Posts by oh2uds

    Prototype-2 will be available when I get back home (we are still in out EU/TA QO-100 Rover Tour)

    in ATOLYE Team we decided to do some fixes and changes to the current design. Also I will have time for FW development when.I am back (not possible while driving 7-8 hours daily :)

    I will inform you here when news come out....

    Trying to make the prototypes ready for Friedrichshafen Hamradio 2024.... See you there on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock in our presentation

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    Any comments are welcome



    Here is a video (sorry, descriptions are in Turkish) showing our progress for the last few weeks.. Including a real over satellite test at the end....

    I would like to thank all who inspired and supported us.....

    Credits for (guido, arjante, klaus, barb, and all others...)

    N3B SDR Full Duplex VHF/UHF/SHF & QO-100 Transceiver Project
    N3B projesi ATOLYE grubu tarafindan 2024 yili calismalari kapsaminda devam etmekte olan 35 MHz - 3.5 MHz araliginda calismasi hedeflenen Full Duplex bir alic...

    Hi All,

    After many years we had time have some progress on our SDR Transceiver project mainly for use in QO-100 as a portable setup.

    The device idea was very old with using some up/down converters in first prototypes.

    When Guido release usdx, it changed the way of the project and also with Arjante's and Klaus's additions for raspberry pi pico and other our ideas evaolved to use this new PICO SDR architecture for our QO-100 SR Portable setup.

    The group (OH2UDS Baris, OH2CAV Burcu, WB2CBA Barbaros and TA7MVL Mevlut) started the new design concept last month and now we have the prototypes.

    The basic idea is to have a 10x10x10 (1U cubesat frame) transceiver which will have the following features:

    - Full duplex operation (separate TX and RX boards)

    - CW/AM/SBB modulation (maybe direct digital modes in future)

    - PA included (at least a few watts)

    - TFT color Display

    - Waterfall and spectrum of at least ~100Khz BW

    - Battery operated

    - All in one box that can be mounted to a portable dish

    - and so many features in mind

    Here I will put some initial prototype photos and inform you all for the progress whenever we have some time to work on project

    Anyone who would like to contribute to HW and/or FW is welcome...

    initial project files are at :

    GitHub - barisdinc/N3B_SDR_Transceiver_HW: V/U/SHF and QO-100 SDR Transceiver Project
    V/U/SHF and QO-100 SDR Transceiver Project. Contribute to barisdinc/N3B_SDR_Transceiver_HW development by creating an account on GitHub.

    Note : we're planning to have a presentation in

    HAM Radio Friedrichshafen | June 28-30, 2024 HAM Radio Friedrichshafen | June 28-30, 2024

    73's de TA7W/OH2UDS


    Hi Alex,

    You're right.... I would like to keep the hope that in this Software based radio they have the hardware in place but the software is limiting :)

    I am chasing for the service manual to see what the hardware side looks like, BEFORE OPENING IT :)

    I am really suprised that both 705 and 905 don't have the transverter frequency display function :(

    73's de TA7W/OH2UDS


    Nice, but unfortunately not usable for satellite operation as a standalone unit - not full-duplex.

    I was impressed with the frequency coverage of IC-905 and bought one this summer....

    It's the easy way to access higher bands where I had a lot of up/down converters and amplifiers in my setup (also pluto SDR with a lot of additional hardware) all replaced with this single unit....

    But, as Peter mentioned not having a dual watch capability is a bit limiting factor on practice... even on QO-100 with a modified LNB (directly IF to 70/13cm) its not easy to use, somehow I am used to full-duplex mode on satellite operation....

    I didn't have a chance to go through the schematics to see if this SDR radio can have a split full-duplex capability (transmitting on one band/antenna while receiving on other band/antenna)... But if ICOMreleases a firmware that can add this capability, this radio will be an EXCELLENT Satallite radio for LEO/GEO satellites as well.....

    Anyway, having access to higher bands easily for tetsing some homebrew is a good capability as well....

    Maybe we can push a few feature requests to ICOM like;

    - dual/split watch

    - DATV (at least with low symbol rates)

    - Xverter frequency display (I believe this is a missing must for IC-705/IC-905 to be used as IF radio)

    Does anybody have the maintenance/service manual or schematic details of IC-905 ?

