Thanks to Phil M0DNY this fault has been cleared. Some users may need to restart their browswer to regain service.
Dave, G8GKQ
Thanks to Phil M0DNY this fault has been cleared. Some users may need to restart their browswer to regain service.
Dave, G8GKQ
Unfortunately, our auto-update for the Security Certificates for the WebSDR failed this morning.
We are hoping to have both the narrow-band and wideband websdrs back up and running before this evening.
Dave, G8GKQ
Thanks for all the chat and forum comments on the bandplan. A number of the items discussed during the last few days are not new and were included in the previous version of the bandplan issued one year ago.
The transponder has limited bandwidth and limited power. There are potentially hundreds of thousands of users and we want to make it easy for new users, whilst also enabling advanced experimentation. The bandplan is not perfect for every user group, but is the best compromise that we could reach for all user groups. So please try to work within the rules in consideration of everyone else.
The word "should" is used throughout the bandplan, and it is used to say "what is the correct or best thing to do". So the bandplan provides guidance as to what is the best behaviour for the good of the community. Clearly, we cannot mandate any specific rules - only your National authorities can do that.
Power density could be better defined in the bandplan. We were referring to signal power within a certain bandwidth (for example received dBm per Hz). For similar signal modes (such as all QPSK) this provides a good method of balancing the power and bandwidth constraints. It is less useful for 8PSK and other modes requiring a higher received signal-to-noise ratio. We limited the use of higher power densities (for 8PSK and above) to signals of less than 333 kS to conserve transponder power for other users. We had to draw the line on the maximum bandwidth for the use of these power-hungry modes somewhere. Please interpret this guidance sensibly.
It makes coordination easier if users monitor the internet wideband spectrum monitor and the chat, but we recognise that this is not always practical. We do not want to exclude users without internet connections, as long as they can check the channel is clear before transmitting and monitor their power levels, they are welcome.
Please do not hesitate to suggest improvements to the bandplan, which is a living document. As the available technology advances it needs to evolve, but any changes must take account of the total user community, not just one or 2 users.
Dave, G8GKQ
Following the extension of the released transponder bandwidth, and the revised beacon parameters, the BATC and AMSAT-DL have revised the bandplan for the transponder with some significant changes.
The full .pdf is here: Printed Bandplan
The Wiki page describing the changes is here: BATC Wiki
and this is how it looks:
Dave, G8GKQ