IU2KAC: here you go
Software DVB-S demodulator
Markro92 Hi this is my computer .. you said you did a new version 2.0.7 for the problems of Tony ik1hg in the message N #120 i, has this point will not present more info I do not know where the problem
I have a PC for 2 years but to see a DATV Beacon I don't go and get another PC now if I find some opportunities ok but new I don't think so I have 3 PCs 64 and a 32 thanks 73 Tony ik1hgi
Hey tony ik1hgi , can you contact me via skype..
i see that you are on skype..
have added you in skype...please accept invitation ..
maybe i can help you to see what is wrong..
my computer is about 6 years old , but it is working..
let see... 73 ciao
Version 2.0.8
Download: http://v.1337team.tk/dvb-s_gui_amsat.zip
- Fixed bad multithreading bug where the Demod Worker thread loses lock after changing the FFT Size slider.
- Fixed UDP packets not starting with sync byte 0x47 to increase compatibility with other software (thanks to evariste (f5oeo) for reporting)
- The same as above also applies to MPEGTS file recordings.
- The RF Filter slider is now only enabled for devices that support it.
Version 2.0.8
Download: http://v.1337team.tk/dvb-s_gui_amsat.zip
- Fixed bad multithreading bug where the Demod Worker thread loses lock after changing the FFT Size slider.
- Fixed UDP packets not starting with sync byte 0x47 to increase compatibility with other software (thanks to evariste (f5oeo) for reporting)
- The same as above also applies to MPEGTS file recordings.
- The RF Filter slider is now only enabled for devices that support it.
sono su skipe I activated skipe pronto 73 Tony ik1hgi
HI Markro92,
Ho provato la nuova versione (2.0.8), ma non riesco a decodificare i segnali inferiore a 1 MS ....Can you decode with low MS? ..
Would you be so kind to add Adalm Pluto support, please?
Tks, 73CT1BYM
Miguel -
Hi Miguel,
SDRPlay will be first, but i think i will implement the plutosdr too. Don't have one, depends on how clear the documentation / api description is.
I also think that i will allow raw sample input via UDP, to make everything more flexible. That should be useful for USRP type SDRs (or interfacing with GNURADIO)
Hi markro
Just a little question : i use a linux debian as OS and Your software works fine with the wine emulator but does not want to recognize my rtlsdr. How to configure the configuration file ?
Good job !
Jeff - F0FYF
HI Markro92,
Ho provato la nuova versione (2.0.8), ma non riesco a decodificare i segnali inferiore a 1 MS ....Can you decode with low MS? ..
Version 2.0.8 decoding fine for also low symbolrate's , use gardner filter(rb) instead of mueller and muller ted (wb) in time recovery window.. (up right)
Also for all symbolrate below 500 ,(333,250,125,66) i change the samplerate/bandwith to 960000 instead of 2400000. just for info
images from stations with rtl 2832u dongle decoded and this 2.0.8 version.G7JTT on 250 Ks , John , thanks for the test transmission on 250 Ks dvbs2
F3YX ON 333 Ks DVBS-2
DL9OBU richard with 500 KS DVBS2- MODE
first transmission from poland SQ6QV legnica on 250 ks
Helmut dg3khs cologne/keulen on 1000 Ks
Cpu is only intel pentium 3 model 3220 >> DUAL CORE and 8 RAM Memory ,
Antenna channel master 1,2 meter offset dish and the normal rtl dongle (dvbt-dab-fm..) rtl2832u /rt820t2 tuner inside.. used on the LATEST 2.0.8 version amsat-gui
The normal DRAM frequency from the DDR3 memory is 1333 mhz
Since it is dual core cpu , it is splitted into the half speed DRAM
computer since 2012 in use....PE1CHY , Rob only 5.5 db C/N (monitor batc) decoding on 1000 Ks
Ciao Nico,
Grazie per le informazioni.: Thumbup:
"cpu is only intel pentium 3"
Pentium 3 ?? the CPU from 1999??
ON7NDR: dindn't you say that you have a dual core i3 CPU?
Pentium 3 from 1999 can't be correct, that would surprise me :D:D:D
But thanks for sharing your results, glad to see it working so well
@F0FYF: Linux support is planned. I'm just mostly using windows 7, and i'm too lazy to do a port :O I'm using Qt5 as GUI Framework, which is very easy to compile on linux, the only problem is the platform specific assembler code, but changing that won't be taking a lot of time either. The libs for SDR I/O can be linked as shared library, i think every linux distribution atleast comes with librtlsdr. Using WINE is a great idea though, but i will definitely do a native linux build. When i'm testing this, it will probably be on ArchLinux.
Version 2.0.9 is out!
Download: http://v.1337team.tk/dvb-s_gui_amsat.zip
Huge performance gain for the DemodWorker (around 700% on my CPU)
This was the main bottleneck, and overall performance should be much better now for most users. I expect this release to run on much older PCs / laptops now, without overflowing the buffers.
- Finding the starting sequence of a DVB-S2 frame (SOF) is done by using a correlator that compares the incoming symbols with a fixed (previously known) sequence of symbols. The biggest performance gain was achieved by disabling it after detecting SOF, and re-enabling it inside the last payload slot.
- Replaced the PL-Scrambling sequence by a lookup table instead of calculating it on the fly.
- Optimized the code doing carrier recovery
- Threw out old debug code
Also... my SDRPlay (RSP1A) arrived today, so next Version will probably have support for it. k, that's it for now, and thanks for all your feedback!
La versione 2.0.8 è migliore!
Con la versione 2.0.9 il buffer si riempie e l'audio non è fluido.
Purtroppo ancora non decodifico i segnali RB-TV !!
Hai qualche suggerimento, grazie.
@IU2KAC: no timing lock. can you change the symbolrate slider slightly? That resets the timing recovery PLL. If you have timing lock, you should see that the number at the bottom of the screen (ksym/s) stays very close to the symbolrate you set with the slider. The other settings look good
@F0FYF: to your config file question: the only two options that exist are for the LimeSDR, and there are default values inside the config.ini.
Infine prima accoglienza a 1 MS / s !!
Hallo Marco,
ich habe gerade die aktuelle Version 2.0.9 ausprobiert, aber die Software findet meinen LimeSDR nicht.
Muss ich irgendwas besonderes einstellen, damit der Lime gefunden wird ?
Viele Grüße
DD1US: Ich nutze den LimeSDR hier schon seit längerem ohne Probleme, du hast sicher schon versucht den LimeSDR neu anzuschließen. Hatst du mal versucht die Firmware vom LimeSDR neu zu flashen? Meine war auch veraltet. Aber trotzdem komisch wenn der nicht in der Liste auftaucht. Ist das ein LimeSDR mini oder der normale? Und hat es mit einer älteren Version schonmal funktioniert?
Hallo Marco,
ja, es hatte mit dem gleichen LimeSDR bisher funktioniert. Er wurde immer erkannt. LimeSuite und SDR-Radio erkennen ihn auch einwandfrei (gleicher Rechner, gleicher Port).Ich habe vor ca. 3 Wochen die Firmware des Lime aktualisiert. Ich werde
aber mal schauen ob es mittlerweile etwas neueres gibt.Ich bin derzeit nicht zu Hause und kann daher alles nur remote testen.
Physikalisch den Port wechseln kann ich also momentan nicht.
Matthias DD1US