Posts by GU6EFB

    Hi Richard

    Ok firstly is it an Adlam Pluto or is it a Chinese copy? As this may make a difference as to the best way to go about it.

    What Software are you planning to use?

    If its SDR Console use a USB relay around £7 - £10 from amazon or ebay

    See to make sure your buy a compatibly relay as they are not all the same.

    All you need to do in SDR Console is enable the relay and off you go

    Hi Richard

    There are a number of ways that you could achieve a PTT line.

    Depending on your version of firmware you are using in the Pluto you could build and install a small PTT board that fits inside the Pluto and if used with SDR Console you then have a PTT output

    See for more details.

    The other way is to use a USB relay see…hak9%7Ctkp%3ABFBMkMejhO1j

    These relays can again be configured in the relay section of SDR Console to give you a PTT output

    I have used both options and they work for me.

    Good luck any questions let me know.

    73 Keith

    Hi Benno

    Thanks for the reply.

    As I have said my programming skills are basically zero so with Easy V1.25 ino sketch do you need to add your own code in the sections to monitor voltage and current etc as with the code as supplied all my values displayed are incorrect.

    Also where do you get a copy of Easy 2.06 as I have not seen it for download yet?



    Has anybody setup an Arduino to work with DATV easy to monitor their PA? In conjunction with the monitoring option in the software.

    My software writing skills are zero so would anybody who has this working be able to share their Arduino sketch with me? I can usually work through a sketch to make required changes to work with my setup.

    73 Keith GU6EFB

    My Pluto crashed and needed a full reset.

    Could somebody point me tell me the version of the F5OEO firmware that had the option to select DAVT, SRD Console and at least a couple of other options.

    I must have a copy here but I can’t find it

    73 Keith GU6EFB

    Yesterday 7 Jan it was sad to see some many poor operating practices by some trying to use FT8 on QO-100.

    With badly over driven transmitters with one station clearly resolvable on three different frequencies.

    Many stations where running far too much power which was continually tripping Leila frequently for most of the afternoon and spoiling FT8 for the many operating correctly.

    Please monitor your own signal.

    73 Keith GU6EFB


    Has anybody with an Nokia UMTS PA have any information or a design to obtain any information from the small data socket between the two RF sockets on the front of these PA’s?

    I was wondering if power output and PA temp etc. might be available?

    73 Keith GU6EFB

    Hi Chris

    TX with a Lime has been broken for some time now. I was hoping that it may have been fixed in the latest release but this would appear not to be the case.

    A work around was to increase the TXdelay in the transmit options

    TX options


    TX Delay

    I changed my TX on to around 40ms and this did help and make it more reliable

    I have not tried my Lime yet with the latest release as went over to a Pluto but I find the Lime RX better than a Pluto .

    Hope this may be of some help.

    73 Keith GU6EFB

    The most likely problem is a recent windows update as changed the LAV codecs to use the Microsoft own codecs

    Download win7DSFilterTweaker_63 this will show you which codecs are being used by various software and it also gives the option to change the codecs in use for given software.

    Hope it helps

    73 Keith GU6EFB


    I have been given this PA module is anybody able to help identify it?

    The pre-driver is a M6S4 the driver amp is a AFT20P060 and the amplifier is a pair of BLF8G22LS-22.

    The data sheet for the BLF8G22LS-22 give the frequencies from 2110 MHz to 2170 MHz. Not sure how far it could be moved.

    Dose anyone have or used one of these?

    73 Keith GU6EFB

    Hi Group

    I need to order some more MW7IC2725 Mmic devices has anyone got a good recommendations for a reliable supplier?

    I have had some good units but also some bad Mmics so its hit and miss.

    73 Keith GU6EFB

    Hi Thomas

    Thanks for the reply

    The only ref to LEILA for QO-100

    "No uplinks should result in downlink signals that are stronger than these beacons. In the event that such signals are detected, they will be marked by a “LEILA” siren. When they have been marked by “LEILA”, operators should immediately reduce their uplink power (ERP)."

    73 Keith

    Hi Heiner

    As LEILA is implemented how is it working on QO-100 as last night their was some huge signals well above the beacon levels with no sign of LEILA that I could detect.

    Is LEILA being implemented the same way as on AO-40 with an audible warning?

    73 Keith GU6EFB