maybe 0 - 1500Hz FT8 and 1500 - 3000Hz FT4 would make it less messy?
HV9TVM on QO100 now 10.489.675
10.489.595.000 WinLink/VARA-RMS CALL FR6ZCY ADRASEC 974 French EmCom Reunion Island LG78rq FR4KF
QO-1OO update:
Congratulations to Gopan V01/M0XUU for the 1st ever contact from Newfoundland, Canada on QO-100 in FT8. Yes, it is possible and will open up tremendous DX opportunities for folks in NA to get on QO-100 from Canada!
Is 10.489.544.000 new QRG for FT4 ??????
10.489.595.000 Mode VARA_SAT/VarAC- FR4KF/FR4LI LG78rq Reunion Island QRV VarAC EmCom NetWork
10.489.595.000 WinLink/VARA-RMS CALL FR6ZCY ADRASEC 974 French EmCom Reunion Island LG78rq FR4KF
If someone interested in QSL cards for ZY0FUN, ZP/PY2RN, PY2RN I can bring it to the ham radio fair in Friedrichshafen. Send me a note with our QSO details. Ed PY2RN
10,489,645,000 +- MODE BPSK-1000 every 1 hour HamRadio NEWS transmission lasting approx. 5 minutes
Alpha FLTA005 "Noise of Summer" launch ->
All QO.100 users please note that the LEILA Beacons will be turned off during the Ariane6 YPSAT flyover today. We will be tracking and receiving YPSAT telemetry/images with our 20m dish on 2.4 GHz and the QO-100 transponder uplink on the same would collide locally.
Dear all, the Ariane 6 launch window today is from 18:00h-22:00h GMT.
YPSAT fligh-over in Bochum will be 2h after the nominal launch at 20:00 UTC
Ariane 6 first flight (Official broadcast) ->
10.489.595.000 WinLink/VARA-RMS CALL FR6ZCY ADRASEC 974 French EmCom Reunion Island LG78rq
Active again in JM76db as 9H/VE4SW/p
10.489.645.000 +- MODE BPSK-1000 every 1Hour HamRadio QST transmission lasting approx.5 minutes
AMSAT-DL Symposium und Mitgliederversammlung:
Noch einmal zu Erinnerung, Eintritt zur Bochumer Weltraumtagung und AMSAT-DL Symposium ist natürlich frei. Wer am Samstagabend teilnehmen möchte, möge sich bitte hier vorher registrieren:…umer-weltraumtagung-2024/
19:19 UTC - WB Beacon Bouncing - Check it