DATV Easy 2.17 First duplex DATV codec H266

  • Hi,

    uploaded new version, DATV-NotSoEasy V0.8


    -Codec AV1 prepared

    -Now support for software encoding H.264/H.265 (libx264, libx265)!!! Tested up to 1500KS.

    -Better audio-codec, sounds much better now at low SR`s and is now adjustable in global configuration

    -Parameters adjusted, H.264/H.265/H.266 more stable @ higher SR`s and cutting szenes, tested up to 1000KS FEC 1/2, no drops anymore.

    -No need to switch on REMUX (DVB-Comp.) for H.264/H.265 @ high SR`s on Pluto anymore, stream is now ok.

    -2nd script to start MPV-Player.

    -Service-ID/Program/Provider adjusted, now correct displayed.

    -New versions of ffplay and ffmpeg.


    Happy testing!




  • Hi,

    uploaded DATV-NotSoEasy V0.9

    Release notes:

    -Restructured the program, outsourced all configuration parameters into config.ini

    -Implementation for saving parameters and restart easy/fast (params.ini)

    -Additional parameters added in a seperate configuration section, very flexible now

    -Added AC3 audio

    -Implementation of 8PSK and 16APSK, more flexible

    -Implementation of lower SR`s

    -Decreased the delay of H.264/H.265 and espacialy H.266@250KS and above, abt 6sec now (half the time as before)

    -Added audio synchronization

    -New versions of ffplay and ffmpeg


    Happy testing!

    Edit 29.04.2023 17:15 Found a bug, just uploaded a new version.




  • Hi,

    DATV-NotSoEasy V0.92 is now available.

    Release notes:


    -DATV-NotSoEasy now accepts streams via network (UDP,RTMP), stream input can be defined in config.ini

    -DATV-NotSoEasy now can directly play from files (mp3, mp4, and many more)

    -Implemented 3 profiles for fast start (start SET-FAVORITE.bat to edit the profiles).

    -Improved stability for H.266

    -PTT function, press Pause/Break to stop streaming, press enter to resume. This toggles TX ON/OFF. Be shure to focus the window of DATV-NotSoEasy.

    -Changed the default video device to "OBS Virtual Camera", this works with OBS 28 and higher, for OBS 27 with VC plugin try "OBS-Camera"

    -Increased quality, stability and performance at higher FPS, tested up to 60FPS

    -Adjusted selectable FPS to match OBS FPS, this minimizes the effect of duplicate frames and drops. Best is to set FPS in OBS to match selected FPS in DATV-NotSoEasy.

    This is not mandatory but it works best.

    -Modified settings for 35KS

    -Updated documentation with screenshots, now in a seperate "Documentation" folder



    Happy testing!




  • Hi, DATV-NotSoEasy V0.93 is now available.

    Release notes:


    -Initial release for Linux for test is included, working installation of FFMPEG on Linux is required

    -Added autoplay for file input

    -Renamed config.ini to config-tx.ini

    -Renamed all scripts for RX

    -Added config-rx.ini for receive

    -Added rx.ini for ffplay

    -New versions of ffplay and ffmpeg

    -Updated documentation

    -Updated parameters

    -Moved .ini files (except config-tx.ini and config-rx.ini) to ini folder

    -Moved some menues from the DATV-TX.bat and SET-FAVORITE.bat to .ini files

    -You now have the choice for free defined SR`s (25-3000Ks), choice "0" when asked for SR

    -Code optimization DATV-TX.bat and SET-FAVORITE.bat

    -Bugfix for START-FFPLAY.bat

    -Bugfix for SET-FAVORITE.bat


    Happy testing!




  • Hi,

    DATV-NotSoEasy V0.94 is now available.

    Release notes:


    -Support for new F5OEO-FW with MQTT

    -MQTT Browser added, starting automaticaly with DATV-NotSoEasy

    -MQTT Client added, install this first before using the new features (Mosquitto - mosquitto-2.0.15-install-windows-x64.exe)

    -With the new Pluto-FW, all parameters steered now by DATV-NotSoEasy. No need for a seperate Pluto-GUI which is non existent anymore.

    -DATV-TX.bat and SET-FAVORITE.bat updated

    -New windows for changing frequency, TX-power and PTT during transmit (on the fly, only with new Pluto-FW)

    -IP (GSE) support

    -Automatic set of right parameters for GSE when starting GSE-Mode

    -Firewall and port forwarding

    -Updated documentation with details regarding the new F5OEO FW



    Happy testing!




  • Hi,

    DATV-NotSoEasy 0.95 is available.

    Release notes:


    -Just a hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Another hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! This FW is available on request, just ask Evariste F5OEO !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Added a light version (DATV-TX-LIGHT.bat), just steering the Pluto without streaming. Can be done by OBS direct or something similar.

    -Parameters adjusted, videobitrate now possible down to 20kbit

    -Parameters adjusted, better performance now at SR`s > 1500KS

    -SR now up to 4000KS (makes only sense with new F5OEO FW and terrestical).

    -Bugfixes and improvement for scripts under \scripts (thanks for the hint Jacinto)



    Happy testing.




  • DATV-NotSoEasy V0.96 is now available.

    GSE now successfuly tested.

