Hello OM´s
today I will show here my 2,4GHz feed together with a Octagon LNB in a 80cm offset low cost TV dish.
This are two 4el PCB yagis from LZ5HP, nom. 2320MHz. Was a present to my bulk order.
Changed the elements to 2400MHz by cutting. Feeding is LHC over 90deg phase shift left antenna. Combined by two L/4 75ohm RG179 cables.
Difference between feeding my 80cm TV offset dish with one yagi (vertical or horizontal) to the LHC combination there is a gain of near 3dB measured over signal at the satellite. Seems all right with RHC polarisation. Shure, pointing to dish is not perfect.
Before I used two dipoles in front of a reflector plane, see last picture. Result was 1-2dB less, because over illumination of the dish.

two dipoles LHC, very simple feed at my beginning, ok for qso's with 100mW.
