withs HW works together with Minitioune software?
greetings to all
withs HW works together with Minitioune software?
greetings to all
ON1- ON4 - ON5 - ON6 - ON7 - ON8 - ON9 --NO ON3 Stations!!--
2300 - 2450 --> 200 W Secundary service
Full license and no harmful interference to other users.
The best way to "point" your dish is for me...
place a "normal" lnb in the dish...
put te BADR4 settings in your satrx....
(motorsettings have the BADR4 settings in the list!!!)
set to BBC Arabic......
point your dish to the maximum signal....
arround 50 to 55% or +-8 to 9 Db on the scalereading of your satrx( will be ok for rx the wb baken ...)
Replace the "normal" lnb with the "modify" lnb....
put the qo_100.tar setting in your satrx....
DONT forget in the setting from your satrx the LNB setting.....CHANGE the lo freq or you DONT rx the WB
or if you want to place a channellist with the channels of Badr4 for finding the direction of the sat...
download the " Vhannibal motor" and place this settinglist in your rx...
http://dd1ku.de/OCTAGON_8008.pdf -----download the qo_100.tar file ----put the channellist in your rx.....
witch satrx have you??
If i calculated wright you must find the wb baken arround the freq of
1.132Ghz on the rx...if the lo freq is correct!!!
I receive BBC Arabic here on my satrx with 55% signal 9db
on BADR4 in Belgium.
Dish 1Mtr
Do you know the LO freq of your lnb???
"normal" lo freq are not in the "sat" receiver freq band!!!
Sat rx...and finders normaly rx from +-950Mhz to 2100Mhz
I have done this for solve the problems with the RSP1
Install :
Instal it in the same map were you placed the DVB-S Demodulater...
open the map and you will find a "SDRPLAY" map
Open it...
Open the map API...There you will find x64 and x86....(64 and 32 Bit pc!!!)
open the map and find "sdr_play.api and lib"
Copy both to the dirctory of the DVB-S DEmod
Problems solved...by me!!!
Greeting and succes
Hi to All,
Programm ended always with this error on a I7 16Gb Ram