Posts by ik1hgi Tony
well wanting too i am indificolta up in the forum since 8 months and i can't find the possibility to find the right way, it doesn't want to know also i changed the pwd always error then confirm too many attempts and there is no way to find something different we are all radio amateurs if some hacker no radio amateur comes he will throw out
73 Tony ik1hgi
What happens when you click on " Resend activation e-mail"? Did you receive an email?
it says you will receive an email but it doesn't arrive, as said wait wait but after 20 minutes nothing there is not in it spamm.... 73 Tony ik1hgi
As Jean-Pierre is not answering or you are not receiving his answers it seems to me that the email adress has been changed.
So I would suggest to contact F6DZP directly to solve this problem when a new registration with a different email is not possible.
The maximum allowed number of login attempts has been exceeded. In addition to the username and password, I still think attempts are being made with my call I registered but still got blocked
abandonment!!!! Tony ik1hgi
DG8KD and just one thing I don't understand that Jan Pierr doesn't answer if he doesn't cosider these in formation have been going on for a long time... I tried to register me it doesn't accept email that is already active!!!!
well DG8KD does nothing pasinza things will stay like this for 10 months i dont read what they write OM info new...
thank you DG8KD 73 Tony ik1hgi
Ok, Weird.
Would it be possible that someone changed the email adress within the VivaDATV forum to a different one without your knowledge? (maybe used a too simple pwd?)
Maybe a re-registration is a possibility?
[Blocked Image:]
ik1hgi Qrss Qrpp dom 10 lug, 23:39 for 15 days I have not entered but there is someone who tends to enter with my call we are always the same thing one entry now that I exceeded the limit.... 73 -
ik1hgi Tony : Have you also checked your spam folder?
si si si redone again as you see picture in 20 minutes nothing is not working!!!!!
If your password isn´t working, try klicking on" I forgot my password" and you will receive a new password via the registered mail to your username within minutes.
With this new password access to the VivaDATV-board should be possible again.
Hope that helps.
DG8KD thanks for the info I tried as you request me stmorning I forgot the password done, but and 30 minutes I wait not received anything 73 Tony ik1hgi
8 months since he has not contacted me Jann Pier is he sick? ( dearest JeanPier 11 Dic 2021) one week I don't use viva datv I don't understand tonight I tried to enter my PWD it says error so many attempts I wouldn't want someone to play with my call ik1hgi and tonight tried error possible
73 ik1hgi Tony
possible someone can give me some sugerimento thanks
Hallo Zusammen,
ich benötige mal Eure Hilfe.
Meine Endstufe mit dem MRF21060 macht auf 2400MHz 85Watt. Auf 2390MHz aber 100Watt.
Ich habe alle möglichen Bleche gebogen, gemacht usw.. Der Eingang ist OK. Es liegt wohl am Ausgang.
Hänge mal drei Bilder vor und nachher und org. drann.
73 de Ulrich
hello i had done it too but i cant find the schematic my model the power around 30watts contention 18+volt, do you have something to share thanks
Tony ik1hgi
Geneviève, Daniel, Nancy and Nills report to you the passing of Alain. Rest in peace dear friend ...
April 13, 1967 - February 25, 2022
[Blocked Image:]
Hallo and good morning...
my reception from 18:40 local time ....
made a short video from the PINGUINs after 21 local Time....
(screenshots attached....)
The system is working good on the RF side i got a peak MER of 7.5dB @ SR1000 on my 120 cm Dish but the transport stream needs optimizations.
They are working on this .... "cross the fingers"
73 de Michael dg0opk
Michael DG0OPK
beautiful image received SR1500 Mer 4.5 D1 compliments the Antarctic station is at 21.05 hours local more or less on the photo you can see well the exact time when you broadcast, I also have listened in the WSPR mode on 20meters with 200mw antenna under the roof,,, I would like to receive a qsl for indirect see in the future I will demonstrate to all of the beautiful connection received
73 ik1hgi Tony
Translated with (free version)
21/01/2022 They started transmitting from the German Antarctic base, I have to reactivate the DATV. first connection received Antarctica
73 ik1hgi Tony
here is my contact with Sud Antarctica on 17 meters with 200mw DP0GVN. i understand it is not part of the QO100 sat system but it is a great success with my antenna under the roof see ik1hgi it is not easy but thanks to the propagation that helps the distant DX my way TX wspr 200mw
73 ik1hgi Tony
Dear om:
I am working (and playing) with the last version. with Adalm-Pluto. But I have one qestion: not is possible set Modmode fixe to QPSK 4/5 to see only the QO-100 DATV?
73,s de Jabi, ea2aru.
Hi Jabi, your question is confusing, I don't understand to set Modmode fixe to QPSK 4/5, the question about Adalm-Pluto is all automatic, if you are using Minitiune V2 there is no parameter to set, I think your question is that you are not receiving QO100.
73 Tony ik1hgi
Here I have resumed my business using the RTLSDT key for the reason that everything works well I never had problems, as noted in the desktop I use WINDOWS 11 and I have very fast encryption
73 Tony IK1HGI
Grazie IK1HGI. 73!
here I have resumed my business using the RTLSDT key for the reason that everything works well I never had any problems