How to access your <put name here> from Win10 via ssh without PuTTy, the easy way

  • Hi.

    You always struggle to remember ip-address and username for < what ever computer > when working with ssh? Have so many of them it became a PITA? Here is a solution.

    Win10 users (if you have installed the october 2018 update) have everything at hand. No need to install PuTTy. Just click START, then type powershell. A window will open , click on powershell.exe . You are now in the command line window. Type ssh pi@ (if you are accessing a raspberry with the ip-address You will be prompted for the password.

    Now quit the ssh-session by leaving your raspberry: Type quit.

    Boring so far, isn't it? You still have to remember ip and username. But wait..

    Type cd \users\your_username_on_your_win10\.ssh to enter the directory named .ssh

    Don't forget the dot before .ssh

    Type notepad to open notepad.exe . Fill in a list of all your computers, plutos or other ssh accessible machines, like this:

    Host raspi


    user pi

    Host pluto


    user root

    Host odroid


    user martin

    Host db0iuk

    Hostname # hamnet-ip obscured for safety

    port 1186 # if not using default ssh port 22

    user administrator


    Name this file "config" and save it under C:\users\<username>\.ssh . Windows always puts a file-extension after a filename, so after save, you must rename this file by hand from config.txt to config :

    ren config.txt config

    You're done.

    Next time you ssh to your raspberry, just open powershell, type "ssh raspi" and voila, you are connected to your machine and will be prompted for the password.

    73, Martin

    P.S. This also works if you access from a linux. The path to the file is /home/<user>/.ssh/config

    Apple runs sort of linux under it's shiny hood, so i think it will work the same, but not sure.