Posts by DH2VH

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for the quick and very helpful answer. The connection was successful. Why it does work if I use the *.ini for IC-7410 (that works) instead of the * .ini for the IC-7100 is another matter. Anyway. It works fine now.

    Vy 73 Volker, DH2VH

    So hab ich es auch während meiner Ausbildung zur Klasse A gelernt. (So lange noch nicht her)

    Jeder muss seine Station jederzeit zu 100% kontrollieren und ggf. sofort abschalten können.

    Bedeutet für mich eindeutig: Betrieb einer Remote-Station ausserhalb des QTH ist nicht zulässig.

    Und schon gar nicht Nutzung durch Dritte.

    Lasse mich aber gern eines Besseren belehren.


    Hello everybody,

    I've made up something where I can't really get any further. The SDR Console V3.0.21 runs on an Intel NUC. I use an IC-7100 to transmit. My plan is to use Omnirig to enable the console to be dragged when changing the QRG on the IC-7100 and vice versa. I would like to continue transmitting with the IC-7100 and not with the console. Does anyone have experience with this?

    73, DH2VH


    what i want to say:

    K9JT has given us a perfect tool during bad conditions on HF. Thanks Joe

    But what i can not understand is why should i work on QO-100 in FT8 or FT4?

    The propagation on QO-100 is always perfect. Who works on a local repeater in FT8?:/.

    Machine to machine over space? Is it really necsessary?

    I think it is more important to save resources on the bird.

    73, DH2VH

    Hello everybody,

    My NB transponder system runs well on 85cm dish with Poty an unmodyfied GM-201 LNB with SDR-console running on a INTEL-NUC with NOOELEC Nano 3 SDR.

    Now i want to try WB transponder with DVB-S GUI but i have problems to understand the software.

    Does anybody know about a manual or something like this for DVB-S GUI?

    Pls send by email to callsign

    73, Volker

    I will see what will happen. Dish is placed in our garden. No problem if something is worng to do maintanace. So easy and cheap. or will you build something for next 100 years.;). But so far absolutly no problems. Btw: N-connector is only an extension for the cable to the dish. SG-Lab PA is mounted on the backside of the dish. Some silicone for the lid of the PA and i will see how long it works.

    Hello Kurt,

    I am using the IC-7100 for Tx. After a modification for ALC (see Youtube) long time ago modulation is great.

    On 70cm i go into a SG-Lab transverter and have always good reports.

    For Tx IC-7100 is a good choice.

    For Rx i use an unmodified cheap LNB (2,45€) by using SDR-Console on a NUC with a POTY.

    Hello to all,

    Question: Does anybody has running the "Drift correction" properly?

    Today 2 pcs. of NooElec Nano 3 arrive and this was last idea i have what could be the problem. But no success.

    Again: I lock system to Master-beacon. Fine.

    Then i tune to CW-beacon in audio window to 1,5KHz.

    LNB LO corrects automatily according drift but the tuned signal of CW-beacon is not corrected.

    This means it drifts away from 1,5KHz in audio window.

    Who has any idea what the problem can be?


    Volker, DH2VH