Posts by OE6MUE

    Tnx Thomas, habe gerade nochmal die tle´s geprüft (heute 6uhr), orbitron "nasabare.txt" hat jetzt auch die norad-nr. 54684 und den sat von cas-5a auf fo-118 berichtigt, danke nochmal 73 de mike


    good morning baris, thank you very much for changing the frequency bars, they now fit perfectly, great work!!! but.......if you look really closely (with my cat eyes...hi) you can see that the frequency bar a71a (1.5MS/s) is not exactly centered at 10491.5, it's a little too far to the right and should be shifted to the left (center on 10491.5), then your plugin graphic will fit perfect!! further.....if datv stations transmit with a small bandwidth, you can see that the entire batc spectrum is a little too far to the left and does not exactly match your frequency bar graph, you can already see it at 1.5MS/s station a71a, but not so good because of the bandwidth! I wish you a nice weekend, don't work but rest !!!! vy 73 de oe6mue, mike

    baris, as a small comment, i noticed that you have 46 frequency bars in the plugin, something has shifted in the upper rows and doesn't match the band plan that has 45 positions, please don't take that as a criticism, i just noticed it, vy 73 de oe6mue

    hello baris, thank you very much for your efforts, I also think that your decision is the right one, the way with the bouquets should be the much "easier" one (even if I have no idea about programming) everyone can then adjust their bouquets as they wish, the creation according to the band plan is easy and works on all enigma2 boxes, i created these bouquets for my gigablue 4k and for the octagon sf8008 with the soft dreamboxEdit and imported them into both boxes under "favorites", according to the current band plan there are currently 45 in total frequencies !!!

    if you need the current list I sent it in the attachment

    I also changed the graph refresh time in your plugin (from 3000ms to 1000ms) as a test, works fine, do you think that can be a problem?

    stay health, vy 73 de oe6mue, om mike from graz

    @martin dm4im: habe jetzt absichtlich bei meiner gigablue das internet weggenommen und die box beim aufrufen des plugins durch schnelles hin und herschalten mit den tasten links/rechts chrashen lassen ! bei open atv 7.0 steht der "enigma2_chrash_log" so wie ich gesagt habe in "home/root/logs" drinnen !! wenn der blue screen kommt steht das auch so am bildschirm wenn mann schnell genug hinsieht! ebenso mit dem hinweis das die box erst beim 3.ten chrash neu startet und den logtext reinschreibt! 73 de mike

    @martin dm4im : meinen meinung nach sind hier deine websocket-probleme !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1.) 21:48:37.4656 socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

    2.) 21:48:37.4744 websocket._exceptions.WebSocketAddressException: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

    was ich im netz gefunden habe >socket.gaierror weist auf einen "invalid hostname" hin, was immer das bedeuten mag?!

    da ich absolut kein pyhton spezialist bin bleibt nur zu warten was baris dazu meint, oder jemand anders hat einen tip, 73 de oe6mue

    @ martin dm4im, hast du den >websocket< installiert, wie baris es vorgibt? deine internetverbindung zur box steht? bei mir hat es nur wie folgt funktioniert: einloggen mit putty per ssh dann > opkg update < und dann >opkg install python3-websocket-client< eingeben!!!

    die installation muß fehlerfrei funktionieren sonst chrashed die box auch (bei mir wars jedenfalls so) 73 de oe6mue

    hallo martin, mit filezilla per lan in die box einloggen (passwort im menu der box vergeben!) dann findest du diese datei in > home/root/logs <, weiters brauchst du im verzeichnis usr/lib den ordner >python 3.9< dieser muß dort sein wenn du openatv 7.0 installiert hast, bei älteren versionen ist noch python 2.7 drauf und dann chrashed die box, ich hatte das auch und baris half mir bei der fehlereingrenzung, bei mir läuft es jetzt prima auf der octagon sf8008 sowie auf der gigablue uhd ue 4k, schau mal welche version du hast!!

    @ michel, hb9dug derzeit hast du nur die graphische anzeige im plugin von baris, er arbeitet noch heftig daran, du kannst seine tolle arbeit in github verfolgen, hab mal per python-edit in seine plugin-datei bumm, alles bahnhof für mich...hihi, hab es grad geschaft die farbe der grafik für meine verhältnisse anzupassen, jetzt schaut es gleich aus wie beim batc!

    vy 73 de oe6mue, om mike aus graz (leute entschuldigt aber ich tu mir mit englisch etwas schwer, darum hier auf deutsch)

    hy baris, you're right, I checked with "filezilla", in fact I have the folder "python 2.7" in the usr/lib directory, strange ??? now i have downloaded another (older) openATV 7.0 and flashed it again........ now a python 3.9 folder is included??? then installed pyhton3-websocket-client...hurrraaa it works now.....super, thank you!!!! vy 73 de mike
    hello baris, operator mike again, many thanks for your great work "OPENATV QO-100 WB Spectrum Plugin", I have now switched to openatv 7.0 and installed your plugin and the websocket client, worked without errors, then I did a reset made on the sf8008, when you start the plugin, the display surface is immediately visible, but without spectrum, after about 3 seconds the box crashed (!!! internet via wlan is ok!!!) the error log is attached! vy 73 de oe6mue, om mike from graz
    baris, since you're obviously a software specialist........isn't it possible to intervene in the agc/afc control or switch it off with a "plugin"? that the tuner stops there when you select a channel and does not readjust to the strongest signal?? do you have a circuit diagram for the sf8008 maybe there is something hardware related? have a nice sunday 73 de oe6mue
    baris, thanks for your quick reply, i will try a newer openeight image with python 3.0 first before switching to openatv for testing! Regarding khz input you are absolutely right, it does not help, since the afc/agc control always votes for the strongest signal! optically it's just nicer because the qrg input and the channel lists are displayed with the correct frequency in khz, i use the software dreamboxEDit x64 for the sf8008, thanks for your efforts....i'll get back to you if it works, 73 de oe6mue
    AAAhhhh, you are the best......I overlooked that, I don't use openATV but openeight with mhz+khz input!!!! it's my own fault, if you can read you have a clear advantage hehe, is it possible to upgrade my python 2.7 to 3.0? or do I have to test it with another image? but then I have to save my countless settings in openeight beforehand! This will take a while, I'll get back to you!! thank you very much, mike from graz