Oh well, indeed. I'll try to see if we can make this work.
Software DVB-S demodulator
Thanks Etienne!
I can also confirm it now works with cheap chinese sdrplay clone (bought for some 50 eur).
Oh well, indeed. I'll try to see if we can make this work.
I'm sorry it doesn't work on Win 10 the repeat command all the black schematic command doesn't work my use DVBS_GUI 100x100 excellent program with RTL-SDR key
73 Tony ik1hgi
Version 2.0.15
Download: http://v.1337team.tk/dvb-s_gui_amsat.zip
- Fixed crash after closing and re-opening PlotoSDR devices.
- Fixed LimeSDR filter bandwidth not being changeable
- Set the minimum frequency value for LimeSDR to 10MHz to prevent freezes.
- Updated SDRPlay API to version 3.06
- Fixed wrong DVB-S1 constellation derotatate behavior
- Made local oscillator frequency changeable in config
- Made the number of CPU cores being used for LDPC decoding changeable in the config file.
I need some feedback from the SDRPlay users. You need to update your API version to 3.06 to be able to use this release.
Otherwise, these are some long requested features, like some additional configuration for changing the display of local oscillator frequency.
Thanks for testing
@ok8kec: nice to hear
one small tip: for narrow signals like this, you can get a better constellation, if you increase the number of RRC Filter Taps. Also decrease loop damping and gain for carrier recovery after you have a lock to keep stability.
on7kec hihi
no problems i know but i want you quick inform and dont pay attension to the setting hihihi
so quick response there was on the 125k signals
greets to you
Are you thinking of releasing a linux version even reduced to rtl2832, I can test a beta version
nice software
73 f4fdw Laurent
ok, i'll try next week. Need to port some assembly code for that, linux x64 uses another ABI. But should be done fast. The rest is easily portable, because most SDR libs and Qt5 itself are not a problem.
btw: i also need some people with their AMD Ryzen Threadrippers testing multicore ldpc decoding
Hello everyone!
I'm new here on the forum.
Please ask me some questions, if it is possible to demodulate with this signal strength.
My reception is done with a 60cm antenna and simple PLN LNB and RTL SDR V3
Sadly the new Version has only very little improvements for users of "normal" RTL-SDR Sticks.
73s DB8TF
mein "rtl" lauf genau so wie mein sdr play kein underschied im empfang..
was ich mit mein sdrplay empfang geht genau so gut mit mein rtl stick
grussen Luc
Oh well, indeed. I'll try to see if we can make this work.
Version 2.0.15
Download: http://v.1337team.tk/dvb-s_gui_amsat.zip
- Fixed crash after closing and re-opening PlotoSDR devices.
- Fixed LimeSDR filter bandwidth not being changeable
- Set the minimum frequency value for LimeSDR to 10MHz to prevent freezes.
- Updated SDRPlay API to version 3.06
- Fixed wrong DVB-S1 constellation derotatate behavior
- Made local oscillator frequency changeable in config
- Made the number of CPU cores being used for LDPC decoding changeable in the config file.
I need some feedback from the SDRPlay users. You need to update your API version to 3.06 to be able to use this release.
Otherwise, these are some long requested features, like some additional configuration for changing the display of local oscillator frequency.
Thanks for testing
Version 2.0.15
Download: http://v.1337team.tk/dvb-s_gui_amsat.zip
- Fixed crash after closing and re-opening PlotoSDR devices.
- Fixed LimeSDR filter bandwidth not being changeable
- Set the minimum frequency value for LimeSDR to 10MHz to prevent freezes.
- Updated SDRPlay API to version 3.06
- Fixed wrong DVB-S1 constellation derotatate behavior
- Made local oscillator frequency changeable in config
- Made the number of CPU cores being used for LDPC decoding changeable in the config file.
I need some feedback from the SDRPlay users. You need to update your API version to 3.06 to be able to use this release.
Otherwise, these are some long requested features, like some additional configuration for changing the display of local oscillator frequency.
Thanks for testing
Hi Markro92 having an issue with v15
Hi Pat. The console output shows invalid modcode (reserved) due to bad PLHEADER decoding. That's because carrier recovery hasn't locked yet. The Problem is, that for the reserved modcodes, no constellation is known. That means, that only for the first 64 symbols of each DVB-S2 frame (the PLHEADER), carrier recovery is actually active. Which means, that it can take a bit of time for the demodulator to recover from this. I noticed this earlier, but it didn't persist for a long time. However, that's because i'm currently testing with relatively stong signals, but for weaker signals, this is far more noticeable. I'll try to fix this problem. The solution should be treating these modcodes as if they were QPSK, which would be better than ignoring them at all.
Hi Pat. The console output shows invalid modcode (reserved) due to bad PLHEADER decoding. That's because carrier recovery hasn't locked yet. The Problem is, that for the reserved modcodes, no constellation is known. That means, that only for the first 64 symbols of each DVB-S2 frame (the PLHEADER), carrier recovery is actually active. Which means, that it can take a bit of time for the demodulator to recover from this. I noticed this earlier, but it didn't persist for a long time. However, that's because i'm currently testing with relatively stong signals, but for weaker signals, this is far more noticeable. I'll try to fix this problem. The solution should be treating these modcodes as if they were QPSK, which would be better than ignoring them at all.
Hi Markro,I made test with the beacon comparing V14 to V15.I noticed that
V14 lock very quickly seems to be more sensible than V15. Actually V15 don't
lock at all here even with very strong signals I tested with my own signal at
13 db on BATC WB spectrum.
Thank you for your time and great software,best 73s.
Hi Markro
after very good results with sdr stick and sdrPlay i have a Pluto now...
no results after 2 days testing to receive datv grrrrrrrr (FMBroadcast,airband,2mtrs all ok)
Freq from 70Mhz on ok, second cpu ok....tested on 2 pc's same negativ results
Unfortunately the new version there are no improvements two days I do not receive normal RTL-SDR. I receive version 2.14 very well
74 Tony ik1hgi
Hi, think i found out what went wrong, can someone confirm?
I released a hotfix right now (build timestamp is 00:21:58)
There is another problem i noticed (atleast for PlutoSDR). Samples are being dropped when the program is resticted to only one or very few CPU cores. That's also happening when another program consumes CPU time, like watching stuff on youtube or twitch. I'm trying to find a solution for that right now.