Hi you tried during my maintenance, now it's operational
LOL!!! Murphy's law!.
Sorry about that!
Thanks for the server!!
Hi you tried during my maintenance, now it's operational
LOL!!! Murphy's law!.
Sorry about that!
Thanks for the server!!
Hi there.
Just tried connecting multiple times the the server at 11:10 GMT on Saturday 8th DEC and it seems that it is not listening.
I am not sure if it is just a "blip" or if it is down.
I would encourage you to make a simple RX , rather than rely on someone else's receiver It is really, really easy.
I documented my "do it with as little effort as possible" approach on QRZ here - https://forums.qrz.com/index.p…00-and-a-plutosdr.660334/ - that is about getting both TX & RX working with a Pluto, but it talks about my original RX set up like this: :
"I had already set up a super simple system for receiving the narrow band transponder for the geostationary satellite QO-100 (Es’hail-2). It consists of my 80cm offset (steerable) dish I use for TV, and an RTL-SDR connected to the “loop out” of my sat TV receiver. I just pointed the dish, set up a transponder in the TV box and the signals were there, around 739 Mhz (10.489675 Downlink freq − 9.75 LO frequency of the LNB = 0.739675 GHz = 739.675 MHz) . Then, using SDRConsole I was able to set a receiver offset and then “lock” the software to the beacon ( https://www.sdr-radio.com/Console/EsHail2 ) and there was a useable receiver system, with very little effort!"
Give it a go! experimenting is what the hobby is all about
73 Neil
Thanks Oscar, a REALLY important reminder!
There have been some "interesting" examples of overdriven TX on the TP
Thanks for your efforts too Roberto ( and of course Jose!)
I have been playing with the unregistered version, and the results have been brilliant compared to HF - of course I can't send large messages/ attachments because that would take ages, but I am finding I get a 100% "ack" rate for what I do send
I am looking forward to seeing if the Open Source methods can match the amazing work that Jose has done to get it all working so well:)
Thanks again all
Neil M0KNC
I have now had a few successful sessions with the unregistered version of VARA ..
Thanks Roberto IS0GRB
OK so I got it going after a bit of a push 7 pull .. And received some messages despite someone transmitting olivia on top of the transaction ( over & over again) .. I though that everyone was supposed to listen to their own transmissions on QO-100 ..)
I am having no end of trouble getting RMS Express to open the SAT beta version of VARA.. I even put the BETA vara in the folder of the old one.. A challenge
OK I see what is happening!! The Vara SAT beta is installing into a different directory & the RMS program is launching the WRONG one.. I will see what I need to do to change that
Do you have the last 3.0.1 VARA SAT modem?
Remeber also to disable windows system sound that create problem to audio when transmitting
Yes, I installed the 3.0.1 Sat beta last night .. I will try re-installing it ..
The computer is used exclusively to drive the radios, and I use Winlink on it regularly on HF , and I have been doing data stuff on QO-100 for a while now without issues, so I know that the sound cards stuff is all good
Hi, I have just connected a GPSdo (
yesterday) and I am pretty rock sold on frequency.. I will fire off a few connect attempts +/- a few Hz
so tried (~14:08z ) +20,50 & 100 Hz & - 20, 50 & 100Hz
No response
Hello Neil,
I dont hear is0grb anymore too...so perhaps it was a testing phase.
Notice for .625 ; any problem with .645 ?
Renauld ON4KVI
I have seen no "regular" stuff on .645 personally.. I keep a bit of an eye on that sector of the TP
I am sure that more testing will happening with Winlink etc.
I downloaded the new "sat" beta version of VARA , and I have tried connecting a few times on .635 but I am seeing no response from IS0GBR I am using a Pluto full duplex in SDRconsole and I don't see or hear any response.
I have tried reducing drive etc. etc. - I tried last night and again this morning.
any ideas why ? are you seeing the connect attempt IS0GBR?
Also on4kvi - .625 is routinely used for KGstv ( and analogue sstv) so it may not the be best choice of frequency to avoid interference ( I know no one "owns " a freq, but I know that people listen on .625 for KGstv & SSTV)
73's Neil