Is there a possibitity, to connect the IC-9700 in Sat-mode with SDR-Console? In my case it works only in simplex but not in Sat mode on the IC-9700. Any experiences?
73 Guntram oe9dgv
Is there a possibitity, to connect the IC-9700 in Sat-mode with SDR-Console? In my case it works only in simplex but not in Sat mode on the IC-9700. Any experiences?
73 Guntram oe9dgv
do you say you set up your 9700 for working with satellites, e.g. set TX to 432,200, set RX to 144.700 , interlock the VFO's so RX follows TX (and vice versa), then connect your 9700 to OmniRig and OmniRig messes this up? There are 3 .ini-Files for the 9700, one is named Ic9700-sat.ini . Use this.
Disclaimer: I have no IC-9700.
73, Martin