Evariste has just updated the firmware with the latest 2 changes a little while ago, if you redo the download you have everything updated.
Roberto IS0GRB
Evariste has just updated the firmware with the latest 2 changes a little while ago, if you redo the download you have everything updated.
Roberto IS0GRB
There is something wrong in the latest update. Narrow Band reception is compromised.
Hi try to set the Force compliant h265 parameter in ON
Simply patching the previous pluto.frm version is working ok, so I presume the latest pluto.frm is broken somewhere.
What do you mean by compromised ? Not working at all ? Which Sdr software for reception ?
@:F5OEO now everything ok works no error save personal data setting I turned off the pc and pluto now ok
thanks to Roberto is0grb e F5OEO Evariste
73 ik1hgi Tony
Hi robert, i have tried again and here it works fine.
I can suggest you to update the page with CTRL+F5 and not only F5 or to clean the cache by going to the options of your browser and selecting clean navigation data including cookies.
To insert the latest changes it was necessary to insert other data that are stored in the sequence of the form data, it is possible that your old cookie stored does not have these data in sequence.
Some other colleague had the same problem and doing the cache cleanup works perfectly.
When you click the Apply in the form data, a cookie is stored in the browser that maintains a sequence of set data.
See my attach, the form is OK also clicking in the spectrum segment
I hope this solve your problem
Roberto IS0GRB
Hello Roberto, tnx for the hints, but still not work.
I tried all, deleted also the cookies and cashes.
frequency takeover from the right window does not work.
Still NaN as result ....
I use chrome as standard, tried also with firefox, same result.
73´s de Robert
Ok Robert I'm sorry, it's very strange.
I can still suggest you now to restart the Pluto and the pc, also Evariste F5OEO have carried out several tests without problems.
We will do other checks to understand what the problem could be
I´m in concact with DD0CW this moment, he observes the same problem.
Restart PC, Pluto also done ....
still no frequency takeover
We also saw that some pluto needed to update twice and it solved the problems
Hope this can help you
Roberto IS0GRB
Second installation did not solve the problem ..
Im still on Pluto Firmware 0.31
Maybe this will be a problem?
The latest firmware created by Evariste are based on Adalm 0.32, be sure to update from the pluto.php page below you will find the upgrade section
Hm, now an other try...
on my shack Pluto (also Adalm 0.31) connected via USB, pluto.frm installed via USB is working correct .... !
On my DAVB PLUTO near the dish, connected via Ethernet, pluto.frm installe via the ADALM-PLUTO DATV Controller did still not work correct.
Any Idea?
73´s de Robert
Update: Have now both PLUTO in the Shack, firmware update via USB Port.
On one the frequency takeover is ok. on the other PLUTO it did not work.
de Robert
problem solved. I flashed back to an old pluto.frm from dez. 2019.
The agn the actual pluto.frm from yesterday.
Now the frequency takeover is ok.
maybe some data waste in the folder ...
tnx for your help
73´s de Robert, DD4YR
Easier way of updating a firmware is using the web page http://pluto.local/pluto.php : upload a new firmware or patch.
Choose your pluto.frm file then press button upload...that's it. It works over usb and over ethernet and you will not have the size issue.
Easier way of updating a firmware is using the web page
... did not solve in my case. I tried this first.
some old waste files will be not deleted during this process ...
I think it will be usefull if there is a routine installed which removes all not necessary files from old versions from the PLUTO before reinstall ?