Posts by ON7NDR
Hello George,
This afternoon tony ik1hgi and me compiled the gr-iio succesfully for the pluto and did a test in transmitting and simultan receiving on xubuntu 18.04
it works , but signal was going up and down....
don't know what bitrate and video should be used for 500 dvbt
attached images tx and rx ....
73 nico and tony ik1hgi
on the left rx in vlc image on the right obs as video/audio source behind running as transceiver
hi georges,
i have noticed that the decoding was more quickly than dvbs2 decoding, we must wait longer to see the image's on dvbs2
yesterday tony ik1hgi was trying with his pluto to make the tx2 python run.
we had iio error , iio module swig not correct?
what depencies must be installed for swig and iio for adalm pluto
where must ' cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .' be inserted ?
Codegit clone cd libiio cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr . ( is this correct????? ) make sudo make install cd ..
Codegit clone cd libad9361-iio cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr . (this also command?) make sudo make install cd ..
can sv8rv transmit also on 13.00 hr to see if ik1hgi can decode with rx version 2K5 please.....
Nice job!!!
Hello george ,
many thanks for your software.
version dvbt rx 2K5 works fine to decode 500 symbolrate dvbt
attached are the images from sv8rv , thanks dennis for the transmission
also you have done a great job
73 .......
decoding was very fast done via udp port 5555 on VLC in ubuntu 18
simple command : python
Hello george ,
i have version 2K5 running with regular rtlsdr , will try to decode it today
Thanks for your effort on rb dvbt test gnuradio
when i see a decoded image ,i will post the video image here
73 nico
george , no luck with rx with rtlsdr on your software
version 2.4 K was running to get any signal decoded
ubuntu 18 and python file
antenna is 1.2 m offset , so plenty signal enough
had a jack server error , not started?
also buffer error?
but program runs ....
the last tx version can not be run due to the iio missing module. (error)
thanks for your work.
would be nice to have also a variable made on the ratio and samplerate (chooser in gui)
info my modification for a 2 x blf7g22l-130 umts for bias increasing voltage from 0.58 to 1.95 Volt .
1. removed origininal smd 262 Ohm resistor from gate to ground in trace.
2.added 2x 3800 ohm resistor to capacity on board
3.voltage increased from factory 0.58v on ldmosfet2 to 1.95 v due to this modification
4.ldmosfet running in class AB for linearity
5.power output plus minus 50 w
6.attached image for proper biasing and how the ldmosfetnr2 becomes active when bias is more than 1.4v and the critical 2.3 volt.
bias higher than 2.3 volt can destroy ldmosfetnr2 (info)
ik4idy , G0MJW : this is a info for all amateurs
datvexpress accept only directshow windows devices that are "visible" in your sytem.
so , after installing virtual cam (directshow) plugin for obs , datvexpress can see the camera and tx the video from obs.
when you choose obs-audio , there will be a warning that there is no audio grabber or actualy no directshow audio element.
if have been doing test with vb cable, voicemeeter, etc , was not working!
yesterday i maybe found a good solution?? go to audio settings pc , recording , deactivate your normal microphone
then activate the "stereo-mix" as standard device
leave the playback on normal speakers.
now open datv-express , and stereo-mix (microphone loop) will also be seen in the "live" and "audio"
restart datvexpress and transmit video from the virtual cam and audio from "steromix" virtual system
i is working on ic8ecf , have tx yesterday with this test.
can someone test if the audio is good ??? please give me a respons to this message.
just for info also, if you activate also your normal microphone , you can talk also in your tx video.
keep stereo device standard device and microphone communicate device then..
thank you. this message will be deleted if this is not a good simple working solution
many thanks nico
something wrong in my guide.....
forget to mention that the the full content from the seperate ldpc folder must be copied inside the leandvb src apps folder
also copy seperately the " ldpc_tool " from the ldpc folder to your home directory ,
(make it visible in your home directory)
also copy seperately the " leandvb" inside the apps or source from leansdr to home folder
on7kec ,dit ziet er normaal uit ; airspy device opened > driver werkt dus
klik op het andere kleinere venster waar al die details van de versie staan en veranderingen , kleiner scherm onderaan op de ok klikken.
programma start dan pas op !
wanneer programma is geladen , download mijn kleine nederlandse handleiding om verder wijs uit te geraken en te starten , het gaat niet vanzelf...
veel chance nico…32u%20en%20amsat.pdf?dl=0
indien het op niet lukt , kan je me mailen op >
of eens afspreken en begeleiden via anydesk applicatie (gratis) remote desktop
of gewoon met google chrome remote desktop control applicatie of met teamviewer....
teamviewer is de laatste tijd niet meer goed ,indien je een licentie wil kopen , doe ik niet...
73 nico
zet de samplerate van airspy niet te hoog , zodanig dat je bandbreedte niet te hoog is om de smallere signalen toch nog te kunnen bekijken , zowat 3 Ms is genoeg indien dat kan , heb zelf geen airspy dongle...
here is some gui to use in ubuntu 16 18 or 19.04 for test pupose
hope it works
73 nico
Hello all,
Our friend miguel CT1BYM was this morning active and he did again a test in 8 PSK and also DVBS1 modethe software again was sdrangel and our regular rtl2832u dongle
the 8 PSK was NOT decodable here .... but than miguel give a monster signal on our birdy in 333 ks and also 500 ks DVBS1
he made his first tryout in DVBS 1 mode , so congratulations friend miguel
here you have the screenshot from 333 ks , bandwith was about 500 khz (333 x 1,33)
here is the full image SDRANGEL DVBS1 CT1BYM SR 333 kS 3/4 fec
INFO : sdrangel is software from F4EXB :…sdrangel-4.11.0-win64.exe
hello all , just for a info...
today i have also done a small test with datv sdrangel 64 bit windows software for normal dvbs 1 and also other modes...
the station was on 250 ks sr and fec 2/3 dvbs 1
decimation was set on 1 and SR dongle was 2400000
gain had to set to 48 before constellation was ok.
but it works...for a normal dvbs1 station and h264 codec.
picture was good on the small datv screen .
g8gkq was decoded..... dvbs1... maybe 8 psk works also. will test
Hallo , nog eens een guide /handleiding hier van mij in het nederlands.
je moet inderdaad altijd eerst correct afstemmen met de software.
dan onderaan midden goed blijven kijken als de sr gelijk blijft of ontspoord..
de dunne gele fijne lijn moet zich zo goed mogelijk in het midden van de voledige gele /blauwe/oranje/ waterval bevinden.
probeer eens een 333 ks te decoderen , gaat soms makkelijker dan het baken.
dutch duide:…32u%20en%20amsat.pdf?dl=0
i hope that someone can make a guide in portuguese /german/spanisch/italian/russian also....
the official links on the other page's for dvbs-demod -gui are again working fine and no popups or redirections anymore to other url's
thanks for solving the DNS issue ...
73 Nico De Roo , on7ndr/ jo11sf /st-laureins belgium
your static adress works fine for the download for now , just for quick feedback
thanks marcel
still redirected to this site ttp://ww.freenom/nl for info
date 26 5 2019 8:12 hr local time
hope you can solve this advertising problem....
73 .
here is it also on my dropbox ... version 2.0.10 dvbs-gui
for in case something went wrong on the server...…
73 nico on7ndr
hi all,
i have been able now to easy operate the software and madea simple start guide , which is avaible to anyone in my dropbox:…software%20guide.pdf?dl=0
ciao , nico on7ndr