Transporter-5 Mission

    • Official Post

    Transporter-5 ist SpaceX' fünfte spezielle Kleinsatelliten-Rideshare-Mission. An diesem Flug nehmen 59 Raumfahrzeuge teil, darunter CubeSats, Mikrosatelliten, nicht entfaltbare gehostete Nutzlasten und Orbital-Transferfahrzeuge.

    Einige der Satelliten senden auch auf Amateurfunkfrequenzen (teils mit, teils ohne IARU Koordination).…launch-25th-may-2022/9264

    • Official Post

    PLANETUM-1 wurde vor wenigen Minuten in Mexico in CW empfangen.

    Hier eine Beschreibung:

    Basic information for satellite reception

    Callsign: OK0PLA

    UHF Downlink frequency: 436.680 MHz +/- Doppler shift

    VHF Downlink frequency: 145.925 MHz +/- Doppler shift

    Modulation: GFSK, CW

    Encoding: G3RUH 9k6 baud

    Protocols: AX.25, Morse

    Transmitting power: 1W (30dBm)

    Onboard antenna: Dipole

    Antenna polarization: Linear

    Recommended TNC modem setup:

    PACLEN 255

    TXDELAY 15

    MYCALL [Your call sign]

    UNPROTO CQ (or callsign)

    Orbital parameters / Preliminary TLE

    Orbit: 500km SSO


    1 11111U 22999A 22145.81112100 .00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 00007

    2 11111 97.3620 258.5631 0005768 37.7809 329.2548 15.09638145100000

    Message types

    1. AX.25 TRX beacon packet

    2. AX.25 OBC beacon packet

    3. AX.25 PSU beacon packet

    4. AX.25 message

    5. CW data beacon

    6. CW message beacon

    7. Ground Station communication

    Transmission interval

    The packet and CW transmission intervals are following:

    OBC AX.25 beacon every 90s (UHF)

    PSU AX.25 beacon every 90s (UHF)

    TRX UHF AX.25 beacon every 60s

    TRX UHF AX.25 message every 300sTRX VHF AX.25 beacon every 180s

    TRX VHF Morse beacon every 180s

    There are offsets applied between transmissions.

    Example of decoded AX.25 TRX beacon packets

    Data in AX.25 TRX beacon packet values are comma-separated.

    1:Fm OK0PLA To CQ <UI R Pid=F0 Len=49> [16:02:13R] [AA] [+++++++]



    1. Beacon identification [U - UHF, V - VHF]

    2. Uptime since reset [in seconds]

    3. Uptime total [in seconds]

    4. Radio resets [count]

    5. Radio MCU act. temperature [0.01°C]

    6. RF chip act. temperature [0.01°C]

    7. RF power amplifier act. temperature [0.01°C]

    8. Digipeater forwarded message count

    9. Last digipeater user sender’s callsign [ASCII, 6 spaces means nobody yet]

    10. RX data packets (AX25 with CRC matched, includes CSP and digipeater packets)

    11. TX data packets (includes CSP and digipeater packets)

    12. Actual RSSI, ((value / 2) – 134)[dBm]

    13. Value of RSSI when carrier detected – after preamble ((value / 2) – 134)[dBm]

    Note: [0.01°C] means e.g. -1234 -> -12.34C

    Example of decoded AX.25 OBC beacon packets

    Data in AX.25 OBC beacon packet values are comma-separated.

    1:Fm OK0PLA To CQ <UI R Pid=F0 Len=64> [16:05:29R] [AA] [+++++++]



    1. OBC – Packet identification

    2. rst – OBC reset number

    3. uptime – Current uptime since last reset [s]

    4. totalUptime - Total OBC uptime cumulative [s]

    5. bat – Measured battery voltage [mV]

    6. tempMCU – OBC MCU temperature [0.01°C]

    7. tempBrd – OBC Board temperature [0.01°C]8. tempZn – Solar panel Z- temperature [0.01°C]

    9. tempXp – Solar panel X+ temperature [0.01°C]

    10. tempYp – Solar panel Y+ temperature [0.01°C]

    11. tempYn – Solar panel Y- temperature [0.01°C]

    12. tempXn – Solar panel X- temperature [0.01°C]

    13. tempZp – Solar panel Z+ temperature [0.01°C]

    14. freemem – OBC free storage [512B]

    Example of decoded AX.25 PSU beacon packets

    Data in AX.25 PSU beacon packet values are comma-separated.

    1:Fm OK0PLA To CQ <UI R Pid=F0 Len=46> [16:05:59R] [AA] [+++++++]



    1. PSU – Packet identification

    2. rst – PSU reset number

    3. uptime – Current uptime since last reset [s]

    4. totalUptime - Total uptime cumulative [s]

    5. bat – Battery voltage [mV]

    6. tempSys – System temperature [0.01°C]

    7. tempBat – Battery temperature [0.01°C]

    8. curIn – Battery current in [mA]

    9. curOut– Battery current out [mA]

    10. chStat – Bit-Masked channel status *

    11. sysState – System state **

    * Bit 0 - Channel 0, 0/1 - Off/On (channels from 0 to 6)

    ** 1 - Okay, 2 - Power saving, 3 - Power critical

    Example of decoded AX.25 message beacon packet

    1:Fm OK0PLA To CQ <UI R Pid=F0 Len=33> [16:01:38R] [AA] [+++++++]

    Planetum-1 greets you from SPACE!

    Example of CW data beacon

    According to radio amateur standards, every CW beacon (no matter if data or message beacon) starts with

    "DE ok0pla = " and ends with "ar".

    de ok0pla = u5433r126t29p30 ar


    1. Total uptime [minutes]

    2. Reset number

    3. Temp MCU [*C]

    4. Temp Radio PA [*C]

    u5433 = Uptime 5433 minutes

    r126 = 126 resets of downlink radio

    t29 = 29 degree of Celsius on DL radio MCU

    p30 = 30 degree of Celsius on DL radio PA

    Example of CW message beacon

    de ok0pla = morse test from earth ar

    • Official Post



    • Callsign: OH2F1S
    • Center Frequency: 437.125 MHz
    • Bandwidth: 20 kHz
    • Modulation: GMSK
    • Satellite TX power: 1.3 Watts
    • Symbol Rate: 9600 or 19200 sps
    • Polarization: Circular polarization
    • Framing: ASM (0x1ACFFC1D) + Golay24 + RS (255,223) (mode 5 compatible)

    more is here: