Posts by DL5CN

    I tested the scanning of 25 MHz with my LNBs. The shielding is different, some signals were rather low. Use a resonant antenna with the scanner, 5 turns and 150pF for example. The sensitivity goes up.


    good idea, thanks. Are there any further results, we can use to help the beginners?

    Octagon offers an interesting type, it's called "Whispy". It looks like, there is a plastic lense. Until now no answer to my email I wrote to OCTAGON.



    I was asked sometimes, which LNBs with PLL are available. The market seems to change quickly. That's why, I and others too would appreciate some informations about actual LNBs with PLL. From my point of view so called slim line or rocket types are easy to modify with an uplink transmit antenna. No matter if the antenna is a poty or Helix. If there is a 10 GHz waveguide, both types can be sticked together with a socket to the waveguide. Both antennas match with the focus point. The following link shows a picture.

    The sat-dealers don't know what is inside the LNBs. That's a pity. I would like to collect some infos about suitable LNBs to give it to others who are starting with a sat-station.



    ich glaube nicht, daß man alle Parameter, die am Zustandekommen eines Signalpegels über 80000 km beteiligt sind, so konstant halten kann, das Vergleiche von wenigen dB auf Unterschiede der Antennen schließen lassen. Wirklich interessant sind die
    Strahlungsdiagramme der Erregersysteme in beiden Ebenen und deren Öffnungswinkel bezogen auf den f/D-Faktor eines
    Spiegels also dessen Krümmung. Wie aus der Literatur bekannt, gibt es Empfehlungen für 10 dB Abfall am Spiegelrand gegenüber der Mitte. In der Praxis sind die Unterschiede zwischen Patches und Helixerregern eher unbedeutend. Die Montage eines LNB mit Rillenhorn hinter der Reflektorscheibe einer Helix erscheint bezüglich der Fokussierung und einer möglichen Abschattung allerdings nicht optimal. Bei einem Hohlleiter mit Kunststofflinse und aufgeschobener Patchantenne befinden sich beide Antennen deutlich besser im Fokus. Eine Abschattung tritt in diesem Fall gar nicht auf. Für die Funkpraxis via QO-100 sind diese theoretischen Betrachtungen fast bedeutungslos. Bei Beobachtung der Signale und deren Verständlichkeit sind Audio-Frequenzgang, Dynamik und Intermodulation von Endstufen m. E. nach die wichtigeren Eigenschaften.

    Hallo Stephan,

    ich würde den Flansch/Ring auf dem LNB-Eingang (4) (der die Linse trägt) entfernen und, wenn möglich, ein neues Röhrchen passend auf den Hohlleiter stecken. Das neue Röhrchen hat dann vorn einen neuen, verdickten Haltering für die Linse und trägt dahinter auch die Patchantenne, siehe Foto.
    Eine Drehbank bzw. die Kenntnis eines Besitzers kann hilfreich sein. Die Länge des LNB-Hohlleiters wird nicht verändert.

    Hier hat das Messingröhrchen noch einen 3mm (plus Materialdicke) Absatz für den Abstand der beiden Bleche der Patchantenne. Der Vorteil dieser Lösung ist eine kompakte Anordnung für beide Antennen im Fokus. Auf Wunsch könnte man zum Testen die Patchantenne auch durch eine Helix mit einem gleichen Röhrchen in deren Reflektorscheibe ersetzen oder schnell tauschen. Die Hohlleiteröffnung samt Linse befinden sich dann inmitten der ersten Windungen der Helix. Verlöten lassen sich die Teile sehr gut mit einer Heißluftpistole. Die beiden Blechteile werden dabei mit 3mm Distanzstücken fxiert.

    Nach meiner Erfahrung funktionieren die Linsen der "rocket LNBs" am besten. Mit etwas Glück passt das 22mm Cu-Rohr Deiner Poty-Antenne auf den Hohlleiter bzw. den Adapter und kann mit etwas Nachhilfe passend gemacht werden. Die Durchmesser der Hohlleiter variieren aber oft.
    Daher gibt es die neuen Röhrchen.



    please have a look to this thread.

    Don't care about beacons. Try to see the noise floor from the ransponder above the LNB noise.
    Use an RTL-Stick V3 and SDR# to have a spectrum. It is good for finding the satellite and dish adjustment also. The possible SNR of user signals and the beacons are referred to the transponders own noise. That's why reports like 59 are useless.

    Hi William,

    probably you are right if this is carefully discovered. It surprises me, that there are some motion detectors in small area. Because these sensors "see" each other and trigger each other. The poor oscillator design leads to lock effects between the LOs. Drifting by, funny effects can be seen. This happened on 5,8 and 24 GHz also. I remember a customer who wants to check a low angle range with some 24 GHz-sensors. The signals in the spectrum moved towards and locked each other, horrible. Sorry, but I have no idea what to do.

    I will ask some friends if there are more observations and solutions. As I told before, this will not happen in DL.



    Hallo William,

    I don't know how the Dutch Regulations look like, in Germany the use of these sensors is not allowed. We have two ISM-Bands 5,8 and 24 GHz where 10 G-Motion Detectors can be used. 10 GHz-Systems from Asia are not legal. By the way, these oscillators are very unstable and noisy and drift with all parameters, temperature and supply voltage. The doppler effect based systems work with bad signals also.

    From my point of view interference in a narrow band system is hard to believe. These sensors have transmit power in the lower mW range. And the beam of a downlink dish is narrow too. Probably there are other noise sources in the envirement. Beside this, it is interesting to get more information. May be, for a test you can move the dish in different directions and locate the noise sources.


    is this usable as an linear amplifier really? Which graph gives linearity information? I tested some amps in the past. SG-Lab, Dx-Patrol, AMSAT, DB4UM, PA3AXA, PE1RKI and so on. Single tone saturation power is the wrong information. The linear range was less always. But, the good news is, all amps were usuable for QO-100-Operation, the linear power was enough in all cases but did not correspond with the manufactures data. As written often already, power information should be given together with a specific intermodulation distortion.
    For microwave cooking, the linearity isn't important at all but for a good SSB-Signal it is. It would be nice and very helpful if all the developers and manufacturers show a spectrum of their amps. It is very easy even at 2,4 GHz. LimeSDR Mini and Adalm Pluto in combination with the SDR Console are excellent two tone generators with very low intermodulation distortion.
    By the way, wideband signals require a good linearity also.

    Hallo Gero,

    das war schon eine tolle Sitzung :)

    Viel Erfolg mit der Station.
    Ein möglicher Treff ist immer 18:00 Küchenzeit auf 10489,767 Mhz.

    Da findet sich immer Jemand zum Testen.


    Hallo Ömer,

    leider ist es immer wieder ein Thema. Wenn man das Grundrauschen des Transponders hinreichend stark über dem Eigenrauschen seines
    LNBs aufnehmen kann, ist keine weitere Empfangsverbesserung mehr möglich. Alle Nutzsignale beziehen sich darauf, daher sind Rapporte mit absoluten Pegelangaben fragwürdig. Diese Frage gab es schon öfter.

    Zuverlässiger als die Angaben der Console sind die beiden Web-RXe. SNR-Angaben erfordern normalerweise auch eine Bandbreiteninformation. Als erster Schritt erscheint eine Überprüfung/Optimierung der Empfangsanlage sinnvoll. Ist die Rauschglocke gut zu erkennen, wie in dem oben genannten Bild, dann ist das ausreichend. Der Rauschfloor des Umsetzers ist auch für die Ausrichtung eines
    Spiegels geeignet.


    thanks for the information. I am looking for single amps as driver stages behind the Pluto. I own a BU500 from the very beginning but do not use it anymore. My example showed a poor LO surpression. It's up to everyone but the SDR-solutions bring so much advantages. An article will be published in the German Magazine "Funkamateur", I hope soon.


