info" checkbox (under audio level), you will have info about starting status (at left) and TS DVB table analyzing (at right) and at bottom you have a button "License".
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Hello Jonathan,
You are registered on Vivadatv forum since Sat 29 June 2019 08:47
I suppose that you have received an email, but gone in your spam ??
So you can log you since this date.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Could you delete this link and the file on your drive.
Look at the license, you are not allowed to create and share this link.
This Amsat-dl Forum also is not allowed to prose a link to download Minitioune.
Since 10 years I have created this software, never an OM has done that.
Please respect my work.
I give it free for download.
For many reason I need to keep the hand on download
- I answer most of mail about Minitioune, do do the maintenance I need to now exactly which version can be download.
-Some function of Minitioune work only if you are registered to VivaDATV forum (TiouneMonitor) , so if people can download Minitioune they must be registered and, download ing from Vivadatv I am sure the version they get. I don't want to spend my time to answer to people that cannot make their Tioune Monitor working.
- If I correct a bug, and change with a new version, I don't want that people could download and old version and makes me difficulties to maintain.
- I am the creator of this software and and it.
I ask to administrator of this forum to delete this link.
Thank You.
even if I am logged in in the vivadatv site I get an error when trying to download the software
After many test, I am quasi sure that you are not asking to download well when you are logged:
When you are logged, you search in the index titles the part "Software useful for DATV" and "Download section" and you have all versions of Minitioune and Scan&Tioune you want.
If you are just logged and use an external link to go directly to the Minitioune download post, you will not be recognized as logged, because you link can correspond to another logging session that is not logged.
For people that cannot register or have lost their password, just send me a direct mail (my call sign at yahoo.fr) and i help you.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
I have a little TS from the Beacon at SR2000.
I look at it...
PCR accuracy is also not very good, but ... but PCR/PTS timing is good (positive)
Yes, I think I have the reason why we have problem with:
Analyzing the TS from Beacon SR1500:
not only PCR accuracy is very bad but .... PCR/PTS timing is NEGATIVE!!
that means that the software ask do display video at a time relatively negative (= playback).
So the demultiplexer/decoder do what it can to try to make up for the backlog.
Perhaps this PCR/PTS value change over time and we get less jerky video.
here are the PCR/PTS_video values for a good TS made by a Minimod at SR2000, the values are about +700ms, so we ask the decoder to render the video 700 ms before the PCR clock corresponding arrives, to let the time to the buffering proccess , decoding process to do their job
Here is the Beacon at SR2000 we had in March: again the PCR/PTS is positive, we let about 450 ms to the decoder to do the job
Here is the PCR/PTS timing we have with the new Beacon at SR1500: The PCR/PTS value is NEGATIVE!!!
So a demultiplexer/decoder process can't go back in time, so do what it can...
and not only the PCR/PTS is negative but the PCR accuracy is also always very very bad.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
Hi Lucio,
My main question is not about the solution, we should be able to use different codec, I have tried LAV, Cyberlink, Elecard, MainConcept ... but this search is just a way to find a temporary solution to a problem, but the problem still exist. Some codec can work better on some PC because the graphic card, the CPU etc.. and other codec could be better on another PC . So you have a temporary solution that works on your PC, you have medicine for a disease, but the disease is still there.
My main question is why the TS received from the Beacon has very bad PCR accuracy when I analyze it.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
I continue to investigate.
Problem summary:
- Since we have a new Beacon_TS at SR1500, sometimes, not always, we can get a jerky video when we use Minitioune+MiniTiouner.
(yesterday morning it was very jerky on my station, this morning video is not jerky...)
- This problem was never seen when the Beacon-TS was et SR2000.
- The jerky video depends also of the codec we are using under Windows, I have tested different of them, but when it is better, I don't really know if it is the change of codec or the change of the moment I do next observation after changing the codec..
- We don't have this jerky video when we receive a DATV station on QO-100 (supposing the TS transmitted is well encoded)
I take the two statements A and B as the truth:
A) I suppose that, as Peter and Experts say, the "PCR accuracy" (not the "PCR jitter" ) is correct at the origin (+/- 200 ns) in the TS produced.
B) I suppose that, as StreamXpert Analyzer says "PCR accuracy is very bad (about +/- 780 µs) when I receive the TS via UDP from Minitioune.
This Beacon_TS is also a bit "special" compared to our habits : the PCR data used a separate PID. Most of time PCR data uses the same PID than the video data( in our DATV transmission) . Perhaps it is one (allowed) specification that causes the problem?
analyzing the relation PCR/PST audio and PCR/PTS video seems always good this morning. EDIT : NO!!! NOT GOOD AT ALL,see later post
but analyzing PCR accuracy gives bad result
Can the way Minitioune receiving a TS with PCR using a PID different from videoPID could causes the problem?
Can the computer clock, the Minitioune Clock, anything else influence the result?
As I say, I continue to investigate...
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
I have written:
Perhaps your Experts have looked at the PCR PTS at another time in the day, but if they have tested it this morning, they see this very bad result.
same suggestion than Mike.
I don't want to discredit anyone, I just want to understand why I have measured this bad values this morning.
I just want to understand, why we can receive many other stations without problem, why we could receive the Beacon at SR2000 during several months without any problem, and now, very often, we have difficulties to receive it without problem.
About the use of Octagon SF8008, I though I have well explained why we cannot use it for testing.
I can send you the TS I have recorded this morning, If your Experts need/want to examine it.
and if their measurement is good , I will be glad to discuss with them about this difference and understand why I am wrong.
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
I continue the test.
about PCR, I can show you a TS with good PCR
and the bad Beacon PCR (In this case PCR accuracy cannot been seen because too far from normal result)
Yes there is a big problem on the TS produced by the QO-100 Beacon.
The DATV Beacon is completly Ouside specification
Jean-Pierre F6DZP
When I started this morning (6h32 local) the beacon TS was very bad with constant PCR errors (here 8592 errors after 1 mn)
Octagon SF8008 is not a professional DVB receiver, so we know that this kind of basic receiver can accept errors without showing a problem, because they don't take care of timing, do not try to sync video and audio etc.... This kind of receiver just play the video data and audio data when they come, and don't take care of Ttime stamp.
(This is the way the HamTV station on ISS was tested before launch and in result HamTV TS produced was very bad with no DVB tables....)
Sorry, but my opinion is that we should never use that kind of receiver to test a DVB signal, it is a waste of time and I have never seen a professional operator doing that. It does exist professional receiver for that.
So all the professional analyzer I use says that PCR is too much ( here 639 µs instead of less than 500 nS)
So I can say that at 6h32 the Beacon signal was horrible about timing, with constant PCR errors. Is is impossible to get a fluid video and audio if we use a professional receiver that take care of PCR PTS or with the Microsoft demultiplexer that take care of PCR PTS.
Yes, if I use a basic receiver, I could see a fluid video, but that doesn't indicate that the TS is DVB compliant regarding TR101 290.
Perhaps your Experts have looked at the PCR PTS at another time in the day, but if they have tested it this morning, they see this very bad result.
73 Jean-Pierre F6DZP