Hi All
Since a few day I'm ready to receive DATV with my new MiniTiouner pro 2. The problem was, I couldn't use the original 5V LNB from PE1CMO with my Transverter. So I replaced that LNB with a GooBay LNB. But this LNB is not stabalized to use this LNB for SSB. So I received my first DATV picture with my new MiniTouner pro v2.
I had to fine a new solution. The solution now is to use the new KUHNE Down-Konverter with the BaMaTech DualFeed and down in the shack a splitter to receive the down-link signal (70cm) at the MiniTiouner pro and at the same time at the SDR-Play.
This solution is in proof-of concept status now and will be tested soon.
73 de HB9RYZ