    Release notes:

    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.
    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! This FW is available on request, just ask Evariste F5OEO !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!
    -Added Longmynd switch in config-tx.ini (STARTLONGMYND=on) to switch on GSE RX in the Pluto. You need to connect a Minitiouner via USB-HUB to the Pluto.
    -Manual input for TX-frequency added (70Mhz-6Ghz), input in Hz
    -Manual input for RX-frequency added (Longmynd), input in kHz
    -3 Profiles for DATV-TX-LIGHT.bat added.
    -Profile editor for DATV-TX-LIGHT added.
    -Profile editors now also supporting free frequency input.
    -Longmynd RX is now controlled by DATV-NotSoEasy properly, you can also change the RX frequency and RX sample rate and on the fly.
    -RX and TX frequency in GSE-Mode can be steered independently even during operation (TX-Frequency window). Watch the result in the MQTT-Browser.
    -Sample Rate in GSE-Mode can be steered independently even during operation (TX-Frequency window). Watch the result in the MQTT-Browser.
    -Added RXOFFSET parameter in config-tx.ini to set the right LNB-Offset, Longmynd frequency calculated automatically.
    -Optimized and new parameters for GSE
    -Terminal rows extended to 64
    -Optimization of the code and restructuring
    -Updated documentation


    Happy testing




  • DATV-NotSoEasy V0.97 is now available.


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Set rxonfoff.ini to 0 if programm was not cleanly closed at the start of DATV-NotSoEasy

    -Bugfix for GSE - 8PSK and 16APSK

    -Bugfix setting Digital Gain

    -When runnimg GSE-Mode, you can restart with same parameters now

    -Added GSE-Mode to the profile editor

    -Now only 1 additional window:

    -New control.bat for DATV-NotSoEasy, Controls PTT, Gain, Digital Gain and Frequency out of one window, change every parameter on the fly during TX

    -New control-light.bat for DATV-NotSoEasy-Light, Controls PTT, Gain, Digital Gain, Frequency, Mode, SR and FEC out of one window, change every parameter on the fly during TX

    -Updated documentation (streaming from OBS) DATV-NotSoEasy-Light

    -Removed Digital Gain and window from config-tx.ini

    -GUI improved


    Happy testing




  • DATV-NotSoEasy V0.98 is now available.


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -DATV RX added, now works standalone without MT or OT, a MPV or FFPLAY window opens and the stream will be decoded.

    -LNB polarization and supply added (not working yet, but I think in later F5OEO FW it will)

    -DATV-Relay-Mode added (set RELAIS=on in Mosquitto settings section), RX on one frequency and TX on another. Parameters set automatically.

    -Deleted PLUTOMQTTIP in config-tx.ini, it was the same as PLUTOIP

    -Bugfix for SETUP.bat

    -New versions of FFMPG and FFPLAY

    -Renamed DSHOWBUF to RTBUF

    -New Gain Limiter, set PWRLIM=-xx to max. gain value

    -Restructuring of the code

    -Some minor fixes

    -Variable FEC is now handled correct

    -Improved H.266 handling with variable FEC, not hangs anymore, better video quality

    -Improved SET-FAVOTITE.bat

    -Improved SET-FAVORITE-LIGHT.bat

    -VBR implementation, this works only in variable FEC !!! Try a medium FEC, high FECRANGE and watch the buffers in the Pluto. VBR causes high bitrate peaks!!!!

    -Actual parameters now shown in the control window

    -When a favorite is called, now parameters are also stored in the "Last run"

    -Corrected a mistake in the frequenzy table

    -RTMP implementation

    -Linux version 0.98 added

    -Removed 4K for audio, new 48K instead

    -Changed config-txt.ini and DATV-TX.sh, now UDP, RTMP and FILE have own variables, change only INPUTTYPE= required

    Download: Download

    Happy testing!




  • DATV-NotSoEasy V0.99 is now available.


    -This is the last Beta, the development is done. All parameters now should be ok.

    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Hint for the Linux version: The Nvidia HW-Encoder have shaping issues with some FFMPEG versions. As a workaround additional headroom was added (VBITRATE).

    When possible, use software encoding (libx).

    -Added calculation for DVB-S

    -Default value changed: BUFFACTOR=1

    -Improved stability for Nvidia HW-Encoding H.264/H.265

    -Improved stability for H.266-Encoding

    -Improved stabitity at low SR`s/Video Bitrate

    -Adjusted the calculation for Video Bitrate!!!

    -Quality review


    Happy testing!




  • DATV-NotSoEasy V1.0 is now available.

    After round about half a year of development the betaphase is now over, puuuuh.

    Many thanks to all contributors and betatesters!


    -Hint: Always quit DATV-NotSoEasy by pressing "q", not only close the window. Otherwhise depending windows will not be closed automatically.

    -Hint: When you enable "FW=yes" you must use the brand new F5OEO FW !!! Set "FW=no" with all other FW versions !!!

    -Hint for the Linux version: The Nvidia HW-Encoder have shaping issues with some FFMPEG versions. As a workaround additional headroom was added (VBITRATE).

    -Changed PCRPERIOD=40 to PCRPERIOD=20 to prevent timing errors

    -Added GAINVARIABLE to enable variable gain

    -Added a startup delay of 2s to CONTROL.bat and CONTROL-LIGHT.bat to load right parameters from params.ini

    -Added more features to CONTROL.bat/sh and CONTROL-LIGHT.bat/sh, Advanced options - FECMODE, FECRANGE, AGCGAIN and GAINVARIABLE can be changed on the fly

    -Added a installation script for Linux

    Have fun.



