The new version of Remote SDR v2 can process the Adalm-Pluto SDR in addition to HackRF or RTL-SDR. It introduces also NBFM transmission in addition to SSB,
Details are available here:
The new version of Remote SDR v2 can process the Adalm-Pluto SDR in addition to HackRF or RTL-SDR. It introduces also NBFM transmission in addition to SSB,
Details are available here:
In your Remote SDR it's possible to connect the Adalm Pluto to Orange PI by ethernet and not by USB?
Thanks in Advance.
For the moment I connect it only by USB.
Hi André.
I know your remote-SDR software currently "only" supports an interconnection between RPI and ADALM-PLUTO via USB. I don't know which protocol you have implemented, but do you have any plans to facilitate interfacing via Ethernet? I read a bit about another ADALM-PLUTO related project called "The Langstone Project". The interface-software developed for that project is based on Ethernet. The ADALM-PLUTO can be connected both via Ethernet-over-USB and Ethernet-over-UTP. All the code is on Github, just like yours.
Could you give it some thought?
I'd very much like to "remote" the ADALM-PLUTO close to the antenna but keep the RaspberryPI indoors...
Thanks & best 73s
Christiaan PA3FUN
Hello Andre',
I have connected a Pluto with Raspi 4, 8GB, 32GB SD, but cannot get the software to send. Rx is OK. What am I doing wrong?
73 Ulrich
I have the same problem as you with my Adalm Pluto. The reception is perfect but I can't transmit.
Have you found the solution?
73 Manu