Unfortunately not because the Raspberry CPU does not support AVX (required for mode 2020). Modes up to 1600 works well.
SAT Controller SDR Nano
That is unfortunately a big drawback.
If you once have worked 2020 you won't go back to the "bad" audio quality of 1600 or even lower.
Unfortunately you can't have everything, hi. Maybe in the future there will be a FreeDV version that runs Mode 2020 on Raspberry ...
Next image includes FreeDV. It runs in parallel on the same Raspberry Pi 4B. Only an additional USB microphone/headset is needed.
New image "satcontrol_04.img.zip" is now ready for download: http://www.satcontrol.de/images
gutte arbeit mit dem software .Ich habe eine bite zum implementiren zum kontrolirung von lime mini sdr .mit dem brauchen keine up konverter und kan man direkt auch empfangen am 740 mhz .
gruss vojko S52E
I did not plan such function. But maybe there is someone who can do that for the raspberry. Support for the ADALM Pluto will be nice too
New image "satcontrol_05.img.zip" is now ready for download: http://www.satcontrol.de/images
New transponder bandplan with updated markers in GQRX
Warnings if tx signal is outside transponder range or inside beacon guardband
When "Auto tracking" function is disabled now split operation will be possible
ich wuerde zehr gucklich zein wen jemand di zieh mit raspberry kent das implementier in die code .Dan wuerde klein und mobil zein , brauchen wir nicht zo fille kasten mit schlephen !!!!!!
gruss vojko
de S52E
dan kans du mit einem ode zwei raspberry pi behoben beide transponder betriebs arten nb und wb transponder .
es ist kein img05 in dem folder
Full image
Folder: http://www.satcontrol.de/images
File: http://www.satcontrol.de/images/satcontrol_05.img.zipUpdate SatControl
cd ~/SatControl
rm *
wget http://www.satcontrol.de/files/satcontrol.zip
unzip satcontrol.zip
rm satcontrol.zip
Update GQRX settings
cd ~/.config/gqrx
rm *
wget http://www.satcontrol.de/files/gqrx.zip
unzip gqrx.zip
rm gqrx.zip
In next versions there will be an update function:
danke 73 de S52E
das gqrx findet lime mini und ubernimt die einstelungen aber i sat control can man nicht einstelen direkten senden auf an 2.4 ghz kans du das implementiren das wehre schoen .
gruss vojko
de S52E
The intention of the program is to control a transmitter like FT817 and up converter like MKU2424 via cat/serial interface. It is not designed to control an sdr transmitter direcly. Maybe there are other programs with this feature.
Es ware nur meine meinung das wehre gut wail vile machen auch mit pluto oder lime mini sdr und were schone portabel mashine ohne pc zum senden .
gruss vojko
may i point you to https://github.com/F5OEO/rpitx , a software to make the raspberry transmit. I tried it and was surprised.
The transmitted signal level is high enough on SW, 144 , 432 or 1296 Mhz to drive a booster and then be fed into an upconverter.
The test-program there provides various modes, It transmits prefabricated pictures or speech from files. I tried SSTV, FREE-DV and SSB.
The received picture was very good, so was the decoded audio in Free-DV. Also the transmitted .wav-file for SSB was of good quality.
Setup: Raspberry Pi3 > 70cm Transverter , LZ5HP Upconverter. The level was too low to drive the LZ5HP mdirectly, so i used the 70cm Transverter's 1mW input to provide enough level on 70cm to drive the LZ5HP.
Unfortunately , there is no way (yet) to transmit audio from a microfone.
Maybe DL3DCW wants to enhance his satcontrol-Software ? Who needs a pluto when you have a raspberry...
73, Martin
If someone adds an audio input and a control interface (for changing modes, frequencies, etc.) to rpitx, this will be a crazy idea
But how stable is the transmission frequency (drift) and how is the quality of the transmitted signals? The signal quality on the screenshots (https://github.com/F5OEO/rpitx) does not look very good ...
Well, i will make a screenshot of my transmitted audio and maybe a screenvideo asap.
The spectra on https://github.com/F5OEO/rpitx really look awful, but it's all a matter of correct levels.
73, Martin
Maybe you can use an audio file with reduced bandwidh (max. 2,7 kHz). Are there other unwanted in- and outband signals in the rf spectrum?