Posts by G4GIR
Some action, at last. Yes I have 1 of my 4 QSO's showing in OQRS.
I checked OQRS for S01WS and 1 QSO showed for 13GHz. Obviously one of my QO-100 QSO's.
However, when entering the dates times etc It couldn't be found!!
So entering details of S01WS/P, I had 3 QSO with that call, the second QSO showed up OK Pheewww. Thought I was on to a looser..
As Guntram say's lets hope the QSL shows SAT via QO-100, so far I have had 3 QSL's from other DXCC countries worked via QO-100 returned with no mention of SAT or QO-100.
As for paying $4, after 42 years trying to get a SAT DXCC confirmed its a small price to pay when you only need 4 more QSL's for the 100. Each to his own I guess.
So thanks to all who have helped to get these QSO's into OQRS.
Good Luck all.
Hello Igor
Sorry to see you have the same problem, I have to report that I have had no response from the QSL manager refereed to in my previous message. So how we can get the confirmation is beyond me now! Maybe someone can let the manager know that there is a problem.
But I doubt that will happen.
It seems to me that getting QSL's via QO-100 has become a secondary occupation, still waiting for Direct QSL's from March this year. Very disappointing.
Good luck
Ian G4GIR 110 Wrkd 90 Cfmd
The quest continues! I can see QSO'S on 13cm which I assume is SAT for other call signs, but my 5 off 5 off QSO's are not showing, 1 with S01WS and 4 with S01WS/P.
Although S01WS QRZ page intimates no e-mail correspondence, I found that going through the process of OQRS for HF QSO's ive had and confirmed, there is an e-mail address for queries.
So maybe a chance to sort it out?
We'll see.