    both Asian dealers sent back the money very fast. May be, they know already whats wrong with the chips.
    No further loss for me beside the frustration. Trying to get in contact with Qorvo support, I received a quick reply. A field applications manager told me, the lot code of the SZM2166 is 5 digit normally instead of 6 digits I watched through my microscope. He recommended me the RFPA5208 as a replacement. Unfortunately there are no boards with this chip.
    All this couldn't fix the Problem but I was surprized about the quick and friendly reaction of Qorvo. From my point of view it has to be highly apprecciated.


    now I am sure, stay away from SZM2166-Boards from China. I tested another one from ebay. The seller has good references. The yesterday arrived board showed less idle current and no amplification at all, just like the first one I tested from Alieexpress. By the way, they gave back the money. I will send the ebay example back too.
    What a pity, the smaller chip SZA2044, as I wrote above, works great.
    At least, it seems like the obsolete chips SZM2166 from Sirenza/Qorvo are fakes. I will explore the board and compare it with the evaluation infos in the datasheet. But there is not much hope. This is very sad, most of the offers from Asia are ok. And we can save time and work to use it.

    The picture shows the quick Setup. The idle current is about 140 mA. The data sheet says much more.

    May be, there is a chance to get correct working chips? It should be possible to change the chips with hot air soldering. Any information about a reliable distributor, who is ready to sell some parts, will be appreciated.

    Enjoy the Christmas Time

    Hi Darko, my name is not Jim,
    your infos about Chinese amps are confusing a bit. The SZA2044 works great with 200 mWatts and very good linearity. I would like to get more information about the fake Chips. Many amps from China work as expected. And many Oms appreciate the prices and the wide range offers. What is about your famous amps? Is there an intermodulation spectrum available?



    here is another amplifier-question. I ordered an amplifier from Alieexpress with SZM2166 (Sirenza, now QORVO) so see how it works. I am very satisfied with the SZA2044, this is the "little brother" of the SZM2166.
    But unfortunatley the SZM2166 board didn't work. Extrem low idle current and less gain. The datasheet says 800mA idle current. The dialog with Alieexpress is difficult and will continuing...

    Is there anyone who owns a good working amplifier board with this SZM2166. I am interested in information about current cosumption (quiescent and power) and linearity of course. QORVO says the chip is obsolete. Some suspect dealers report about chips in stock. Not sure if they will sell me something as a privat person.


    Hallo David,

    unfortunately I don't know where differences between a single sky-amp and the push pull Version come from.

    This is an Intermodualtion spectrum of the push pull Amp. Two single carriers with one watt give four watts PEP. IMD3 reaches around 40 dB PEP. From my nonessential point of view, it is very good.

    The next shot is captured from a single SKY66292 designed after DB4UM with the help of a chinese board. This is about one watt PEP and IMD3 is 10 dB worse. May be, my expectation is wrong.

    A friend and I try to get some hybrid couplers to test the push pulls again.


    Hi all,

    today I could test several samples of the amplifier with one SKY66292. All showed rather pure intermodulation results. So, it seems like it can not be recommended as a driver. I am very interested in getting some information from other testers. Once more, saturation power is not usable for linear operation.
    A driver stage should be minimum 6 dB better in IMD3 than a final. Otherwise the overall intermodulation gets worse.




    is there any information about intermodulation distortion and power of a DB4UM-Amplifier. It is a single SKY66292. I tested one and the results were disappointing a bit. I don't know why yet. The push pull amp with these chips runs much better.
    Any kind of information will be highly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance


    ich wiederhole es gern noch'n paar Mal. Geplant war ein Workshop, mit aktiver Teilnahme. Ohne Rufzeichen und ohne Absicht auch qrv werden zu wollen, macht das keinen Sinn. Da nun mein Versuch, die potentiellen Teilnehmer zu betreuen und sozusagen einen Teleworkshop zu veranstalten auch fehl geschlagen ist, werde ich das Ganze auf die Seite legen und nicht weiter verfolgen.
    Tut mir leid für alle ernsthaften Interessenten aber etwas Eigeninitiative ist schon vonnöten.
