Thanks Heiner and Johannes for the info! I will see what to do..
73 Guntram oe9dgv.
Thanks Heiner and Johannes for the info! I will see what to do..
73 Guntram oe9dgv.
Im using the dual output GPSDO with 25 MHz for LNB. Now I tried to configure the second output with 10 MHz for the Up-transverter with no success. I´m sure anyone has some infos (help) for me..
Tnx de Guntram oe9dgv.
That was my intention here, so th FT-736R can act out his Sat-performance..
Guntram oe9dgv.
Hi Jerry!
On 2m with my FT-736R I can not read the SNR because the transponder noise is not readable at the S-meter of the trx. On 730 MHz it`s 30 dBm on the CW beacon. But its no problem to copy week signals on 2m and you have still the possibility to listen on SDR Radio too.
73 Guntram.
My Transverter from sg-labs get rather hot and I made the experience, that it goes on air without ptt line like vox operation. Is there any jumper setting in the transverter for ptt-operation only?
Tnx for help, Hristijan did not answer the last time..
73 Guntram oe9dgv.
super, perhaps I will come back to your offer ..
73 Guntram oe9dgv.
Hi Ed!
The Excel works well, I just made an upload to LOTW with your call from our qso today..
I hope you will get it..
73 de Guntram oe9dgv.