Posts by DL5CN


    here is another example. It is an Octagon Twin. The feed horn of the LNB is removed. The coupling between the LNB and the 22mm copper tube is done with a brass disc. Meanwhile I am not sure if the thermal coupling with all the copper and the LNB is a good idea really? It is all soldered with hot air. The S-Band antenna seems to work, 2 Watts and a 80cm dish give a satisfied transponder response.

    My home made return loss brigde has to be improved before showing a pattern.

    Andreas, DL5CN

    Hi, yes it does.
    It must be an USB3.0 Hub. The hub is feeded with a 5V switching regulator. It is connected with a small sound card and the relay also. The Lime board is mounted upside down with some thermal pads. The actual version of SDR Console works in duplex mode. I use a dual feed with a 1,3 m offset dish. Beside the LNB no further components are needed. The "Radio" operates with 12V.
    Andreas, DL5CN

    Hi Achim,
    thanks for the hint. SDR-Console supports an USB-Relay meanwhile, so switching the supply is simple but not very elegant. The LimeSDR Mini gives approx. 0 dBm, the total current to the amp. is about 2 Amps.
    At present, I use all the equipment in a portable way, the dissipation is limited. But for longer standby a switch off of the idle current is useful. The picture shows the "Radio" below the laptop.

    Andreas, DL5CN

    I use this amplifier. It works well together with a LimeSDR Mini. I would like to know, if there is any solution for a standby mode.
    The idle current generates some dissipation. It would be nice to avoid this.
    Andreas, DL5CN