Posts by DB2OS

    in a few minutes SpaceX Falcon 9 "Transporter-2" shall launch a flock of CubeSats into LEO on a rideshare launch.

    There will be some CubeSats transmitting in the amateur satellite service, frequencies successfully coordinated by IARU.

    Unfortunately there is at least one company (again ) violating the usage of these frequencies for commercial purposes, which is very sad.

    Is that the "democratization" of New Space everyone talks about?

    more details here:…2021-06-30-18-56-utc/8115

    Nothing new - it's RADAR noise, known since the first day of operation of QO-100...

    Hi Ernst,

    thanks for your investigation into SDRconsole and finding a work around for the "real" SNR.

    The general principles has been discussed in another thread here in the forum where Achim DH2VA also explained the effects of small and large dishes and where the optimum is. Generally speaking, if you can clearly see the transponder noise there is only little to add...

    Maybe we need a new thread with a summary of all individual threads with investigations and conclusions as below:

    However the "Voice ZRO" beacon proposed by George is mainly a simple test for those who do not use a "PC", but a traditional converter and RX/TX.

    73s Peter

    I think "Voice ZRO" is still better than CW or any other digital mode, which could be machine decoded.

    I don't think that it is big disadvantage, but in the voting/survey we could also ask for the age of the OP and dish size ;)

    Hi Remco,

    yes - we were also looking into the NB telemetry and there are several possible sources of origin which will be further observed and analyzed. Obviously someone sweeped over the whole NB and WB with a lot of power. We are also working on I/Q recording of the whole NB transponder passband currently, so that we can do more analysis of signals everywhere on the transponder and any time. A kind of "signal intelligence" which might be helpful to identify the origin...

    While we can not make any conclusions yet, it's always a good reminder to everyone to follow the guidelines and be as economical with the Uplink power and spectrum as possible.

    73s Peter

    Hi George,

    Many people might remember the very popular ZRO test on OSCAR-10, also discussed here: proposal for beacon Hi

    We thought about the possibility implementing this on the lower CW beacon a while ago.

    We just discussed your proposal in our regular internal QO100 team meeting and the first opinion was that traditionally Wednesday = Experimental Day would be in fact a good day for such a test.

    Since you need to be attending the station when it runs all day, we understand that you might prefer a weekend which is also helpful to receive more reports from a wider audience.

    So from our perspective June 27th from 05:00 UTC to 17:00 UTC would be fine.

    Depending on the acceptance and results, we could even later decide if we want to install this as a permanent service with Uplink from Bochum or if it will be say a monthly event, with some sort of Awards for the stations which received the "lowest level".

    I think it could be very helpful for users to understand what their receive performance really is, as we see people promoting 30cm dish beside the recommended size of 60cm or more...

    73s Peter

    On the occasion of the deployment in space of the first Mauritian NanoSatellite MIR-SAT1, on 22 June 2021 at 10:55UTC, the Mauritius Amateur Radio Society (MARS) is creating special awards (ELECTRONIC ONLY) open to all participating Hams/SWLs worldwide.

    for more details check the MIR-SAT1 Special Award description


    Es’hail-2 telemetry detected a surge in Helix current of the WB-Transponder on 17.06.2021 between 15:52 and 15:53 UTC due to extensive abnormal uplink power!! This created a "red alert" in the satellite control center in Qatar.

    Any reports here are welcome..

    Anything which could shorten the lifetime of the TWT should be indeed avoided, so please handle your uplink power with care!

    Less is better… also use efficient DVB-S2 modes.

    Thanks, AMSAT-DL

    from OPUSAT-II Team:

    Amateur radio operators can uplink messages to OPUSAT-II, and can downlink them by FM downlink. Therefore, Amateur radio operators ALL OVER THE WORLD can share massages through OPUSAT-II.

    OPUSAT-II (HIROGARI) mission description 1

    We will conduct test operation of the message box on the following schedule.

    June 18, 9:47pm - June 19, 4:18am

    June 19, 10:34pm-June 20, 3:28am


    The informations needed to join this service (such as command format and generator, uplink/downlink mode and frequency, decode software) are available on the following link. 1

    OPUSAT-II transmits FM only when command uplinked, which means OPUSAT-II usually transmits FM only over Japan(because we uplink mission command from Japan).

    But during conducting message box service, it transmits FM on other areas if amateur radio operators join the service and uplink message box commands. (Uplink command which is not from us is acceptable only when conducting message box service)

    I would like lots of amateur radio operator all over the world to join.


    Hallo Peter

    I want receive with my radio, not via SatNOGS. Otherwise I could also receive via WebSDR. But that's not my thing.


    you misunderstood me.. I tried to help you and give you a hint how to use MMSTV with your recorded Wave-file !!!

    The SatNOGS is my own station and not a WebSDR. I wanted to decode the recorded file of my own station, nothing more, nothing less.. just read the instructions in my original post and you will see how you can play a recorded file within MMSTV..

    73 Peter

    Hi Carlos,

    leider waren alle Gehäuse innerhalb von 3 Tagen verkauft =O

    Wegen dem Feiertag und Brückentag werden wir gleich nächste Woche neue Gehäuse in einer größeren Menge bestellen.

    73s Peter

    Hallo Karl,

    beim Empfang bitte auch mal den LNB neu ausrichten.. offensichtlich hast Du ihn schön "senkrecht" ausgerichtet.

    Für QO-100 wird in unseren Breiten LNB tilt (Skew) von etwa 14° benötigt..

    Also der LNB muss etwas schräg gestellt werden, wie in der Grafik unten zu sehen.

    73s Peter

    Hallo Manu,

    wir werden den Gehäusebausatz ab nächster Woche nur noch wie im Shop beschrieben anbieten.

    Also alle vorgefertigten mechanischen Teile und das OLED-Display.

    Kleinteile wie zum Beispiel Schrauben, LED's, Kabel und Stecker können wir leider nicht mehr anbieten, es sein denn es findet sich jemand unter den Mitgliedern, der sich darum kümmern würde. Kleinvieh macht leider auch viel Arbeit..

    73s Peter