    73's de TA7W/OH2UDS

    Baris Dinc

    Yes, I know that I was in the SSB part, because I was trying to show my friends from TA there I can get on to the bird with a minimal station.. Then while having the QSO with you I implemented the CW messenger on the radio (arduino).... I was not using a keyer but arduino code to transmit.. That's why I was late answering your.. Each reply I sent you, I had to compile it into the code and retune to the frequency...

    after your QSO I implemented/completed the CW message memories and storing/retrieving memory channels :)

    best regards and 73's

    de OH2UDS / TA7W


    Yess... and i am back again..

    Last night I did some experiments for the transmission part of out tiny project.

    I was able to accomplish a CW QSO with DF2ET df2et

    My setup was

    - an arduino + lcd + a keypad

    - adf4531 frequency generator

    - SKT65xx 1W amplifier

    - 30Meters of RF cable

    - a poty with dish

    - an arduino sketch based on F1CJN and Guido's (uSDX) code

    Current capabilities

    - Can generate 2.4GHz uplink signals (1Khz steps for now, can go below as well)

    - Have memory save/recall capabilities (10 channels)

    - Have 10 CW message memory tha t you can shoose from menu and transmit

    - 1 watt (guestimate) output

    - works with 5V USB

    Later to come soon:

    - port GUIDO's SSB approach from uSDX and si5351 to ADF4531

    73's de OH2UDS / TA7W


    Activity Announcement

    Dear HamRadio Friends,

    We, a group of Turkish Radio Amateurs, prepared an activity to be online on QO-100 Transponder with a special activity permission from Turkish Authorities on 28 May 2022 (2.4GHz hamradio band is not active in Turkey).

    We will activate a field-day/dx-pedition station in Maltepe/Istanbul at KN40nx. Our plan is to be more than 100 operators active on QO-100 SSB and DATV starting at 05:00 UTC until the end of the day 00:00 UTC.

    The activity will also include demonstration of 10GHz QSO, AMPR/AREDN and also will be active on HF/VHF/UHF as well.

    The callsign of the activity will be TC100QO, hope to catch you all on the satellite.

    73's de TA7W/OH2UDS

    Baris Dinc

    Activity Announcement

    Dear HamRadio Friends,

    We, a group of Turkish Radio Amateurs, prepared an activity to be online on QO-100 Transponder with a special activity permission from Turkish Authorities on 28 May 2022 (2.4GHz hamradio band is not active in Turkey).

    We will activate a field-day/dx-pedition station in Maltepe/Istanbul at KN40nx. Our plan is to be more than 100 operators active on QO-100 SSB and DATV starting at 05:00 UTC until the end of the day 00:00 UTC.

    The activity will also include demonstration of 10GHz QSO, AMPR/AREDN and also will be active on HF/VHF/UHF as well.

    The callsign of the activity will be TC100QO, hope to catch you all on the satellite.

    73's de TA7W/OH2UDS

    Baris Dinc

    OE6MUE Thanks for the info.. I real;;y spent sometime to see the difference... You have very good cats... Good eyes...

    Only by putting the spectrums on the top of each other, I managed to see the difference...

    I get this as a BUG request and on the way of fixing..


    Baris DINC


    And this is the second video with ADF4351 as a 1.1GHz Local Oscillator...

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    My goal for this weekend is to have it all in a tiny box....



    Hi all,

    A few months ago I started a Portable QO-100 transceiver project. I already presented it on Opensat Cubesat Workshop 2020.

    The project is going on very slow but there are some improvements that I wanted to share here so we can maybe continue on the project with all your help.

    A brief description about the project can be found in the following presentation :…reOSCW2020_barisdinc.pptx

    Now here is a working demo for the reception part.

    73's de TA7W/OH2UDS


    Hi All,

    I was very busy this week at work, so I didn't have time to work on this plugin when I am at home....

    For the frequency definitions I was planning to make it hard coded into the plugin that people can modify if needed.

    But then I decided to make it a predefined transponder and satellite channels (bouqet) definition and add it to system when installed. This way everybody can go and edit transponder/bouqets according to their setup.

    e.g if they are using a modified LNB or a different IF frequency. (like Michel's hb9dug situation)

    Any comments on this are welcome...

    maybe you are using a version that has "more" bugss.... wait for a while, I will do a new release..